DotC United Group

DotC United Group

DotC United Group 简称DUG



DotC United Group 是一家通过创建和构造互联网平台来应对全球化挑战和简化出海过程的技术型公司。依托多年累积的本地化、数据驱动解决方案和多样化渠道经验,DotC United Group能够通过结构化和系统化的规划和执行,简化CTW(中国式出海)的进程,通过聚焦全球化过程中客户(企业和用户)的痛点,提供有竞争力的、差异化的产品和解决方案,为客户创造价值,实现多赢。









Avazu是全球最大的移动广告平台之一,同时也是程序化广告的先行者。Avazu为广告商提供一站式效果营销解决方案(按效果付费), 也为开发者和发布商提供完善的变现产品。Avazu广告平台每天处理200亿次以上展示曝光,并且有能力通过自有的预测引擎来计算每秒100万次以上展示曝光(QPS) 的价值。旗下包括Avazu APX、Avazu aNative、Avazu DSP和Avazu Media Buying四大业务。




DotC United Group is a technology company which creates and architects internet platforms to tackle globalization challenges and simplify complexities in the globalization process. Utilizing years of experience in localization, data-driven solutions, and diversified distribution channels, DotC United Group services can simplify CTW (China to the World) process through structured and systematic planning and execution. We provide competitive and differentiated products and solutions by focusing on the pain points of the clients (companies and users) during globalization, and create values for clients to achieve a multi-win.

Our products include:

User Ecosystem

DotC APPS Matrix

Unique Audience & Unprecedented Reach

Affiliated to DotC United Group, Dotc APPS Matrix has a proprietary user base of overhundreds of millions of installs, and aims to better user experience via the simplest design.

Big Data & Programmatic Advertising

Avazu Advertising Platform

Programmatic Ad Solutions for Advertisers & Developers

Avazu is one of the leading mobile advertising platforms globally and an early adaptor of programmatic advertising technologies. Avazu provides advertisers a one-stop performance solution, and offers publishers and developers a full range of custom-made monetization products. Avazu’s ad platform has a coverage of over 20 billion ad impressions everyday, and is capable to process more than 1 million ad requests every second (QPS) with its proprietary prediction engines. Avazu owns Avazu APX, Avazu aNative, Avazu DSP and Avazu Media Buying.

BI Platform

Data Security and Business Intelligence

BI platform aims to extract, analyze and predict large sets of big data to make each ad spend dollar more efficient. It manages, tracks and prevents potential data security issues by technology.


DotC United Group 创始人& CEO

石一是科技创业公司DotC United Group的创始人& CEO。目前旗下产品包括用户生态(DotC 应用矩阵)、广告大数据(覆盖全球的程序化广告解决方案的广告平台Avazu,数据安全与商业智能数据BI平台)。2014年,石一创立全球手游发行平台Teebik,专注海外移动游戏发行及运营,为国内外优质手游研发商提供专业化的运营平台及定制级的发行服务。2015年,石一将Avazu广告业务出售给A股上市公司天神娱乐(002354),Avazu广告业务仍继续由石一本人管理。2017年,石一将Avazu私有化,投资注入DotC United Group。同时,DotC United Group入选2017年全球独角兽企业行列。石一本人已经三次荣登福布斯亚洲和中国30位30岁以下创业者榜单,《财富》2016 “中国40位40岁以下商界精英榜”,以及《胡润》2017 “30X30创业领袖”。

Yi Shi

DotC United Group.

Founder & CEO

Yi Shi is the founder & CEO of technology company DotC United Group. The company is a spin-off of Avazu Holding (which is still owned by Shi) and owns now User Ecosystem(DotC APPS Matrix)、Big Data & Programmatic Advertising(mobile advertising platform Avazu,  business intelligence platform).In 2014, Shi founded Teebik which focuses on global mobile game publishing and operating, providing professional operation platform and customized publishing services to high quality mobile game developers at home and abroad. In 2015, Shi sold Avazu’s advertising assets to Shenzhen-listed gaming company Zeus Entertainment (002354) to realize a reverse merger IPO onto China’s A-Share, and he continued to oversee Avazu’s advertising operations. In 2017, he privatized Avazu from A-Share and injected all its assets into DotC United Group. As the same time,DotC United Group was recognized as “unicorn”.Shi is recognized 3 times by Forbes as one of China’s and Asia’s top 30 under 30 entrepreneurs, made to 2016 Fortune China 40 Under 40, and Hurun 30 Under 30 for China 2017.