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Smaato是全球领先的实时竞拍移动广告交易平台,致力于帮助全球的移动应用开发者增加广告收入。作为行业的先行者和领导者,Smaato已经发展成为一家连接了多达90,000位开发者的广告交易平台和供应方平台。公司拥有全球性的触达范围和广泛的需求合作伙伴网络,可为大量各式各样的广告商带来单一的集成能力。Smaato 在世界各地每天最多管理 60 亿广告,每月涵盖超过 8 亿移动用户。

Smaato 的全球总部位于美国加州旧金山。这家私企于 2005 年由一支经验丰富的国际管理团队创立。Smaato 欧洲办事处位于德国汉堡,亚太地区办事处位于新加坡。

About Smaato

Smaato is the leading global real-time advertising platform for mobile publishers and app developers. Smaato runs the world’s largest independent mobile ad exchange and has been pioneering innovative, mobile-first solutions for publishers since 2005. Smaato’s SPX is a global, intelligent and free to use self-service platform & ad server that brings native, video and real-time advertising to over 90,000 mobile app developers and publishers. The company’s worldwide reach and extensive network of demand partners provides a massive variety of advertisers with one single integration. Smaato manages up to 10 billion ads every day around the world, across over 1 billion mobile users each month.




Malcolm 自 2005 年进入移动市场营销领域。他为领先的移动互联网广告公司、媒体代理、社交媒体网站和移动门户建立移动广告渠道,在这一方面拥有丰富经验。

他是该领域的先行者之一,早在 2005 年就开始销售移动 Web 横幅。作为 Buzzcity 国际合作伙伴关系总监,他负责全球外部合作伙伴关系、社区市场营销和移动互联网广告,并领导亚洲销售和市场营销团队的运营。

他还负责全球及亚洲市场以及 Zing Mobile 和 24 Mobile Advertising Solutions 等公司的销售和市场营销项目,专注于帮助拥有技术解决方案的全球大中型企业在移动设备上与消费者通信并进行市场营销。

Malcolm 还是一名基层领导者,他积极参与新加坡人民协会,是丹戎巴葛民众俱乐部的领导者之一。

Malcolm Wong

Managing Director, APAC

Malcolm has been in Mobile Marketing since 2005. He has extensive experience setting up Mobile Advertising channels for leading mobile Internet advertising companies, media agencies, social media sites and mobile portals.

He was one of the pioneers in the space, starting to sell Mobile Web banners as early as 2005. As Director, International Partnerships for Buzzcity, he was responsible for global external partnerships, community marketing, and Mobile Internet Advertising, and headed the operations of Asia Sales & Marketing team.

He was also responsible of sales and marketing projects globally and in the Asian markets as well for companies like Zing Mobile and 24 Mobile Advertising Solutions, focusing on enabling global, large and medium companies with technology solutions to communicate and market to consumers on mobile.

Malcolm is a grassroot leader, being also deeply involved in Singapore People’s Association, as one of the leaders of the Tanjong Pagar Community Club.

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