DeepZero is developed from iPinYou, the brand of “iPinYou” has been upgraded to “DeepZero” in August 2019. Meanwhile, iPinYou remains as the martech sub-brand of DeepZero. DeepZero has powerful, secure and reliable intelligent decision and data processing capabilities based on machine learning algorithms and big data analytics and offers products for diverse sectors including marketing, government and finance. While consolidating the presence of its existing businesses, DeepZero is foraying into more industries with AI solutions for a broad range of decision-making scenarios. iPinYou, the sub brand of DeepZero, is a leading MarTech brand in China which combines “Artificial Intelligence and brain-inspired intelligence” to enable intelligent marketing for more companies and help them implement large-scale personalized consumer-centric brand communications with efficient marketing and media campaigns.
曾任职于宝洁集团市场部,负责品牌营销工作;其后在世界顶级咨询公司麦肯锡,为诸多一流企业进行企业战略及营销决策咨询。作为人工智能决策的积极推动者,黄晓南担任哥伦比亚大学数据科学研究院DSI( Data Science Institute )顾问、中国人工智能产业发展联盟理事等职务。
Grace Huang
Founder &CEO of DeepZero
Grace takes full charge of strategic planning and operational management of DeepZero. She is a branding and marketing expert, among the first to introduce behavioral targeting, RTB and DSP advertising concepts into the Chinese market. She has worked for Procter & Gamble Group (P&G) Marketing Department in the United States, and was in charge of brand marketing. With abundant branding and marketing experience, she then joined the world’s top consulting firm McKinsey and provided marketing strategy consultation to many world-class enterprises.
Grace graduated from Peking University, majoring in Law and English, and then got her MBA from UCLA.