亿道(PerforMad)是一站式ROI 优化平台,以广告主利益优先,通过领先的移动端追踪归因和优化技术,帮助App开发者最大化提升ROI。
亿道(PerforMad)是一站式ROI 优化平台,以广告主利益优先,通过领先的移动端追踪归因和优化技术,帮助App开发者最大化提升ROI。拥有Facebook和Google的一级代理资质,并整合80多家海外优质渠道,实现一站式跨渠道优化。多年全球移动应用推广经验,成功出海1000+App,海外投放国家超过225个,每月管理的海外投放预算超3000万美金。
About PerforMad
PerforMad is One-Stop platform for ROI optimization.
Based on the Advertisers’ interest, we use advanced technologies of conversion attribution and cross-channel optimization to maximize the ROI for App developers.
We are qualified as a first-class agency of Facebook, Google and are integrated with more than 80 overseas channels for one-stop cross-channel optimization.
Having years of experience in global mobile application promotion and with access to mobile inventory across 225+ countries, we have helped promoting more than 1000 Apps successfully. The monthly budget of project management is over 30 million dollars.

阮长俊(Charlie Ruan)先生于2007年4月加入亿动广告传媒(Madhouse Inc.),负责业务拓展的相关工作。他对移动营销的市场拓展有敏锐的洞察力。在其带领下,公司移动广告品牌广告业务逐年翻番,始终占据国内移动营销品牌广告业务市场份额领头地位。2012年,他成功将公司的业务结构由单纯的国内品牌广告拓展至海外效果类推广,实现了连年销售业绩100%以上的增长,助力公司的国际化发展。
阮长俊(Charlie Ruan)先生拥有法国CEFAM商学院MBA学位,英国牛津布鲁克斯大学计算机硕士学位以及交通大学国际贸易学士学位。
Charlie Ruan
Mr. Charlie Ruan is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Madhouse Inc., the leading mobile ad platform company worldwide. He joined Madhouse in April 2007 and was responsible for business development. He has acute insight in the mobile marketing industry and under his leadership Madhouse’s revenue in terms of brand advertisers has achieved double-digit growth year-on-year, with the highest share in the domestic market. In 2012, he successfully expanded the business structure from solely serving brand advertisers to promoting app developers in overseas markets, helping to achieve 100% annual business growth and develop the company’s internationalization strategy.
Mr. Charlie Ruan completed his MBA Foundation Course from CEFAM in France and got his Master degree of MSc in Computing Course from Oxford Brookes University in UK after he graduated from Jiao Tong University with a Bachelor degree in International Business.