联合利华(Unilever China)是世界上最大的日用消费品公司之一。我们的14个品类的400个品牌畅销全球170多个国家和地区,产品覆盖食品、家庭护理及个人护理产品。每天有20亿人在世界各地使用联合利华的产品。联合利华在华累计投资约10亿美元,并引进了100多项先进的专利技术。旗下品牌奥妙、中华、力士、旁氏、清扬、夏士莲、凌仕、立顿、家乐以及和路雪等,已成为广受喜爱的品牌。联合利华大中华区总部位于上海,并在上海成立了其全球六大研发中心之一的联合利华全球研发中心(上海)。联合利华中国直接雇佣了大约5,000多名中国员工,间接提供了20,000个就业机会。
About Unilever
Unilever is one of the world’s biggest consumer product companies. With 400 brands spanning 14 categories of home, personal care and foods products in over 170 countries, no other company touches so many people's lives in so many different ways. On any given day, two billion people use our products. From feeding your family to keeping your home clean and fresh, our brands are part of everyday life. The breadth of Unilever’s involvement in China has added up to US$1 billion in investment, and the introduction of over 100 advanced technologies. Our brand portfolio, including OMO, Zhonghua, Lux, Pond’s, Clear, Hazeline, Lynx, Lipton, Knorr and Wall’s, is much loved and trusted by Chinese consumers. Now, Unilever has set up in Shanghai its Greater China headquarters and Unilever R&D Center Shanghai, one of its six global research centers.