林妤真(Annabel Lin)Google中国 销售副总裁

林妤真(Annabel Lin)Google中国 销售副总裁

林妤真(Annabel Lin)

Google中国 销售副总裁

林妤真 (Annabel Lin),现任Google中国销售副总裁。林妤真拥有超过15年的数字营销经验,主要专注于数字媒体的发展和管理。林妤真的职业生涯始于数字品牌策略规划,随后担任过涵盖行销策略、业务管理、战略发展等领域的一系列职务,在担任Google中国销售副总裁之前,她在 Google 中国负责管理过多个业务团队,包括带领Google大客户部渠道及品牌团队,为国内知名的品牌客户及广告代理商提供全面的数字营销解决方案,让营收在2015年有接近三倍的年成长。也负责领导过 Google大中华区开发者的开拓以及既有开发者关系的建立和维护。通过Google的技术和广告变现解决方案,推动开发者的数字化变革;结合在大客户部渠道总经理的经验,建立Google与数字营销及移动生态系统(包含开发者及广告主)之间的良性联系。

Annabel Lin is the Director of Sales of Google China. Annabel has over 15 years of digital marketing experience, specializing in managing digital media business and operations. She started her career in digital brand strategy & planning, and developed into a series of roles that cover marketing strategy, business management, and strategic partnership development, and so on. Prior to her appointment as the Director of Sales in Google China, she led different teams within Google – she led the China agency team to provide comprehensive digital solutions to the top media agencies in China and delivered triple business growth in 2015. She also had experience in building strategic partnerships with key publishers and developers for monetization solution. Building on her previous experience with key advertisers, she continues to advocate building a healthy digital/data ecosystem in the market.


Google成立于1998年, 致力于通过创新的产品和技术为全球用户和企业服务。我们的使命是整合全球信息,使人人皆可访问并从中受益。从创立至今,Google已成长为在全球40多个国家和地区拥有70多个办公室的全球科技领导者。在中国,Google以创新的思维,前瞻的视野,不断帮助推动中国经济、文化、开发者和互联网行业的发展。


了解更多,请访问: https://www.google.com.hk/intl/zh-CN/about/

About Google China

Founded in 1998, Google focuses on providing a variety of services for people and businesses around the world. Our mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Since its inception, Google has grown to a global technology leader with more than 70 offices in more than 40 countries around the globe. In China, Google keeps contributing to China’s economy, culture, developer’s and internet industry with forward insight and innovative thinking.

In today’s globalization and digitalization process, Google helps Chinese customers achieve a win-win situation in their global and local business via solid action. Google also provides a healthy ecosystem for Chinese developers and supports them build successful businesses in every steps of innovations. Moreover, Google is a cultural contributor through supplying a platform to preserve and promote Chinese cultural and historic treasure to art-lovers globally. Google fosters moonshot thinkers by promoting innovation and entrepreneurship spirit within the China’s tech industry and strong support of programs that cultivate talented technology professionals.