FT中文网(http://www.FTChinese.com) 是英国《金融时报》集团旗下唯一的中文商业财经网站,旨在为中国商业菁英和决策者们提供每日不可或缺的商业财经新闻、深度分析以及评论。
FT中文网(http://www.FTChinese.com) 是英国《金融时报》集团旗下唯一的中文商业财经网站,旨在为中国商业菁英和决策者们提供每日不可或缺的商业财经新闻、深度分析以及评论。凭借英国《金融时报》遍布全球的丰富报道资源,FT中文网深入分析对中国经济和全球商业具有影响力的重大事件,并揭示事件的来龙去脉,以真正富有国际视野的权威报道成为中国高级管理人员“必读”的商业财经资讯网站。FT中文网目前拥有逾260 万注册用户,移动产品已覆盖iOS、Android、Windows和Kindle系统。同时,FT中文网不断扩展在商业教育与行业研究领域的服务,推出教育类付费产品“FT商学院”iPad App与智库类付费产品“FT研究院”。
About the FTChinese.com
FTChinese is the Financial Times' Chinese language website, providing unrivalled news and information to China's top business executives and decision makers. The FT’s international team of journalists has access to senior corporate executives and politicians both in China and around the world, making it a must read for China's business leaders. FTChinese has over 2.60 million registered users and is also available via iOS, Android, Windows and Kindle platforms. The FTChinese MBA iPad App, a creative education tool with tailored training courses using FT content, was chosen by Apple for the App Store China’s “Best of 2012”. The FTIntelligence, a new research service, monitors and analyses trends and changes in China's consumer markets.