About Xiaomi Marketing
Xiaomi Marketing is a subsidiary of Xiaomi, which is committed to providing intelligent mobile marketing solutions for the majority advertisers.
Based on 24-7 real time data from Xiaomi smart hardwares and the ability of identify different marketing scenes, Xiaomi Marketing is able to provide all-sense marketing solutions and an integrated and intelligent advertising service that will continue to influence the minds of consumers.

陈高铭先生任小米公司广告销售部总经理,负责小米公司及整体生态的广告销售。推 动小米智能生态营销的商业化模式的创新与探索。
在中国互联网及数字广告市场有着超过15年的从业经历,见证中国社交媒体的发展变 迁。对商业趋势和营销行业有深入和独特的视角与洞察。于2016年1月加入小米,凭借小 米全场景、大数据、IoT上的优势,带领团队打造出多个广告商业化的经典案例,例如跨 天气、音乐、运动等多场景的定制,彪马手机主题,以及创新性的KFC会叫鸡的冰箱、高 互动性的优悦水手环提醒饮水等IoT案例。特别是在OTT大屏时代,在保护用户体验的前 提下,推动小米OTT广告的商业化,带领团队把小米OTT广告做到行业领先。
Q Chen
GM of Advertising & Sales Dept., Xiaomi Inc.
Q Chen is the GM of Advertising & Sales Dept., Xiaomi Inc., and in charge of developing innovative commercialization for Xiaomi Intelligent Eco Marketing. With his 15+ years experience in mobile internet and digital marketing in China, he has been making a great progress through Xiaomi’s strengths of omni-scenario, big data, and IoT. He has led the department accomplish multiple edging cases, such as Puma mobile theme on weather, music, and sports apps which echoed with present scenario; IoT applications which included the innovative KFC “Chicken Please” – the smart fridge which ordered KFC with voice control, and the interactive Master Kang bottled water reminder through Mi bands. Meanwhile, Q has been working on the commercialization on OTT, the Internet TV, under the premise of protecting user experience. With his leadership and penetrating insight, Xiaomi OTT ad business has achieved significant performance in the market.