蔡易承Ethan Tsai

蔡易承Ethan Tsai

蔡易承 Ethan Tsai



蔡易承2010年联合创办精硕科技, 主要负责企业策略规划,扩建客户及合作伙伴群体,以及建立管理团队及服务标准。成功带领团队获得知名风险投资金沙江创业的融资。并在公司业务拓展方面以每年4-5倍的速度稳步增长。目前公司服务超过300家广告主,其中包括雅诗兰黛、麦当劳、一汽大众、宝洁、海尔、飞利浦和伊利。精硕科技已经发展成为国内最大的专业独立第三方全流程监测评估服务提供商。蔡易承1997年-2008年,曾在台湾、日本、韩国等地的医疗行业、金融行业、医药行业、互联网行业创业多次。随后,成功运作了商用不动产的互联网租用、买卖项目;BBS商业化运作项目;高端艺术品管理项目。专长商务模型设计、财务管理以及业务拓展。

Ethan co-founded AdMaster in 2010 and was responsible for corporate strategy, client and partnership development, management structure and service standard. Soon he led his team to acquire investment from GSR Venture. He is also improving AdMaster’s business by establishing long-term relationship with over 300 leading enterprises, such as Estée Lauder, McDonald’s, Volkswagen, P&G, Haier, Phillips and Yili, which helps AdMaster’s revenue grow by about 500% annually. Now AdMaster has become China’s largest independent 3rd party service provider for integrated ad monitoring and evaluation. From 1997 to 2008, started his own business in medical treatment, finance and internet in regions such as Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and South Korea with significant accomplishments. During his career, he accumulated rich experience in medical and beauty projects, commercial real-estate internet leasing and trade, BBS commercialization, high-end artwork management, and other market research projects. His specialties lie in business model design, financial management and business development.