通知:MMA中国无线营销论坛2015暨无线营销大奖颁奖典礼 在线注册开始!
亲爱的各位MMA中国会员 大家好!
由MMA中国主办的 MMA中国无线营销论坛2015、Smarties TM 无线营销大奖颁奖典礼 即将于8月14日在 上海明天广场JW万豪酒店盛大召开!
MMA 论坛系列”从2005年 开始每年在纽约、伦敦、新加坡、洛杉矶、迈阿密、西班牙、印度、越南、巴西等地举办, 是聚集全球无线广告精英和高层决策者的顶级盛会。作为“MMA 论坛系列”的一部分,由 MMA中国营销创新联盟主办的“MMA无线营销论坛上海2012”获得近600位来宾,“MMA 无线营销论坛北京2013”获得逾800位来宾,“MMA无线营销论坛上海2014”获得超过700位来宾。MMA无线营销论坛中国系列,遴选最强大的演 讲嘉宾阵容,精选最具价值的演讲内容,获得两千名以上观众的高度认可,是中国无线营销行业 最高品质的盛会。
另外,再次提醒大家注意:1.非会员在线报名,要求必须为会员单位邀请,且将占用会员单位受邀请名额。如无推荐单位,请联系MMA进行购票 mma@madhouse-inc.com
The Mobile Marketing Association is bringing our premier mobile marketing & advertising forums to Shanghai this year, presenting theJW Marriot Hotel Shanghai at Tomorrow Square. The Forum is followed by the Smarties ™ China 2015Awards Ceremony.
The MMA Forum series has become the leading global platform for brands, agencies and publishers to share their experiences and success in mobile marketing. As a part of the MMA Forum series, MMA Forum in China has established itself as the premier event for marketers who want to fully embrace, utilize and execute marketing campaigns that truly allow them to meet and exceed their marketing objectives. Organized by MMA China, MMA Shanghai 2012 had 600 attendees ,MMA Beijing 2013 over 800 attendees, MMA Shanghai 2014 had over 700 attendees.
Registration for the Forum is open
All MMA China member companies will receive 8 free passes to the Forum, please register online according to your quota.
You can find the event introduction, speakers bio and agenda on the page