2020 MMA中国无线营销论坛


2020 中国无线营销论坛 将于9月9日在上海凯宾斯基酒店盛大举行。今年论坛主题将围绕“数字重塑 | 2020”展开。



今年的MMA IMPACT中国论坛将围绕中国的数字营销新面貌深入探讨品牌和广告领域的变革。

“MMA 论坛系列”从 2005 年开始每年在纽约、伦敦、新加坡、洛杉矶、迈阿密、西班牙、印度、越南、巴西等地举办,是聚集全球无线广告精英和高层 决策者的顶级盛会。作为“MMA论坛系列”的一部分,由 MMA中国营销创新联盟主办的“MMA Forum”自 2012 年起举办,已成功举办 5 届。每届邀请约 40 位国内外重量级演讲嘉宾,关注移动营销的前沿趋势和热点话题,以内容的专业性和丰富度获得行业好评,吸引了来中国移动营销行业的专业人士 800 余人。MMA 全球 CEO 曾称赞“MMA Forum Shanghai”是 MMA 论坛系列中最成功的一个。



The MMA Forum series has become the leading global platform for brands, agencies and publishers to share their experiences and success in mobile marketing. As a part of the MMA Forum series, MMA Forum in China has established itself as the premier event for marketers who want to fully embrace, utilize and execute marketing campaigns that truly allow them to meet and exceed their marketing objectives. Organized by MMA China, MMA Shanghai 2012 had 600 attendees and MMA Beijing 2013 over 800 attendees, 2014 over 700 attendees。

2018 MMA中国无线营销论坛


2018 中国无线营销论坛 将于11月27日在上海静安四季酒店盛大举行。今年论坛主题和内容比去年更有看头,同样是围绕着移动营销行业关注和火热的话题,不仅将深度探讨行业标准的广告可见性的落地、移动社交透明度,也将分享创新移动营销新形势、新零售和人性化的科技结合和不可忽略的新一代经济新势力的崛起。

“MMA 论坛系列”从 2005 年开始每年在纽约、伦敦、新加坡、洛杉矶、迈阿密、西班牙、印度、越南、巴西等地举办,是聚集全球无线广告精英和高层 决策者的顶级盛会。作为“MMA论坛系列”的一部分,由 MMA中国营销创新联盟主办的“MMA Forum”自 2012 年起举办,已成功举办 5 届。每届邀请约 40 位国内外重量级演讲嘉宾,关注移动营销的前沿趋势和热点话题,以内容的专业性和丰富度获得行业好评,吸引了来中国移动营销行业的专业人士 800 余人。MMA 全球 CEO 曾称赞“MMA Forum Shanghai”是 MMA 论坛系列中最成功的一个。

想去欣赏精彩万分的论坛,即刻起到MMA中国的服务号购票!  非成员票价¥1,988; 成员票价¥1,688。MMA中国成员请记得到服务号的M币账户领取免费门票啊!

注册时间截止至11月25日 24点


The MMA Forum series has become the leading global platform for brands, agencies and publishers to share their experiences and success in mobile marketing. As a part of the MMA Forum series, MMA Forum in China has established itself as the premier event for marketers who want to fully embrace, utilize and execute marketing campaigns that truly allow them to meet and exceed their marketing objectives. Organized by MMA China, MMA Shanghai 2012 had 600 attendees and MMA Beijing 2013 over 800 attendees, 2014 over 700 attendees。

SMARTIES CHINA 2018 中国无线营销大奖


2018 中国无线营销大奖(SMARTIES CHINA) 颁奖礼将于2018年9月13日在上海朗廷酒店隆重举行。SMARTIES CHINA是中国营销创新联盟(MMA 中国) 的年度重点活动之一。今年SMARTIES CHINA主题是 “Celebrate the Best “,MMA中国将通过此奖项,表彰最具创造力和影响力的移动营销活动,鼓励在移动营销实战中成绩突出的广告主和营销公司。为了增加和彰显活动的仪式感,今年的SMARTIES CHINA将会以颁奖晚宴形式举行。

SMARTIES CHINA中国无线营销大奖,是“MMA无线营销联盟”落地中国后举办的评奖活动,已成功举办六届。MMA中国营销创新联盟将通过此奖项,表彰最具创造力和影响力的移动营销活动,鼓励在移动营销实战中成绩突出的广告主和营销公司。以此可以启发国内的从业者,促进行业整体移动营销水平的提高,持续推动中国无线营销事业的发展。

2017 MMA无线营销论坛


2017 MMA中国无线营销论坛上海将于2017年8月25日在上海静安四季酒店盛大举行,今年的主题是 “双速中国”。这次议题非常丰富,包括广告可见性、品牌安全、无效流量的讨论; 同时也会涉及到人工智能 (AI), 增强现实 (AR), 虚拟现实 (VR) 和物联网 (IOT)等市场上最火的媒体技术,我们的专家将会跟大家分享如何在互动营销上运用这些高技术。

“MMA 论坛系列”从 2005 年开始每年在纽约、伦敦、新加坡、洛杉矶、迈阿密、西班牙、印度、越南、巴西等地举办,是聚集全球无线广告精英和高层 决策者的顶级盛会。作为“MMA论坛系列”的一部分,由 MMA中国营销创新联盟主办的“MMA Forum”自 2012 年起举办,已成功举办 5 届。每届邀请约 40 位国内外重量级演讲嘉宾,关注移动营销的前沿趋势和热点话题,以内容的专业性和丰富度获得行业好评,吸引了来中国移动营销行业的专业人士 800 余人。MMA 全球 CEO 曾称赞“MMA Forum Shanghai”是 MMA 论坛系列中最成功的一个。

The Smarties China 2017中国无线营销大奖也將於同一天舉行。The Smarties China中国无线营销大奖,是“MMA无线营销联盟”落地中国后举办的评奖活动,已成功举办五届。MMA中国营销创新联盟将通过此奖项,表彰最具创造力和影响力的移动营销活动,鼓励在移动营销实战中成绩突出的广告主和营销公司。联盟希望评选出的优秀作品可以启发国内的从业者,促进和提高行业整体的移动营销水平,持续推动中国无线营销事业的发展。

有关The Smarties China 2017中国无线营销大奖案例征集可点击以下链接。





MMA Forum Shanghai 2017 and The Smarties ™ China 2017 will be held in Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai located in Jing’an on 25 August 2017. The theme of MMA Forum 2017 Shanghai is “ 2 Speed China”. There will have a variety of hot topics including Brand Safety, Viewability, Invalid Traffic and Verification while we are going to talk about the application of disruptive technology including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Internet of Things (IOT) etc. on interactive marketing will be shared among our industry experts.

The MMA Forum series has become the leading global platform for brands, agencies and publishers to share their experiences and success in mobile marketing. As a part of the MMA Forum series, MMA Forum in China has established itself as the premier event for marketers who want to fully embrace, utilize and execute marketing campaigns that truly allow them to meet and exceed their marketing objectives. Organized by MMA China, MMA Shanghai 2012 had 600 attendees and MMA Beijing 2013 over 800 attendees, 2014 over 700 attendees。

The Smarties™ is the world’s only global mobile marketing awards program recognizing and celebrating outstanding achievement within the industry in terms of innovation, creativity and leadership. Started in 2005, The Smarties ™ comes through North America, Latin America, Asia and Africa each year. The Smarties™ China is organized by MMA China, already had success in 2012, 2013 and 2014. MMA China wishes to recommend the excellent mobile marketing campaigns and productions in China to the global stage.

Please refer the below link for the The Smarties ™ China 2017.


Overseas enquiry:

Email: marketing@mmachina.cn

Weixin QR code :

2017 MMA中国无线营销论坛(MMA China Forum 2017 )于2017年8月25日在上海四季酒店盛大举行,同时,2017MMA中国无线营销大奖(The Smarties China 2017)的获胜案例也隆重揭晓。在此感谢所有赞助商对本次2017MMA中国无线营销论坛的支持。




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爱奇艺(iQIYI.COM http://www.iqiyi.com/)作为国内领先的网络视频播放平台,爱奇艺由全球最大的中文搜索引擎——百度创立,是国内首家专注于提供免费、高清网络视频服务的大型专业网站。爱奇艺严格依循国家版权保护相关法律法规,所有视频内容均为正版,切实保护著作权人的合法权益。目前,爱奇艺的优质版权视频丰富多元,涵盖了电影、电视剧、综艺、纪录片、动漫、旅游等众多内容形态,同时,爱奇艺拥有强大的自制内容团队,提供最新最全的娱乐内容报道。










亿动广告传媒(Madhouse Inc.)是目前全球最大的独立移动广告平台公司。公司于2006年成立,一直专注于移动端广告的程序化解决方案,帮助客户优化移动营销的投入和扩大海外市场。




MMA Smarties 全球合作伙伴




2016 MMA无线营销论坛



由MMA中国区无线营销联盟联合主办的 MMA无线营销论坛2016 (The MMA Forum 2016 Shanghai)于9月2日在上海静安四季酒店盛大召开,吸引了来自中国移动营销行业的专业人士800余人。




MMA亚太区董事总经理 Rohit Dadwal随后发表了2016年移动营销的重要趋势,以宏观角度讲述了互联网行业最大的变化是消费者向移动端的转移,以及品牌和技术要跟着消费者走的观点。

会上,腾讯公司网络媒体事业群市场部副总经理谢国栋就“缔造移动媒体新形态”做了精彩的分享,在移动互联网连接一切的时代下,媒体发展的四大浪潮已经到来,万物皆媒、无边界网络、数据+、以及内容过剩、平台为王。前两个浪潮导致了内容数据量的过剩,也使得具备精准内容匹配能力的平台更加具有竞争力,在这样的趋势之下,腾讯顺应“内容为王”的大方向,布局全场景移动资讯平台。其中,腾讯新闻立足于权威和专业,而天天快报则定位于兴趣阅读,两者结合加上其他产品形成的垂直资讯矩阵,既能涵盖权威新闻解读,也符合兴趣娱乐阅读,消费者不同层面的资讯需求都得到满足。另外,在万物皆媒的纬度上,腾讯打造了企鹅自媒体平台,能够任何一个群众可以成为媒体的一部分,腾讯还打造了资讯内容机器人“Dream Writer”,也让程序成为媒体的一员。基于这些纬度的进展,通过像奥运会这样重大热点赛事的全方位媒体报道,腾讯不仅创造了最佳用户体验,也为广告主创造了最好的商业价值,形成了一个“平台、用户、广告主”三赢的局面。

高桥智隆(Robo Garage创始人兼首席执行官)在日本素有“机器人教父”之称;他为大家描述了这样一幅生活场景,在不远的五年后,智能化的人形机器人会完全融入到人们的生活当中,并就智能机器人会为大家带来的影响进行了分享。大会上介绍的拥有机器人外形的智能手机RoboHon从技术创新到功能体验等令人眼前一亮。



作为全球场景营销领域的领导者,xAd在MMA论坛当天与AdMaster签署了一份战略合作协议,根据协议:双方将共同开发基于位置场景营销的数字广告营销闭环效果评估解决方案。该解决方案将会整合AdMaster广告监测和效果评估体系,并结合 xAd Blueprints 专利技术,帮助广告主针对移动广告投放和门店流量转化关系提供更加深入的数据分析。本次合作将成为国内首个打通移动广告营销与线下门店流量数据的创新里程碑。

移动载体在规模化方面怎么做大,或者把个性化的营销化,是广告主很关心的话题,主持人RKMani,凯络中国,国际客户董事总经理卡利迪董事总经理与丝芙兰副总裁Helen Zhou、阿里巴巴集团副总裁靖捷,筷子科技创始人及首席执行官陈万锋,谷歌大中华及韩国区数据洞察与解决方案总经理郭志明就个性化定义、推广案例如阿里奥利奥超级品牌日、个性化背后的数据及隐私开展了讨论。





移动互联网的品牌安全和流量质量,由来自Morketing的副主编冯淇主持,嘉宾分别是来自宝洁的媒介副总裁徐樱丹,RTB China主编范秋华以及Adexchanger 主编张迪,以及亿动首席产品官黄凯文。讨论认为品牌安全这个问题原因有几点,一个是广告主KPI的压力还有以及是媒体不够开放,怎么解决这个问题,一方面是自律,一方面是让广告主看到安全带来的利益,依靠行业规范,甚至采用市场化的手段解决这些问题。




2016年度MMA无线营销 (The Smarties™) 金银铜三奖揭晓

MMA无线营销论坛上海是“MMA 论坛系列”的一部分,是聚集全球无线广告精英和高层决策者的顶级盛会。


本次论坛隆重揭晓了2016年度MMA无线营销 (The Smarties™) 金银铜三大奖项。详情如下:


联合创始人总裁兼首席财务官 精硕科技

产品拓展部经理 丝芙兰

市场总经理 李维斯大中华区

Dipanshu “D” Sharma
创始人兼全球首席执行官 xAd

总经理 宏盟媒体集团

主编 RTB China

副主编 Morketing

生态商业运营总经理 乐视

创始人兼首席执行官 Robo Garage

创始合伙人 CEO 上海睿丛文化

教育证书委员会副主席 数据洞察与解决方案总经理 谷歌大中华及韩国区

首席产品官 亿动广告传媒(Madhouse)

微博商业运营总经理 新浪

副总裁 阿里巴巴集团

JJ Lim
大中华区区域经理 赛百味

董事总经理 安索帕 上海

亚洲区副总裁 AppsFlyer

国际客户董事总经理 凯络中国

Rohit Dadwal
董事总经理 MMA亚太区

副总裁 个推

全国销售运营中心总经理 优酷土豆

联合创始人兼CEO 触宝科技

董事总经理 安纳特

市场研究委员会副主席群邑移动营销 董事总经理

移动策略总监 PHD

全国销售副总经理 一下科技 秒拍 小咖秀 一直播

网络媒体事业群市场部副总经理 腾讯公司

秘书长 中国数字化营销与服务产业联盟

冰淇淋事业部资深品牌总监 联合利华(中国)

董事总经理 群邑中国旗下邑策、PBU及Plista

腾讯社交广告部副总经理 腾讯

中国营销创新联盟联合主席腾讯 副总裁


MMA Forum 2016 Shanghai and The Smarties China 2016 will be held on 2 September 2016.The MMA Forum series has become the leading global platform for brands, agencies and publishers to share their experiences and success in mobile marketing. As a part of the MMA Forum series, MMA Forum in China has established itself as the premier event for marketers who want to fully embrace, utilize and execute marketing campaigns that truly allow them to meet and exceed their marketing objectives. Organized by MMA China, MMA Shanghai 2012 had 600 attendees and MMA Beijing 2013 over 800 attendees, 2014 over 700 attendees and 2015 over 800 attendees.

The Smarties is the world’s only global mobile marketing awards program recognizing and celebrating outstanding achievement within the industry for innovation, creativity and leadership. Started in 2005, The Smarties comes through North America, Latin America, Asia and Africa each year, and ends with a global awards gala in New Year. The Smarties China is organized by MMA China, already had success in past 4 years. MMA China wishes to recommend the excellent mobile marketing campaigns and productions in China to the global stage.


Alvin Foo
Senior Brand Director Unilever Ice-cream Business Unit(China)

Andy Fan
Chief Editor RTB China

Benjamin Wei
Research Committee Vice Chair Managing Director GroupM Mobile

Benny XU
Senior Brand Director Unilever Ice-cream Business Unit(China)

Clement Huang
Chief Product Officer Madhouse Inc.

Denise Ng
Mobile Strategy Director PHD

Derek Kwok
Market Education & Certification Program Committee Vice Chair,Head of Data Solutions & Insights, Greater China & Korea, Google

Dipanshu “D” Sharma
Founder & Global CEO xAd

Ethan Tsai
Co-chair MMA china, Co-Founder President & CFOAdMaster

Fred Feng
Deputy Chief Editor Morketing

Gordon Xie
Deputy General Manager, Marketing Department, Online Media Group, Tencent

Harry Gao
General Manager of Commercial Operations LeEco

Jeremy Chan
Head of marketing Levi’s Greater China

Jet Jing
Group Vice President Alibaba

JJ Lim
Country Manager of Greater China Subway

Ken Hong
GM Weibo Commercial Operations Sina

Lawrence Wan
Mobile Advertising Guideline Committee Vice Chair, MD Amnet,Amplifi

Lily Guo
Founding partner and CEO Shanghai Ruicong Culture

Mickey Zhang
Director and General Manager Xaxis PBU and Plista, GroupM China

Michael Wong
Co-founder and CEO TouchPal

Minyi Zhang
Deputy General Manager Tencent Social Ads Tencent

Rohit Dadwal
Managing Director MMA Asia Pacific

Managing Director of International Clients Carat China

Rohan Lightfoot
Managing Director Isobar Shanghai

Ronen Mense
VP Asia AppsFlyer

Steven Chang
Co-chair MMA China,Vice President Tencent

Tomotaka Takahashi
Founder&CEO Robo Garage

Weina Cai
Product Development Manager SEPHORA

Wei Wu
National Channel DirectorYizhibo/Miaopai/Xiaokaxiu YiXia Technology

Winder Chen
Founder & CEO Kuaizi Technology

Yansong Tan
GM of National Sales Operation Center Youku Tudou

Yimin Xiao
Secretary General China Digital Marketing and Service Industry Union

Yuan Tao
Vice President GeTui



联合创始人总裁兼首席财务官 精硕科技

蔡易承(Ethan Tsai)现任 AdMaster(精硕科技)联合创始人、现任总裁兼首席财务官,主要负责公司的财务管理和运作、从全球战略发展的角度帮助公司评估项目价值和前景、公司发展策略规划、企业核心竞争力的识别和建立。

蔡易承于2010 年加入 AdMaster。他对大数据的应用与管理有着丰富的实战经验,尤其在数字广告、移动及跨多屏、社交媒体及电商等领域的数据应用和打通整合应用方面。 他擅长紧密结合市场发展方向,带领团队探索适合企业发展的商业运营模式。


Ethan Tsai

Co-chair MMA china

Co-Founder President & CFO AdMaster

Ethan is the Co-Founder, President and Chief Financial Officer at AdMaster. He is responsible for managing the company’s financial affairs as well as evaluating the viability and market outlook for new projects, developing the company’s growth strategy, and identifying and bolstering the company’s competitive advantages.

Ethan joined AdMaster in 2010 and brought with him a wealth of experience in the big data industry. He is particularly knowledgeable about big data integration as it relates to digital advertising, mobile and cross-screen marketing, social media, and e-commerce. He is also skilled at adapting AdMaster’s business model to take advantage of changes in the market.

Before joining AdMaster, Ethan started a number of new businesses in Taiwan, Japan and South Korea in a variety of industries such as healthcare, finance and technology. A devoted serial entrepreneur, Ethan would wait until each business became successful before moving on to the next one.

Ethan has a bachelor’s degree in finance from National Taiwan University.


创始人兼首席执行官 筷子科技


2013年8月调任博朗品牌中国区市场总监,带领团队建立数字品牌生态运营系统,在短短六个月内,博朗品牌知名度在主要城市实现双位数增长,电商销售同比超过2.5 倍,市占率多年来首次攀升。在10个月间带领博朗一跃成为宝洁中国旗下第二大电商品牌,并一举超过松下成为国内电动剃须刀第二大品牌。
2014年4月任途牛旅游网任营销中心副总经理,整合途牛营销中心与无线中心运营 。

Winder Chen

Founder & CEO Kuaizi Technology

Winder Chen has over 11 years of rich experience in brand building and digital marketing and marketing technology development.
Winder joined P&G Greater China in 2005, he started off in the Personal Care sector for local market, leading an equity winning brand with dominant market share and in 2009 promoted to led 5 global markets. He led a global team to immerse into the consumer lives of different markets and built the new brand architecture and 10 years innovation roadmap and brand strategy, and also is involved into new market expansion like Africa and LATAM.
In 2011-2013, Winder took the role of Marketing Director for Digital Media & Innovations for P&G Greater China, in which he oversaw total P&G digital media operations, including video, display, search and social investment strategy and operation optimization, plus active explorations for P&G in big data, mobile marketing etc, during when P&G has risen to FMCG’s leading digital player.
In Apr 2014, Winder became GM of Tuniu.com(NASDAQ). In just 3 months he integrated the entire operations of Tuniu’s Marketing organization and Mobile team.
In July 2014, Winder became Founder and CEO of Kuaizi Technology devoted into development of AI Creative Platform and technology aiming to transform the creative efficiency, effectiveness and insights of digital marketing.


产品拓展部经理 丝芙兰


Weina Cai

Product Development Manager SEPHORA

Weina is in charge of Asia innovation and branding at Sephora with 10 years experiences in luxury/fashion/beauty in France and China.


市场总经理 李维斯大中华区


Jeremy Chan

Head of marketing Levi’s Greater China

Born in Hong Kong and grew up partly in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Canada, Jeremy has worked on the China market for over 15 years. He loves Tennis, Music, Travel, and electronic products and is also an amateur drummer.

Dipanshu “D” Sharma

创始人兼全球首席执行官 xAd

Dipanshu “D” Sharma 于 2009 年创办 xAd,旨在引领公司成为场景营销领域的领导者。今天,xAd 已被公认为首个全球位置营销市场平台,为全世界 超过150 万家广告主提供服务。作为一名无畏的领导者和创始人,D 密切参与企业日常运作的每一个环节(从产品规划和市场战略到技术实施和销售拓展),同时还能确保团队有时间享用他从世界各地精选的葡萄酒。

在创办 xAd 之前,D 在 Nokia 从事技术开发工作,接触到了早期通过移动设备和短程无线电访问互联网的技术。早在 2000 年,D 就创办了 V-Enable,它是 SIRI 语音搜索技术的先导。D 还联合创办了多家公司,包括 RockeTalk(印度第五大移动流量网站)和 Kadonk(排名第一的 Microsoft 项目查看器)。D 获得的荣誉包括 TeleFusion 的“年度技术领军人物”(2003 年)称号、SiliconIndia 的“移动行业的 10 大 CEO”(2013 年)称号及 Ernst & Young 的“年度企业家”提名(2014 年)。D 目前是 Kadonk、WikiSeer、TwinPrime 和 Mobile Marketing Association 董事会的全球董事。

Dipanshu “D” Sharma

Founder & Global CEO xAd

Dipanshu “D” Sharma founded xAd in 2009 to lead the industry in mobile location. Today xAd is known as the first global location marketplace, serving 1.5 million advertisers worldwide. As a fearless leader and founder, D is closely involved with every aspect of the organization’s daily operations, from product planning and market strategy, to technology execution and sales development – all while ensuring the team takes the time to enjoy some of his choice wine selections from all over the world.

Prior to xAd, D spent time developing technology at Nokia that involved early access to the internet via mobile devices and short range radio. In early 2000, D founded V-Enable which was an early pre-cursor to SIRI voice search technology. D is also responsible for co-founding several companies including RockeTalk — India’s fifth-largest mobile-traffic site — and Kadonk — the top Microsoft Project Viewer. D’s credentials also include TeleFusion’s “Technology Leader of the Year” (2003), SiliconIndia’s “Top 10 CEO’s for Mobile (2013), and a finalist for Ernst & Young’s “Entrepreneur of the Year” (2014). D currently sits on the board of directors for Kadonk, WikiSeer, TwinPrime and the Mobile Marketing Association as a global board member.


总经理 宏盟媒体集团


符传志是一名资深的网络及移动媒体高层和企业家,拥有20余年的行业经验,其中7 年是在中国。他在加入宏盟媒体集团之前是谷歌中国移动业务的主管。

在之前的13年中,他在其它包括诺基亚在内的科技和媒体公司担任过各种管理层职务。他于1997 年创立自己的公司,并连续三年被德勤列为高科技高成长500 强。符传志曾为多个著名品牌如欧莱雅、香奈儿、LVMH、宝洁、联合利华、可口可乐服务,帮助他们推动在中国的一些早期移动媒体营销活动。

Alvin Foo

Head of Airwave Omnicom Media Group China

Alvin currently leads Airwave China, a Mobile Media Special Business Unit within OMG. Alvin is currently driving and integrating mobile strategy for all clients.

Alvin is a senior internet and mobile media executive and entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in Asia Pacific with the last 8 years spent in China. Prior to OMG, he was the Head of Mobile for Google Greater China.

In the 13 years prior, Alvin had held various leadership roles with other technology & media companies including Nokia and also started his own technology company in 1997 and it was later listed under Fast 500 in APAC for 3 consecutive years by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.


主编 RTB China


Andy Fan

Chief Editor RTB China

Andy Fan is the chief editor of RTBChina.com, a technology media focusing on the development of programmatic advertising industry in China, which reports trade news, investment events and technology development. He is also the editor of the widely used “China Programmatic Advertising Technology Landscape” chart. He has over 10 years of management experience in Internet technology companies in both general management and product development.


副主编 Morketing


Fred Feng

Deputy Chief Editor Morketing

Fred Feng takes the charge of content management, new product development, business strategy and other important tasks. Fred has graduated from Communication University of China, with a master’s degree in Advertising in 2007. After graduation, Fred has worked in some trade media such as International Advertising Press and Adquan being an editor. The experience made him go through the progress from traditional media, web media till mobile media. During the whole process, Fred has taken the role of promotion for Mobius International Awards, reporting on Canneslions International Festival, the daily news update of the English version of Adquan.com. Besides, Fred has been in the marketing department in Sina and other internet companies.


生态商业运营总经理 乐视



Harry Gao

General Manager of Commercial Operations LeEco

Honor & Awards

2014 Agency of the year (Carat)

2011 Agency of the Year Campaign Magazine(Starcom)

2011 Service Team of Year world by Oracle global ( As Oracle Team Lead)

2010 Sohu outstanding strategist awards ( Personal)

2009 Agency of the Year Campaign Magazine (PHD in OMG)

2009 One show Gold Awards (HP My computer My stage integration campaign )

Harry is the head of the Commercial Operations Department at LeEco. He is responsible for 8 branch departments, including commercial planning research, resources management, price auditing, group negotiations, case planning and development of commercial placements etc.

Harry has worked in the internet business since 2000. He has held positions at Shihuakai E-Commerce group, PCHOME group and Zhongtian Communication Industrial Group. He is one of China’s first Internet pioneers. In 2005, Harry joined the 4A group, and helped to establish the internet marketing teams and operational theory for DDB, Andreas and Publicis Groupe. He has also worked as a marketing manager at Sohu and Baidu. He has extensive cross-industry experience in agencies and media.

Honors & Awards

2014 Agency of the year (Carat)

2011 Agency of the Year Campaign Magazine (Starcom)

2011 Service Team of Year world by Oracle global ( As Oracle Team Lead)

2010 Sohu outstanding strategist awards (Personal)

2009 Agency of the Year Campaign Magazine (PHD in OMG)

2009 One show Gold Awards (HP My computer My stage integration campaign)


创始人兼首席执行官 Robo Garage

Robo Garage创立人和CEO,东京大学副教授,大阪电气通信大学客座教授。创造、设计独一无二的原创人形机器人专家,明星产品有:曾经去过太空的“Kirobo”,机器人手机“RoBoHoN”,全球畅销款机器人“Robi”,以及吉尼斯纪录保持者“Evolta”机器人。

Tomotaka Takahashi

Founder&CEO Robo Garage

Founder and CEO of Robo Garage, Research Associate Professor of The University of Tokyo, Visiting Professor of Osaka Electro-Communication University. Creates, designs, and invents unique and original Humanoids including robot astronaut “Kirobo”, robot smartphone “RoBoHoN”, the world best seller “Robi”, and Guinness record holder “Evolta”.

Awards: TIME magazine ‘Coolest Inventions 2004’, Popular Science magazine ‘33 persons changing the future’, 3 Guinness world records for Evolta and Kirobo, and Robo-cup world champion 2004-2008.


创始合伙人 CEO 上海睿丛文化







Lily Guo

Founding partner and CEO Shanghai Ruicong Culture

Lily gained her doctor of anthropology from Fudan University, and Master of Science in Sociology from the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,

She was formerly a senior consultant at Oxford Research International (Germany), General Manager of Oxford Research International (China), and a Senior Researcher at the Center for Contemporary China Social Life at Fudan University.

She is currently director of the Business Anthropology Teaching and Research Base at Fudan University.

Lily has more than 15 years of experience in social studies, market research and cultural symbols research in Germany, Canada and China. She also has extensive management consulting experience. Influenced by her extensive professional training in sociology and anthropology, she has many years of business experience. She has worked as a senior researcher for many United Nations research projects, and has extensive experience in qualitative research.

She has also acted as a researcher and consultant for the fast moving consumer goods, luxury, automobile and fashion industries, studying consumer behavior and motivations, and has considerable expertise in market positioning, brand positioning, brand building and upgrading and brand communication policy making.

Her clients include McDonald’s, Citizen, multiple Pernod Ricard brands, l’Oréal, Coca Cola, Cadillac and hundreds of other Chinese and foreign well-known companies. She has also worked with the Guangdong Tourism Bureau, and major government bodies such as the Committee of the Shanghai World Expo.



数据洞察与解决方案总经理 谷歌大中华及韩国区

郭志明现为谷歌大中华和韩国区数据洞察与解决方案总经理,负责谷歌大中华和韩国区DoubleClick、Google Analytics 360、以及数据洞察。郭志明从事广告营销行业已经有20多年的经验。在1996年-2011年郭志明在中国领先的媒介代理公司实力传播工作,2004年郭志明成为实力中国区的董事总经理,2010年实力传播成为中国最大的媒介代理公司(资料来源:RECMA)。在2011年9月,郭志明加入了广告技术公司悠易互通并成为公司的首席运营官。在2012年3月悠易互通发布了中国第一个支持实时竞价(Real-time Bidding 或 RTB)的需求方平台(Demand-side Platform 或 DSP),开展了中国的程序化市场。在2014年8月,郭志明加入了谷歌,进一步推动大中华区内的数据驱动程序化发展。郭志明在2014-2016连续三年荣登Campaign亚太中国区Digital A-List名人堂

Derek Kwok

Market Education & Certification Program Committee Vice Chair

Head of Data Solutions & Insights Greater China & Korea, Google

Derek Kwok is the Head of Data Solutions & Insights, Greater China & Korea of Google, overseeing all DoubleClick platform solutions, Google Analytic 360, and data insights in the region. Derek has more than 20 years of advertising and media experience. From 1996-2011 Derek worked at the leading media agency ZenithOptimedia and became its Managing Director in China since 2004. In 2010, ZenithOptimedia became the largest media agency in China (Source: RECMA). In September 2011 Derek joined Yoyi Digital as its COO and launched the first DSP (Demand-side Platform) which supported RTB (Real-time Bidding) in China, and sparked the programmatic market. In August 2014, Derek joined Google to further accelerate data-driven programmatic in Greater China. Derek has been honored the China’s Digital A-List in 2014 to 2016 for 3 consecutive years by Campaign Asia-Pacific.


首席产品官 亿动广告传媒(Madhouse)


加入亿动广告传媒(Madhouse)之前,黄凯文先生任职美国雅虎(Yahoo)公司程序化购买平台产品总监,带领他的团队成功研发了雅虎最新的跨渠道DSP以及受众数据平台(aka Ad Manager Plus)。



黄凯文先生毕业于加州理工大学,拥有学士学位并获得校长荣誉(President’s Honor)。

Clement Huang

Chief Product Officer Madhouse Inc.

Clement Huang is Chief Product Officer at Madhouse Inc., a leading mobile advertising platform and service company with steady growth both in China and India.

Prior to Madhouse, Clement worked at Yahoo USA, where he led the product team of ads and data platform and was responsible for building and managing the product team to create Yahoo’s new Programmatic Buying Platform.

Before Yahoo, Clement was the product leader of global ad platform at GREE, the world’s second largest mobile social gaming network.

Meanwhile, he has been consulting for Silicon Valley China Entrepreneurship Forum (SVCEF) since 2005, giving startup mentorship on product strategies to new business owners in the US.

Clement graduated from California Polytechnic State University in 1997 with President’s Honor.


微博商业运营总经理 新浪




Ken Hong

GM Weibo Commercial Operations Sina

In April 2012, Ken joined Sina Weibo as the GM of Weibo Marketing Strategy, helping Sina develop its popular Weibo platform into a powerful marketing platform for advertisers and agencies. Since then, he has worked with MNCs, large Chinese enterprises and advertising agencies on various social media marketing programs including Social Advertising, Social CRM and Social Commerce. In 2014, his role was expanded to Weibo Commercial Operations. He is now also responsible for Commercial Products Operations, Platform-Event Marketing Solutions, Customer Insight Group the Brand advertisers’ PR/Marketing function and a frequent speaker at various industry conferences.

Between June 2010 and April 2012, Ken was the China Managing Director for Razorfish & Digitas, two of the top digital agency networks in the world. He sets the overall strategy and manages the day-to-day operations for both agencies. He takes an active role in helping clients like Nike, Unilever, L’Oreal, Cartier, Tourisam New Zealand and many others defining digital strategy and developing innovative marketing programs. Previously, Ken was the VP of Strategy, Analytics and Innovation with the Razorfish Seattle office.

Ken holds a BBA degree in Finance from Stetson University and a MBA degree from University of Florida.


副总裁 阿里巴巴集团


Jet Jing

Group Vice President Alibaba

Jet Jing joined Alibaba Group as Vice President in 2015.

Before that, Jet ever served as the General Manager of Brand Management division, General Manager of Convenience Foods in COFCO (China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation), and was in charge of the E-commerce business of China Foods Limited.

In 1998—2012, Jet worked in P&G (Guangzhou) Ltd.. He served various brands such as Rejoice, Crest, SK-II, Olay and Pampers,led to design and establish the leading edge shopper marketing, in-store operation and digital business models and teams,and made his way to the Vice President,Brand Operations of P&G Greater China.

Jet received his master’s degree in Computer Science from Nanjing University.

JJ Lim

大中华区区域经理 赛百味

JJ Lim 是马来西亚人,在上海生活了18年。JJ长期从事食品配料,装备分销,休闲娱乐和饮食服务行业,之前在麦当劳,The Coffee Bean 以及热带风暴水上乐园供职。目前担任Subway大中华区区域经理一职,管理约750家店铺。他一般会在夏季的周末打板球,之前是马来西亚板球运动代表。

JJ Lim

Country Manager of Greater China Subway

JJ Lim is a Malaysian living in Shanghai, China and for about 18 years now. JJ served in food ingredient and equipment distribution, leisure entertainment and food service industry and previously served brands like McDonald’s, The Coffee Bean and Dino Beach water park.

Currently holds the Country Manager of Greater China overseeing about 750 retail shops for Subway. He plays sports (cricket) during summer weekends and formerly represented his country in this sports.


董事总经理 安索帕 上海


Rohan Lightfoot

Managing Director Isobar Shanghai

Rohan has worked in advertising for more than 20 years. He has lived in the UK, US and China and has been in China for 9 years. He has worked with some of the world’s most famous brands and his areas of expertise include sport, youth, luxury goods, alcohol, mobile phones, airlines and media.


亚洲区副总裁 AppsFlyer


Ronen Mense

VP Asia AppsFlyer

Ronen Mense joined AppsFlyer in July 2014 to accelerate its growth across the Asia region. His vision is to provide mobile marketers with an industry leading set of tools that enable them to measure and analyze their user acquisition funnel and make informed decisions.


国际客户董事总经理 凯络中国





Managing Director of International Clients Carat China

With over 14 years of experience garnered across 4A Agencies in APAC, 8 of which have been spent in China, Mani continues to build a reputation for driving change and innovation. He has successfully managed clients from diverse categories including adidas, Mondelez, Burberry, FrieslandCampina, Lego, P&G, Johnson & Johnson, PepsiCo, GSK and Volkswagen.

In March 2013 Mani was invited to join the Dentsu Aegis Network as a strategic lead to drive trading efficacy. Recognized for his ability to contextualize deep local consumer understanding within the framework of an increasingly globalized market, he was promoted to Managing Director of International Clients for Carat China in Jan 2014.

Mani stood out as Campaign’s 40 under 40 for 2015 and was awarded runner up of Greater China Account Person of the Year in the 2015 Campaign Greater China Agency of the Year Awards.

Rohit Dadwal

董事总经理 MMA亚太区

Rohit Dadwal 是无线营销联盟 (MMA) 亚太地区的董事总经理,任职于新加坡MMA亚太区总部,负责管理MMA在亚太地区的运营与各项活动。

Rohit 在移动市场经济、垂直市场、数字市场营销、客户隐私和政府规定等方面有着丰富的专业知识。凭借其在网络、数字及移动行业的高活跃度和超过17年的丰富经验,Rohit 是MMA 区域成长起到至关重要的一员。他不仅与许多业界重要人物建立了合作关系,还树立起了 MMA 在无线营销行业的国际权威性。

在接管 MMA 亚太地区事务以前,Rohit 任职于微软出任平台以及移动服务总监一职长达9年时间,在此期间也做为 MMA 国际和亚太地区的董事会成员身份为 MMA 的成长做出了卓越的贡献。此前,Rohit 也同印度巴蒂-英国电信 ISP 服务和印度最大的网络供应商 VSNL 的子公司 IPSII 有过合作。

Rohit 作为数字广告联盟 (DDA) 的董事会成员、菲律宾的互联网和移动营销协会、 IDBYTE 的顾问,同时兼顾MMA 众多会员公司的顾问 。

Rohit Dadwal

Managing Director MMA Asia Pacific

Rohit Dadwal is the Managing Director of the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) Asia Pacific Limited. Rohit oversees the MMA’s activities in Asia Pacific, managing the operations out of its regional headquarters in Singapore.

Rohit has extensive expertise in the economics of mobile, direct and digital marketing, consumer privacy and the government regulation of markets. A highly visible industry advocate with over 17 years of experience in the internet, digital and mobile spheres, Rohit has been instrumental in the MMA’s growth in the region, forging relationships with industry leaders and key stakeholders, and positioning MMA as the authoritative global voice in the mobile marketing and advertising industry.

Prior to taking charge of MMA’s APAC activities, Rohit spent 9 years working with Microsoft where he served as the Director of Platform and Mobile Services and contributed to the growth of MMA as a Global and APAC board member. In the past, Rohit has also worked with Bharti- British Telecom ISP services – India and with IPSII, an affiliate of VSNL, the largest internet service provider in India.

An enthusiastic evangelist of mobile marketing, Rohit sits on the board of the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) and is an Advisor for the Internet and Mobile Marketing Association of the Philippines (IMMAP) and IDBYTE. Rohit also sits on numerous corporate advisory boards of MMA’s member companies.


副总裁 个推



Yuan Tao

Vice President GeTui

Has more than 10 years’ experience in internet marketing

Rich experience in product and business management

Marketing VP of several top internet companies in the past


全国销售运营中心总经理 优酷土豆


Yansong Tan

GM of National Sales Operation Center Youku Tudou

Mr. Tan has been indulged in the Internet Industry for over than twenty years, witnessed the uprising and development of Online video industry. As the General Manager of Youku’s National Sales Operation Center, he has more than abundant experience of advertising resource planning, management and operation, along with his expertise insights on the development of online video industry.


联合创始人兼CEO 触宝科技



2008年,王佳梁联合创立了触宝科技。触宝科技(www.chubao.cn) 旗下拥有两款产品:触宝输入法和触宝电话,2款产品全球用户超过6亿,并且拥有120项技术专利。同时触宝科技是荣获GSMA全球移动创新大奖的唯一的亚洲公司,也曾荣获TechCrunch Disrupt六强。为此,王佳梁曾赢得达沃斯世界经济论坛“全球杰出青年”称号。今年12月,王佳梁获评“上海IT青年十大新锐”。


Michael Wong

Co-founder and CEO TouchPal

Michael Wong is co-founder and CEO of TouchPal. He used to win the Davos World Outstanding Youth and recently awarded Shanghai Top 10 IT Youths.

After he acquired his Master degree of Electronic Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Wong started to serve for Microsoft ARD as project manager in 2005, in charge of development and design of Windows server and relative products.

In 2008, Wong and his partners founded TouchPal together. TouchPal Contacts and TouchPal Keyboard are two main products of TouchPal, owning over 600,000,000 users worldwide and 120 patents issued and pending. With users’ support and products’ excellence, TouchPal won 2009 GSMA Mobile Innovation Global Award and was in the top 6 finalist of 2011 TechCrunch Disrupt.

Most well-known brands, such as HTC, Sony, Alcatel, Huawei and ZTE, preload TouchPal as their default keyboard to improve user experience.



董事总经理 安纳特Amnet,Amplifi



此前,他也曾是DNA旗下搜索营销代理公司——安布思沛中国董事总经理,在加入DNA之前,他曾担任Effisis Digital的首席顾问,为各种快速增长的数字媒体初创企业进行业务及产品孵化的广告服务。他也是电子商务解决代理商群邑中国的董事总经理,中国宏盟媒体集团(OMG)数字业务前任总经理。担任过的其他高级职务包括电讯盈科总监、Effisis、香港灵智相互动-香港首个按次付费点击的文本搜索广告网络,以及现代传媒。

作为积极的数字营销传播者,他参与行业活动并发表演说于AD:Tech , CAA, CASBAA, DCCI, DSZR,金投赏,SES,同时在Campaign杂志,Ad Age 和AdExchanger.cn发表文章为行业做出贡献。

Lawrence Wan

Mobile Advertising Guideline Committee Vice Chair

MD Amnet,Amplifi

Lawrence heads Amnet China, the programmatic trading desk unit under Dentsu Aegis Network China (DAN)

He is a Chinese Canadian who’s worked across North America and Greater China for over 16 years. His experience spans across leading 4A agency groups in pioneering digital marketing roles to deliver value for global and local brands.

Previously, Lawrence was also the Managing Director at iProspect China, search and performance marketing agency under the DAN. Before joining DAN, he was the Principal Consultant at Effisis Digital. There, he was advising on business and product incubation for various fast-growing digital media start-ups. Other digital marketing roles included Managing Director of GroupM e-Business Solutions in China, General Manager of Digital at Omnicom Media Group (OMG) China, Business Manager at PCCW Directories, Effisis, HK’s first pay-per-click contextual search ad network, Euro RSCG Interaction HK, and Modem Media.

Active digital marketing evangelist, participating in industry events speaking at AD:Tech, CAA, CASBAA, DCCI, DSZR, ROI Festival, and SES, along with regularly contributing to industry trade press including Campaign Magazine, Ad Age and AdExchanger.cn.



移动营销董事总经理 群邑



2010年加入群邑中国,建立移动营销事业部,服务包括群邑旗下的MediaCom, Mindshare, MEC, Maxus以及集团内所有客户。




Benjamin Wei

Research Committee Vice Chair
Managing Director GroupM Mobile

In 2015, a new integration of GroupM Mobile unit, providing all-in-one dimension mobile services to clients, includes mobile data acquisition and analysis, mobile media planning, mobile strategy generation, research, creativity, mobile intelligence and idea center.

In 2012, start up mLab Innovation project, which Benefited GroupM client innovation marketing capability. Recognition came GroupM Asia-Pacific eMMies awards as well as Mpower innovation awards in the Greater China region.

In 2010, joined GroupM China and founded the first GroupM Mobile team; facing all agencies: MediaCom, Mindshare, MEC, Maxus and all clients for pilot mobile marketing.

Prior joining GroupM, working at MadHouse and in charge of business development, media buying, negotiation, Ad network products. Also had working experience in 4A agency and providing services for Nokia digital marketing.

In 2000, obtained Master degree on International Relationship from University of Warwick, UK. Obtained the second Master degree on Marketing from University of Bristol.

In 1998, started studying in Beijing Foreign Studies University, later exchanging to University of Warwick to pursue Bachelor degree in Sociolinguistics and Western Culture Studies.


动策略总监 PHD




Denise Ng

Mobile Strategy Director PHD

Denise has been working in China since 2004. With 10 years of mobile marketing experience from working at various mobile start ups to ad platforms, servicing multinational F&B, FMCG, and Auto brands, she brings forth a strategic and business approach for PHD’s clients, focusing in mobile innovation and technology.


全国销售副总经理 一下科技 秒拍 小咖秀 一直播



06-13年就职于乐途旅游网——SINA旅游 副总裁,主管与旅游产业结合的大客户销售、服务、策划、运营,后参与贝恩资本入股;




Wei Wu

National Channel Director Yizhibo/Miaopai/Xiaokaxiu YiXia Technology

Supervises the national channel business cooperation suppliers, mainly responsible for establishing channel strategies, sales policy and product pricing.

The foundation for the marketing and commercial rationalising of the three products by YiXia Technology is the optimising the marketing structure of existing products and operation according to market feedback and advices.

06–13 Lotour Travel Sites — Vice President of Sina Tourism. In charge of major account sales, services, planning and operations associated with tourism, later participated in the stake in of Bain Capital shares;

13 – 15, Vice President of Ariel Fashion Group, in charge of sales, planning, service, operations, later participated in the stake in of Guangbo;

15 – 16, Sales Vice President of HNA associated Xilehang – Inflight Internet, in charge of sales, planning, operations and products, independently listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations.

Specialises in market analysing, operations planning and product deducting. Graduated from the China Agricultural University.


网络媒体事业群市场部副总经理 腾讯公司




Gordon Xie

Deputy General Manager, Marketing Department, Online Media Group, Tencent

Gordon Xie is Deputy General Manager of Marketing Department under Online Media Group (OMG) of Tencent. He is in charge of marketing and brand management of OMG’s online media business towards users, advertisers and the industry.

Before joining Tencent, he was leading marketing or business departments of several industry leaders, including Coca-Cola, Samsung and Blizzard Entertainment. As early as in 2005 when he worked at Coca-Cola, he led the very first digital interactive marketing campaign of FMCG industry. After that, he pioneered a series of innovative marketing practices and successfully grew the brand and business. He also led a business department for 4 years in his 16 years’ journey in Coca-Cola, and successfully turned around a struggling business in both revenue and profit via marketing innovations and product innovations.

He graduated as a Bachelor of Science from College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and received his EMBA degree from China Europe International Business School (CEIBS).


秘书长 中国数字化营销与服务产业联盟



Yimin Xiao

Secretary General China Digital Marketing and Service Industry Union

Experienced in the field of media, Internet data, industry trade associations and other organisations, accumulated lucrative contacts in the digital media and marketing industry, advertisers and other industrial chain and various relevant government departments.

Committed to promoting industry standards progress and ecological well-being, directly contributed to the development and establishment of technical standards for digital marketing at the national level.


冰淇淋事业部资深品牌总监 联合利华(中国)


Benny XU

Senior Brand Director Unilever Ice-cream Business Unit(China)

As Senior Brand Director of Unilever ice cream business unit, my happiness from millions of smile in Chinese people’s face when they enjoy our ice cream. Every year, we deliver beloved ice cream innovation and communication campaign, to make people feel good and get more out of life. Besides ice cream experience, I worked for Knorr savory, Lipton tea and Comfort fabric conditioner, during rotation. My journey is crossing Asia and Europe, and it is my 16th year in Unilever.


董事总经理 群邑中国旗下邑策、PBU及Plista


Mickey Zhang

Director and General Manager Xaxis PBU and Plista, GroupM China

Ms. Zhang was responsible for programmatic buying of GroupM China, providing clients with excellent programmatic services. During her tenure as managing director of Xaxis, she has built a distinctive team and clarified Xaxis’s business model in China, resulting in the standardization of operation procedures. Turbine, a data management platform exclusively owned by Xaxis, was also brought in China.


腾讯社交广告部副总经理 腾讯


加入腾讯前,张敏毅先生先后于UBI Soft,美国E.S.E. Inc以及瑞士Swisslog公司中国分部任职,负责商业拓展,咨询项目管理等职位。


Minyi Zhang

Deputy General Manager Tencent Social Ads Tencent

Mr. Zhang Minyi joined Tencent in 2009, and worked in Strategy Development Department. During his tenure, Mr. Zhang was mainly responsible for corporate payment business, strategic planning and related internal and external strategic cooperation projects of social networking platforms and open platforms. From 2014 till present, Mr. Zhang was in the position of deputy general manager of Tencent Social Ads. He is now mainly responsible for business operations and strategic planning of Tencent Social Ads, and continues to be in the role of assistant general manager of Strategy Development Department. From 2012 to 2015, Mr. Zhang was the president of Tencent Business Analysis Career Development Association.

Before joining Tencent, Mr. Zhang has worked in UBI Soft, E.S.E. Inc US and Swisslog China office, responsible for business development, consulting and project management.

Mr. Zhang Minyi graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University Professional with a Bachelor Degree of Automation. He was in China Europe International Business School from 2007 to 2009, and received MBA degree with honors of First Prize Scholarship, Dean Award and Outstanding Graduate.



副总裁 腾讯公司


加盟腾讯前,郑香霖在亚太区包括香港、台湾和中国多地担任管理职务,并在广告媒介领域享有盛名。1995年他作为香港最年轻的媒体总监(28岁) 担任香港4A广告公司委员会主席,1996年作为实力传播中国创始人之一负责建立办公室、组建团队并且开始开发大量国际及本土大客户,覆盖快消、航空、金融以及IT等各行业知名品牌。他自2010年起任实力传播大中华区CEO,负责中国大陆、香港和台湾三地的业务,成为中国广告行业的重要领军人物。

郑香霖经常受邀在亚太区行业大会演讲,包括TED China, Campaign Media 360峰会, 尼尔森中国消费者360论坛, SNS 大会,摩根斯坦利中国峰会互联网专场等,曾多次被评为最佳演讲人。此外,他还经常在香港及中国主持瑞信互联网论坛并做演讲,兼任多个广告节包括新加坡媒体大奖评委会成员,中国ROI节评委会主席和2015 香港4A金帆奖主席。郑香霖也很乐于分享,多年来经常接受中国及国际行业媒体包括Ad Age和Campaign及财经类媒体“亚洲华尔街日报”及“中国日报”的采访。郑香霖这几年对于移动互联网的营销,创意及技术方面特别关注,也坚信这是互联网发展的一大趋势及中国互联网高速发展的一大特色。


自2004年起,郑香霖所获的广告界殊荣不胜枚举,具体包括:2014凤凰网原生营销研究院专家, 2013中国广告人物 , 2012-14成功营销中国创新营销100人,中国十大广告人物、年度十大网络营销领袖、年度传媒人物,百度特级认证特聘专家等。他带领实力传播赢得多项业内大奖:R3-CAA最佳媒介代理公司,最具投资回报媒介代理公司等,并带领公司位列2010年RECMA排名首位。

郑香霖拥有美国西北大学凯洛格商学院 – 香港科技大学联合颁发的EMBA学位。

Steven Chang

Co-chair MMA China

Vice President Tencent

As Corporate Vice President of Tencent, Steven is in charge of online media marketing solutions and advertising business of Online Media Group (OMG), with a special eye on the alignment of Tencent Video, Mobile, Portal and Social Advertising.

Before joining Tencent in 2014, Steven had acquired extensive experience in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China, where he was recognized as an important leader in advertising industry. In 1995, at the age of 28, he became the youngest media director in Hong Kong to be elected Chairman of the Committee for 4A Agencies. In 1996, as one of the founders of ZenithOptimedia, he played a key role in the company’s office and team setup and developed a wide array of international and local clients, including well-known brands in FMCG, Aviation, Finance, IT and other industries. In 2010, he was appointed CEO of ZenithOptimedia Greater China, responsible for company development in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Steven speaks regularly at industry conferences in the Asia region and has been selected best speaker many times at such prestigious events as TED China, Nieson Consumer 360, 360 Media Conference, SNS Conference, and the Internet Session of Morgan Stanley China Summit. In addition, he frequently hosts or speaks at the Credit Swiss Internet Sessions in Hong Kong and China, and is the judge for many ad festivals such as the Singapore Media Award, and has served as Chairman of the Judge Panel for the ROI Festival in China as well as Chairman of 2015 HK4As Kam Fan Award. Steven is also frequently interviewed by industry trade titles in China and internationally, including Ad Age and Campaign, and business titles such as the Asia Wall Street Journal and China Daily. Steven attaches importance to mobile marketing, creativity and technology in particular in recent years, and fully convinced that mobile Internet represents future trend and key characteristic of Internet development in China.

Steven is Adjunct Professor at universities in China and Hong Kong, including the Department of Marketing at Hong Kong Chinese University, and has been one of the few 4As Strategic Consultants of CCTV since 2009.

Steven has also garnered a number of advertising awards, including 2014 Marketing Influencer of ifeng.com, 2013 Ad Person, 2012-14 VMarketing China Top 100 Marketers, Top 10 Ad Persons of China, Top 10 Digital Marketers of China, Media Person of the Year, and 4As Premium Distinguished Expert of Baidu. Steven led ZenithOptimedia to become Best Agency of the Year from R3-CAA, Best Agency of the ROI Festival, and No. 1 in RECMA in 2010.

Steven holds an EMBA degree jointly issued by Kellogg-HKUST of Management, Northwestern University (ranked No.1 worldwide by the Financial Times five times) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

论坛首席合作伙伴 Principal Partner




Tencent Online Media Group


The mission of Tencent Online Media Group is to deliver enriched world class content to its broad user base. OMG operates Tencent’s online media services and platforms, including the video-streaming platform Tencent Video, which is visited by hundreds of millions of users via their mobile devices on a monthly basis; the online news portal Tencent News, which is the most popular news app in China, and other related services. This diverse range of services are all available via PC and mobile devices.



乐视生态营销中心承担乐视全生态资源的对外广告营销销售及客户运营职能,并支持乐视生态内部各业务线在全生态平台上的广告营销及运营。2015年,生态营销中心在行业首创 (B+B)2C生态营销模式,助力乐视生态的营销收入增幅连续两年领跑中国视频媒体,真正开辟了生态营销的元年。未来,乐视生态营销中心将在全球化、生态化、场景化、平台化以及产业化上布局升级,成为加速乐视生态全球化的一股重要力量。


LeEco’s EcoMarketing Center is responsible for advertising, marketing, sales and customer operations across the Le Ecosystem. It supports business lines in advertising, sales and operations on a full-ecosystem platform. In 2015, the EcoMarketing Center developed the industry’s first (B+B)2C eco-marketing model, taking LeEco into the lead among China’s video media for two consecutive years in terms of marketing revenue and marking year zero for eco-marketing. In future, the EcoMarketing Center will be an important force driving the globalization of the Le Ecosystem through scenario, platform and industry upgrades.

论坛全程合作伙伴 Gold Partner



AppsFlyer 凭借其公平透明的归因分析技术,全心全意服务于广大广告商客户,成功树立了移动监测行业的标杆。更重要的是,我们始终恪守承诺,全力保障客户数据的保密性和安全性,也正因为这一点,使我们赢得了 2000 多家广告平台和分析合作伙伴的信任,成功实现彼此的整合。我们保证绝不向任何第三方平台出售数据。

在这一美好的愿景下, AppsFlyer 成功吸引了业内优秀人才的加盟,携手推动行业的未来发展。我们营造的团队环境充满活力,促进了产品和公司的发展,并开启了永无止境的学习之旅。我们相信这种氛围将成为创新和实践的催化剂,最终引领我们开发出业界领先的分析平台。

深知移动广告行业目前还处在初始阶段,每个团队成员都以饱满的精神状态和战胜挑战的精神投入工作。他们对在 AppsFlyer 的开创性工作充满期待。



AppsFlyer is the leading mobile advertising attribution and marketing analytics platform, enabling app marketers, brands and ad agencies to measure their marketing campaigns across more than 2,000 integrated media partners. As a Facebook Mobile Measurement Partner, Google Official Partner, and Twitter Official Partner, AppsFlyer provides mobile advertisers with unbiased attribution, mobile campaign analytics, in-app user engagement tracking, lifetime value analysis, ROI and retargeting attribution.

Our real-time dashboard, NativeTrackTM and OneLink smart deeplinking, provide advertisers the tools they need to achieve the optimal return on their marketing dollars. AppsFlyer currently serves more than 10,000 advertisers, measures more than $4 billion in annual mobile ad spend and tracks more than 250 billion mobile actions every month. Noteworthy clients include Playtika, IHG, Alibaba, Baidu, Trivago, Macy’s, Samsung, and HBO.

论坛合作伙伴 Silver Partner






xAd is the global leader in location intelligence that drives sales – unlocking opportunity in the 90% of retail transactions that are still completed offline. By leveraging a mobile device’s current or past location data, xAd can provide in-store visitation insights by market, brand and even by specific competitors. It is through this first party data and intelligence that xAd can interpret the most relevant moments to introduce a brand’s message, providing a more personalized and meaningful mobile ad experience to consumers while impacting the point of decision – driving in-store foot traffic and sales. Each month, xAd’s patented location solutions help marketers reach unprecedented scale with access to over 500 billion meaningful mobile moments, 325 million people at nearly 100 million unique places and points of interest globally. With xAd, marketers can finally close the gap between online activities and offline sales.








GeTui is a big data mobile Internet service provider, who has GeTui push, GeTui big data, aBeacon data marketing platform and many other products. After years, GeTui has covered more than 1000 million mobile devices with more than 10 billion SDK cumulative coverage in total. GeTui dedicates to boost industry values through data.

GeTui big data utilizes the unique cold, hot, and warm data analysis technology to produce industry reports, user portrait reports and other data implementations.

aBeacon data marketing platform utilizes big data user profile and location information to achieve accurate advertising. aBeacon aims to create a brand new mobile marketing approach.



触宝科技成立于2008年8月,总部设立在上海,现在已拥有硅谷、旧金山、北京、深圳多处办公室。触宝科技已获得红杉资本领投的6500万美元C轮融资。2011年,触宝被评选为“红鲱鱼亚洲创新百强”, 同时,也是第一家在MWC(世界移动通信大会)上,荣获“全球移动创新大奖”的亚洲公司。并多次被TechCrunch,Engadget等海外知名媒体报道。2015年, 触宝被谷歌授予顶尖开发者“Top Developer”的称号。



触宝科技员工超过200人,管理层半数以上来自微软、英特尔、BCG、NTT Data等知名跨国公司。72%的校招员工来自清华、上海交大、复旦、浙大等高等学府;42%的社招员工来自于百度、腾讯、京东、搜狐、EMC、IBM 、Google等互联网知名企业。



Founded in 2008, TouchPal dedicates itself to improving the usability, functionality and overall value of mobile devices via the innovative software it designs and brings to the market.

TouchPal Keyboard is one of the most popular 3rd-party keyboard apps in the world. It has over 400 million users and supports more than 100 languages. It ranks the No.1 third party keyboard in Google Play, and it is the first 3rd-party keyboard running on iOS Most well-known brands, such as HTC, Sony, Alcatel, Huawei and ZTE, preload TouchPal as their default keyboard to improve user experience.

TouchPal Contacts is another award-winning app that helps user make phone calls, manage contacts and search yellow pages. It can also display caller ID for unknown business numbers, block spam calls and filter spam text messages.

TouchPal built its competency based on innovation. It was the winner of 2009 GSMA Mobile Innovation Global Award, the winner of 2010 QPrize China, and the top 6 finalist of 2011 TechCrunch Disrupt. It has over 120 patents issued and pending worldwide.

胸牌和挂绳赞助 Lanyard&Badges


乐视生态营销中心承担乐视全生态资源的对外广告营销销售及客户运营职能,并支持乐视生态内部各业务线在全生态平台上的广告营销及运营。2015年,生态营销中心在行业首创 (B+B)2C生态营销模式,助力乐视生态的营销收入增幅连续两年领跑中国视频媒体,真正开辟了生态营销的元年。未来,乐视生态营销中心将在全球化、生态化、场景化、平台化以及产业化上布局升级,成为加速乐视生态全球化的一股重要力量。


LeEco’s EcoMarketing Center is responsible for advertising, marketing, sales and customer operations across the Le Ecosystem. It supports business lines in advertising, sales and operations on a full-ecosystem platform. In 2015, the EcoMarketing Center developed the industry’s first (B+B)2C eco-marketing model, taking LeEco into the lead among China’s video media for two consecutive years in terms of marketing revenue and marking year zero for eco-marketing. In future, the EcoMarketing Center will be an important force driving the globalization of the Le Ecosystem through scenario, platform and industry upgrades.

笔和记录本赞助 Pen and Pad


Founded in Shanghai in 2006, Madhouse is a leading mobile advertising platform and service company. Focused exclusively on mobile data-driven programmatic, the company aims to optimize mobile marketing investment and expand international audience for the clients. It not only helps brand advertisers engage target audience, build brand awareness, enhance purchase intention and increase customer loyalty in China, but also provides solutions for mobile app marketers to acquire high quality users globally. Madhouse expanded into India in 2012 and has become the largest mobileadvertising company in the market. It has more than 240 employees in seven offices across China,Taiwan and India.



资料入袋 Tote Insert


Domob, the most famous mobile DSP platform from China, is the only marketing partner with Facebook in Mainland China. It serves the global advertisers with tech-driven programmatic purchasing, service-driven brand marketing, big media buying, and one-stop oversea marketing solution.

Domob DSP is a mobile advertising exchange with large procurement volume. We have more than billion daily active users, including information flow, video, banner and varies advertising sources. We provide precise audience targeting at scale and frequency control. Through OCPO model, Domob offers stable cost control and access to high quality users. Domob DSP leads the mobile advertising industry by creating high quality brand marketing and effective marketing ROI.



中国区唯一Facebook Marketing Partner



现场展位 Tabletop Exhibitor


OMD China is a leading marketing communications specialist that delivers business-oriented media investment strategies and solutions. At OMD, we are dedicated to our clients’ growth. It starts with our unwavering commitment to deliver sharper insights, smarter ideas and stronger results. At OMD China, we lead international and local brands through the dynamic marketplace towards extraordinary growth. Discover what inspires the most awarded agency network in the world and how more powerful insights, ideas and results can unlock greater success for your brand.


浩腾媒体是提供品牌营销策略及媒体投资解决方案的领先机构。在浩腾媒体,我们致力于客户的业务增长。 我们的目标始于矢志不渝的客户承诺,并为其提供更敏锐的洞察、更赋创意的构想以及取得更显著的成效。我们致力于引领众多国际和本土品牌并助力其成就卓越的业务增长。探索全球获得最多殊荣的媒介代理商的灵感来源,以及这些强大的洞察、构想及成效如何助力品牌赢得更多的成功。


MMA 无线营销论坛赞助项目

MMA 无线营销论坛赞助项目


¥238,000 MMA Member Price
4.论坛主舞台背景板上展示logo (排在首位)
10.在MMA Asia Pacific Year Book 2015中赠送给赞助商一页广告

¥198,000 MMA Member Price
10.在MMA Asia Pacific Year Book 2015中赠送给赞助商一页广告

¥168,000 MMA Member Price
9.在MMA Asia Pacific Year Book 2015中赠送给赞助商半页广告

¥138,000 MMA Member Price

¥72,000 MMA Member Price

¥72,000 MMA Member Price

¥49,000 MMA Member Price

WI-FI 赞助(仅1席)
¥82,000 MMA Member Price

¥49,000 MMA Member Price

¥88,000 MMA Member price

¥27,000 MMA Member price
1.赞助商宣传页或赠品 (仅限一份)放置在参会者座椅上(早上开场前或午后开场前)

¥88,000 MMA Member price

¥16,500 MMA Member price

¥33,000 MMA Member price

现场展位(6 to 8席)
¥33,000 MMA Member price

¥108,000 MMA Member price
7.在会场入口放置1 个易拉宝(物料由赞助商提供)

¥88,000 MMA Member price

Sammi.Gong (86)13816545230 sammi.gong@mmaglobal.com
Cathy Cao (86)13601795187 cathycao@madhouse-inc.com



1、Company logo on official event website with 100 word company description
2、Company logo with 100 word company description post in MMA China WeChat and Weibo
3、Company logo on appropriate onsite signage
4、Company logo in Forum Guide
5、Verbal acknowledgement of partnership by MMA Forum
6、Logo inclusion in post event emails

¥238,000 MMA Member Price
1、A company executive sits on the event Advisory Board to help guide the conference agenda
2、A company executive delivers a 3-5 minute co-scripted introduction on the main stage at the start of day one of the conference (written with and approved by the MMA)
3、Collaboration with the MMA on a panel session with a company executive participating as a panelist/moderator – MMA has final approval on speakers and topic
4、On stage logo placement
5、One Roll up (prepared & provided by the partner) located outside of show entrance
6、Tabletop display area, located outside of show entrance
7、Full-page collateral piece or giveaway (prepared & provided by the partner) in event conference tote
8、Eleven (11) complimentary MMAF event registrations
9、Discount code, 25%, to invite partners to event, 15 tickets for MMA approved brand partners
10、One Full Page Advertisement in MMA Asia Pacific Year Book 2015
11、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

¥198,000 MMA Member Price
1、A company executive sits on the event Advisory Board to help guide the conference agenda
2、Collaboration with the MMA on a panel session with a company executive participating as a panelist – MMA has final approval on speakers and topic
3、Partner logo to be printed next to panel on agenda in the event guide
4、On stage logo placement
5、One Roll up (prepared & provided by the partner) located outside of show entrance
6、Tabletop display area, located outside of show entrance
7、Full-page collateral piece or giveaway (prepared and provided by the partner) in event conference tote
8、Nine (9) complimentary MMAF event registrations
9、Discount code, 20%, to invite partners to event, 10 tickets for MMA approved brand partners
10、One Full Page Advertisement in MMA Asia Pacific Year Book 2015
11、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

¥168,000 MMA Member Price
1、A company executive participates as a panellist on a panel session – MMA has final approval on speakers
2、One Tea Break partnership (morning/afternoon)
3、On stage logo placement
4、One Roll up (prepared & provided by the partner) located outside of show entrance
5、Tabletop display area, located outside of show entrance
6、Full-page collateral piece or giveaway (prepared and provided by Partner) in conference tote
7、Eight (8) complimentary MMAF event registrations
8、Discount code, 15%, to invite partners to event, 5 tickets for MMA approved brand partners
9、Half Page Advertisement in MMA Asia Pacific Year Book 2015
10、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

¥138,000 MMA Member Price
1、A company executive participates as a panellist on a panel session – MMA has final approval on speakers
2、On stage logo placement
3、Tabletop display area, located outside of show entrance
4、Full-page collateral piece (prepared and provided by partnering company) in conference tote
5、Five (6) complimentary MMAF event registrations
6、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

¥72,000 MMA Member Price
1、Company logo prominently displayed on onsite registration signage and online registration page
2、Full-page collateral piece or giveaway (prepared and provided by partnering company) in conference tote
3、Supporting Partner designation (approved by the MMA)
4、Three (3) complimentary MMAF event registrations
5、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

¥72,000 MMA Member Price
1、Opportunity to provide logo-imprinted cups, napkins, signage and/or additional branding (collateral provided by partner; approved by the MMA)
2、One literature or collateral piece placed during lunch
3、Logo printed on the lunch ticket
4、Supporting Partner designation (approved by the MMA)
5、Three (3) complimentary MMAF event registrations
6、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

TEA BREAK PARTNER (1 Morning & 1 Afternoon)
¥49,000 MMA Member Price
1、Opportunity to provide logo-imprinted cups, napkins, signage and/or additional branding (collateral provided by partner; approved by the MMA)
2、Company branded signage for the breaks
3、Two (2) complimentary MMAF event registrations
4、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

WI-FI PARTNER (only 1)
¥82,000 MMA Member Price
1、E-mail to event attendees with Internet access instructions for the day partnered with prominently placed partner logo (message created & sent by MMA)
2、Access instructions in program guide for Internet use with partner logo (created by MMA)
3、Supporting Partner designation (approved by the MMA)
4、Four (4) complimentary MMAF event registrations
5、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

¥49,000 MMA Member Price
1、Branded mobile device charging station on site(created by partner; approved by the MMA)
2、Two (2) complimentary MMAF event registrations
3、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

¥88,000 MMA Member price
1、Company branded lanyards for all attendees
2、Company design prominently displayed on back of attendee name badge
3、Four (4) complimentary MMAF event registrations
4、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

¥27,000 MMA Member price
1、Company collateral or a giveaway placed on seats during general session (in morning or after lunch)
2、One (1) complimentary MMAF event registrations
3、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

SEATS ADVERTISING (1 Morning & 1 Afternoon)
¥88,000 MMA Member price
1、Brand the seat-covers for all attendees (provided by partner)
2、Four (4) complimentary MMAF event registrations
3、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

¥16,500 MMA Member price
1、Company collateral or a giveaway included in conference tote
2、One (1) complimentary MMAF event registrations
3、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

PEN AND PAD (only1)
¥33,000 MMA Member price
1、Pens and notepads with company logo (provided by partner) to be distributed to all attendees
2、Two (2) complimentary MMAF event registrations
3、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

¥33,000 MMA Member price
1、Standard draped one table and two chairs provided for your display
2、Two (2) complimentary MMA Forum event registrations
3、Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

¥108,000 MMA Member price
1、A company executive delivers a 3 minute introduction on the Smarties China ceremony (approved by the MMA)
2、1 Award Presenter – award TBD (approved by the MMA)
3、On stage logo placement
4、Opportunity to provide the final judging room
5、On the judging sites logo placement, and opportunity to place full page collateral pieces or giveaway (provided by sponsoring company) in the final judging room
6、Judging dinner sponsorship
7、One roll up (prepared and provided by sponsoring company) located outside of event show entrance
8、Full-page collateral piece or giveaway (prepared and provided by sponsoring company) in event conference tote
9、Five (5) complimentary MMAF event registrations
10、Plus Standard Sponsorship Benefits

¥88,000 MMA Member price
1、1 Award Presenter – award TBD (approved by the MMA)
2、On stage logo placement
3、Collaboration with the MMA on the shows
4、One roll up (prepared and provided by the partner) located outside of event show entrance
5、Full-page collateral piece or giveaway (prepared and provided by the partner) in event conference tote
6、Four (4) complimentary MMAF event registrations
7、Plus Standard Sponsorship Benefits

Contact info
Sammi.Gong (86)13816545230 sammi.gong@mmaglobal.com
Cathy Cao (86)13601795187 cathycao@madhouse-inc.com



副总裁 腾讯公司


加盟腾讯前,郑香霖在亚太区包括香港、台湾和中国多地担任管理职务,并在广告媒介领域享有盛名。1995年他作为香港最年轻的媒体总监(28岁) 担任香港4A广告公司委员会主席,1996年作为实力传播中国创始人之一负责建立办公室、组建团队并且开始开发大量国际及本土大客户,覆盖快消、航空、金融以及IT等各行业知名品牌。他自2010年起任实力传播大中华区CEO,负责中国大陆、香港和台湾三地的业务,成为中国广告行业的重要领军人物。

Steven Chang

Co-chair MMA China

Vice President Tencent

As Corporate Vice President of Tencent, Steven is in charge of online media marketing solutions and advertising business of Online Media Group (OMG), with a special eye on the alignment of Tencent Video, Mobile, Portal and Social Advertising.

Before joining Tencent in 2014, Steven had acquired extensive experience in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China, where he was recognized as an important leader in advertising industry. In 1995, at the age of 28, he became the youngest media director in Hong Kong to be elected Chairman of the Committee for 4A Agencies. In 1996, as one of the founders of Zenith Optimedia, he played a key role in the company’s office and team setup and developed a wide array of international and local clients, including well-known brands in FMCG, Aviation, Finance, IT and other industries. In 2010, he was appointed CEO of Zenith Optimedia Greater China, responsible for company development in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.



联合创始人总裁兼首席财务官 精硕科技

蔡易承(Ethan Tsai)现任 AdMaster(精硕科技)联合创始人、现任总裁兼首席财务官,主要负责公司的财务管理和运作、从全球战略发展的角度帮助公司评估项目价值和前景、公司发展策略规划、企业核心竞争力的识别和建立。

蔡易承于2010 年加入 AdMaster。他对大数据的应用与管理有着丰富的实战经验,尤其在数字广告、移动及跨多屏、社交媒体及电商等领域的数据应用和打通整合应用方面。 他擅长紧密结合市场发展方向,带领团队探索适合企业发展的商业运营模式。


Ethan Tsai

Co-chair MMA china

Co-Founder President & CFO AdMaster

Ethan is the Co-Founder, President and Chief Financial Officer at AdMaster. He is responsible for managing the company’s financial affairs as well as evaluating the viability and market outlook for new projects, developing the company’s growth strategy, and identifying and bolstering the company’s competitive advantages.

Ethan joined AdMaster in 2010 and brought with him a wealth of experience in the big data industry. He is particularly knowledgeable about big data integration as it relates to digital advertising, mobile and cross-screen marketing, social media, and e-commerce. He is also skilled at adapting AdMaster’s business model to take advantage of changes in the market.

Before joining AdMaster, Ethan started a number of new businesses in Taiwan, Japan and South Korea in a variety of industries such as healthcare, finance and technology. A devoted serial entrepreneur, Ethan would wait until each business became successful before moving on to the next one.

Ethan has a bachelor’s degree in finance from National Taiwan University.



首席执行官&创始人 亿动广告传媒





Joshua Maa

Mobile Advertising Guideline Committee Chair

CEO & Founder Madhouse inc.

Joshua Maa is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Madhouse Inc., China’s largest and most intelligent mobile ad network, with offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and 3 cities in India. Joshua Maa is the Founding Member and Board Director of MMA APAC (Mobile Marketing Association, Asia Pacific Region), and the Co-Chair of Global Mobile Advertising Committee. He is also the Co-founder and Board Member of MMA China, and the Head of Mobile Advertising Guideline Committee. Before founding Madhouse, Joshua Maa was EVP at TOM Online, where he managed the Wireless Business & Operations and International Business Development teams, and helped Tom become the largest Wireless Value-Added Service Provider by revenue in China in 2005. Before TOM Online, Joshua was the Founding CEO of Rock Mobile Corporation, Greater China’s leading Mobile Music Entertainment Service Provider. Joshua has over 20 years of managerial experience in Greater China’s New Media, entertainment, and Consumer Marketing industries.



董事总经理 安纳特Amnet,Amplifi



此前,他也曾是DNA旗下搜索营销代理公司——安布思沛中国董事总经理,在加入DNA之前,他曾担任Effisis Digital的首席顾问,为各种快速增长的数字媒体初创企业进行业务及产品孵化的广告服务。他也是电子商务解决代理商群邑中国的董事总经理,中国宏盟媒体集团(OMG)数字业务前任总经理。担任过的其他高级职务包括电讯盈科总监、Effisis、香港灵智相互动-香港首个按次付费点击的文本搜索广告网络以及现代传媒。

Lawrence Wan

Mobile Advertising Guideline Committee Vice Chair

MD Amnet,Amplifi

Lawrence heads Amnet China, the programmatic trading desk unit under Dentsu Aegis Network China (DAN)

He is a Chinese Canadian who’s worked across North America and Greater China for over 16 years. His experience spans across leading 4A agency groups in pioneering digital marketing roles to deliver value for global and local brands.

Previously, Lawrence was also the Managing Director at iProspect China, search and performance marketing agency under the DAN. Before joining DAN, he was the Principal Consultant at Effisis Digital. There, he was advising on business and product incubation for various fast-growing digital media start-ups. Other digital marketing roles included Managing Director of GroupM e-Business Solutions in China, General Manager of Digital at Omnicom Media Group (OMG) China, Business Manager at PCCW Directories, Effisis, HK’s first pay-per-click contextual search ad network, Euro RSCG Interaction HK, and Modem Media.



中国区总经理 Inmobi

杨娟主要负责领导和拓展Inmobi在中国的业务。她不仅拥有丰富的商业运营经验和被证明的卓越领导能力,而且还在移动互联网生态系统建设方面具备深厚的背景。加盟InMobi之前,Jessie曾任Tom集团商务拓展总经理和运营副总裁,主要负责移动互联网业务拓展和新媒体业务。在加入Tom集团之前,她是天骏传媒集团(Sky Flying Media Group)的首席运营官,负责公司的整体业务。她曾在麦肯锡咨询公司 (McKinsey &Company) 担任要职,为中国及亚太区电信、媒体和技术行业的客户提供经营策略、市场营销及销售、运营完善等方面的咨询服务。Jessie拥有麻省理工大学斯隆商学院(MIT Sloan School of Management)工商管理硕士学位。

Jessie Yang

Market Education & Certification Program Committee Chair

General Manager Inmobi China

Jessie is the General Manager of InMobi Greater China with overall responsibilities to lead and scale up InMobi’s business in China including Taiwan and Hong Kong. She brings extensive experience in mobile ecosystem with proven track record in general management and business operations in China.

Prior to InMobi, Jessie was the GM of Business Development and VP of Operations of TOM Group in charge of mobile internet business development and new media business.Before TOM Group, she was COO of Sky Flying Media Group in charge of overall business.She also was worked at McKinsey & Company as Senior Engagement Manager covering TMT sector.

Jessie holds a MBA degree from MIT Sloan School of Management.



数据洞察与解决方案总经理 谷歌大中华及韩国区

郭志明现为谷歌大中华和韩国区数据洞察与解决方案总经理,负责谷歌大中华和韩国区DoubleClick、Google Analytics 360、以及数据洞察。郭志明从事广告营销行业已经有20多年的经验。在1996年-2011年郭志明在中国领先的媒介代理公司实力传播工作,2004年郭志明成为实力中国区的董事总经理,2010年实力传播成为中国最大的媒介代理公司(资料来源:RECMA)。在2011年9月,郭志明加入了广告技术公司悠易互通并成为公司的首席运营官。在2012年3月悠易互通发布了中国第一个支持实时竞价(Real-time Bidding 或 RTB)的需求方平台(Demand-side Platform 或 DSP),开展了中国的程序化市场。在2014年8月,郭志明加入了谷歌,进一步推动大中华区内的数据驱动程序化发展。郭志明在2014-2016连续三年荣登Campaign亚太中国区Digital A-List名人堂

Derek Kwok

Market Education & Certification Program Committee Vice Chair

Head of Data Solutions & Insights Greater China & Korea, Google

Derek Kwok is the Head of Data Solutions & Insights, Greater China & Korea of Google, overseeing all DoubleClick platform solutions, Google Analytic 360, and data insights in the region. Derek has more than 20 years of advertising and media experience. From 1996-2011 Derek worked at the leading media agency ZenithOptimedia and became its Managing Director in China since 2004. In 2010, ZenithOptimedia became the largest media agency in China (Source: RECMA). In September 2011 Derek joined Yoyi Digital as its COO and launched the first DSP (Demand-side Platform) which supported RTB (Real-time Bidding) in China, and sparked the programmatic market. In August 2014, Derek joined Google to further accelerate data-driven programmatic in Greater China. Derek has been honored the China’s Digital A-List in 2014 to 2016 for 3 consecutive years by Campaign Asia-Pacific.



首席执行官 欧安派






Jeffery Ding

Research Committee Chair


Graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1999

Achieved EMBA degree in CEIBS, 2015

Enter the online advertising industry in 2000. With more than 14 years of experience in digital marketing communication and management as the earliest a batch of China into the network one of the pioneers of the online advertising. Put forward the “digital strategy marketing communication” concept in 2011.

Established OMP company in 2003 and leading them officially joined one of the most competitive and influential media group in the world–Dentsu Aegis Network in 2012,became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Isobar which is sub-brand of DAN.

To be included in the “China innovation marketing 100 leaders” 2011-2014

2014-2015 China Content Marketing Awards Judge of “V-Marketing”2014 Chinese New Ad Contest Judge of “China Advertising”

2014-2015 Effie awards Greater China Judge



移动营销董事总经理 群邑



2010年加入群邑中国,建立移动营销事业部,服务包括群邑旗下的MediaCom, Mindshare, MEC, Maxus以及集团内所有客户。




Benjamin Wei

Research Committee Vice Chair
Managing Director GroupM Mobile

In 2015, a new integration of GroupM Mobile unit, providing all-in-one dimension mobile services to clients, includes mobile data acquisition and analysis, mobile media planning, mobile strategy generation, research, creativity, mobile intelligence and idea center.

In 2012, start up mLab Innovation project, which Benefited GroupM client innovation marketing capability. Recognition came GroupM Asia-Pacific eMMies awards as well as Mpower innovation awards in the Greater China region.

In 2010, joined GroupM China and founded the first GroupM Mobile team; facing all agencies: MediaCom, Mindshare, MEC, Maxus and all clients for pilot mobile marketing.

Prior joining GroupM, working at MadHouse and in charge of business development, media buying, negotiation, Ad network products. Also had working experience in 4A agency and providing services for Nokia digital marketing.

In 2000, obtained Master degree on International Relationship from University of Warwick, UK. Obtained the second Master degree on Marketing from University of Bristol.

In 1998, started studying in Beijing Foreign Studies University, later exchanging to University of Warwick to pursue Bachelor degree in Sociolinguistics and Western Culture Studies.



网络中国区董事长 电通安吉斯

李桂芬在广告和媒体传播领域从业近30 年,在协助客户开展品牌沟通、制定媒体投资战略及解决方案方面拥有卓越而广泛的经验。 2000 年加入凯络台湾,2006 年,她升任安吉斯媒体大中华区首席执行官,负责中国大陆与台湾市场的经营发展。在她的领导之下,安吉斯媒体旗下5 大全球品牌在两大市场均表现优异。通过一系列战略性兼并和收购项目,安吉斯媒体的数字营销规模已居中国大陆和台湾地区之首。李桂芬凭借其杰出的表现于2010 年荣获安吉斯媒体颁发的“2010 星表现奖”, 于2005 年至2007 年连续三年获得”台湾最佳媒体代理商经理人”头衔。李桂芬是中国营销创新联盟的联合创始人之一。

KF Lee

MMA China Board & Honorary Board Members

Chairwoman Dentsu Aegis Network China

KF Lee has approximately 30 years’ experience in the advertising and media communication field, with broad expertise in helping clients with brand communication as well as media investment strategies and solutions. KF joined Carat Taiwan in 2000. In 2006, KF was promoted to CEO Aegis Media Greater China, in charge Mainland China and Taiwan. Under her leadership, 5 Aegis global brands have strong presence in both markets. Through aggressive M&A programs, Aegis Media has built its digital scale to the number one position in Mainland China and Taiwan. KF was awarded the “2010 Star Performer Award” by Aegis Media for her outstanding business performance. KF also received “The Best Manager of the Year – Media Agency” for 3 consecutive years in 2005, 2006 and 2007. KF is also the co-founder of Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) China.







陈建豪被中国领先的财经媒体《第一财经周刊》评为2013年商业创新50人之一。作为 《中欧商业评论》的专栏撰稿人,他还致力于推广移动营销在中国的发展以及相关业内标准的制订。


在加入电通安吉斯集团之前,他供职于谷歌中国,担任中国区副总裁。陈建豪曾任职于戴尔中国直销总经理、eBay 大中华区市场部副总裁和雅虎中国运营副总裁。

陈建豪毕业于纽约大学,获传播学硕士学位。同时他还获得复旦大学 EMBA 高级工商管理硕士学位。

Tony Chen

MMA China Board & Honorary Board Members

CEO iProspect China

CEO Digital Performance Brands North Asia

Chief Innovation Officer DAN China

Tony is one of the most sought-after speakers on the topic of digital marketing in

China. In addition to delivering keynotes at nearly all major China digital events,

Tony has addressed international audiences at Cannes Lions and Spikes Asia.

Tony, who was named as one of the top 50 Business Innovators in 2013 by CBN

Weekly. He also authored a regular column for CEIBS Business Review

on digital marketing in China.

No stranger to innovation, Tony has 20 years of rich experience in digital innovation, media, commercial and operations on both client and agency sides. This invaluable knowledge will be leveraged in his role as Chief Innovation Officer of DAN China to drive innovation across the group as he works in conjunction with senior management to identify future opportunities in key areas such as data, content, O2O, e-commerce and consumer-centric technologies, etc.

Tony joins DAN from Google China where he was Chief Digital Evangelist in China. Before that, he was General Manager for Dell direct business in Greater China; Marketing VP for eBay China and VP of Operations for Yahoo! China.

Tony has a master’s degree in Communications from New York University and an

EMBA degree from Fudan University.



总裁 互动通控股集团


在中国大陆、香港及澳洲从事传播专业超过三十年。曾于香港广告业工作十年,时任CitiAd广告公司后由澳洲Mojo/MDA收购并调派往澳洲悉尼总部工作十年,之后重返校园完成MBA学位。1999年在上海接管“形象工厂”(Image Factory),一年后由WPP集团并购,随后担任集团公司的北京智威汤逊广告公司(JWT)董事总经理,两年后负责IPG集团的灵狮广告公司(Lowe Worldwide)中国区董事总经理,2014年出任互动通控股集团总裁,中国领先的数字网络广告平台。

Michael Tang

MMA China Board & Honorary Board Members

President HDT Holdings Ltd.

President of hdtMEDIA Michael Tang has been serving in the communications industry for over 30 years and has experience working in mainland China, Hong Kong and Australia. He spent 10 years at CitiAd Hong Kong followed by 10 years at Mojo/MDA Australia Headquarters after it merged with CitiAd. Thereafter Michael Tang returned to school where he completed an MBA. In 1999 he took over Image Factory in Shanghai, which was bought by WPP one year after. Then he became Managing Director of JWT Beijing, and 2 years later became Managing Director of Lowe Worldwide China Area under IPG. In 2004 Michael Tang joined HDT Holdings Ltd. as President. He is currently a research scholar of Modern Advertising at Peking University where he guest lectures and works as a research scholar with the CMM Research Institute.



总监 谷歌数字化营销解决方案大中华区



汪慧玲毕业於新加坡国立大学,并在赫尔大学取得硕士学位。她也热心於推动中国数字化,也是全球移动营销协会和I-Com Global的成员之一。汪慧玲被《广告时代》评为2014年“中国最值得瞩目女性”之一。

Arlene Ang

MMA China Board & Honorary Board Members

Director Google Marketing Solutions , Greater China

Arlene currently leads Google Marketing Solutions in Greater China, helping advertisers get the most out of Google products. Prior to joining Google, she was the CEO of OMD China, with a remit to transform a traditional media agency to one offering an integrated solutions. Arlene has over 20 years of advertising experience ranging from branding to digital, CRM, social and mobile.

Arlene has also served as a senior executive at Omnicom Media Group and Publicis. In 1999, she tried her hand at entrepreneurship and started AdXplorer, a digital marketing agency, and built the business out across the Asia Pacific region.

Arlene graduated from the National University of Singapore and obtained her masters from the University of Hull. She has a keen interest to develop the China digital ecosystem and is a member of Mobile Marketing Association and I-Com Global, the world’s leading summit for marketing, data and measurement. In 2014, Arlene was one of the Honorees for AdAge “Women to Watch” China.


Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai at NO.500 Weihai Rd, Jing’an District,Shanghai













由MMA中国区无线营销联盟联合主办的 MMA无线营销论坛2016 (The MMA Forum 2016 Shanghai)于9月2日在上海静安四季酒店盛大召开,吸引了来自中国移动营销行业的专业人士800余人。




MMA亚太区董事总经理 Rohit Dadwal随后发表了2016年移动营销的重要趋势,以宏观角度讲述了互联网行业最大的变化是消费者向移动端的转移,以及品牌和技术要跟着消费者走的观点。

会上,腾讯公司网络媒体事业群市场部副总经理谢国栋就“缔造移动媒体新形态”做了精彩的分享,在移动互联网连接一切的时代下,媒体发展的四大浪潮已经到来,万物皆媒、无边界网络、数据+、以及内容过剩、平台为王。前两个浪潮导致了内容数据量的过剩,也使得具备精准内容匹配能力的平台更加具有竞争力,在这样的趋势之下,腾讯顺应“内容为王”的大方向,布局全场景移动资讯平台。其中,腾讯新闻立足于权威和专业,而天天快报则定位于兴趣阅读,两者结合加上其他产品形成的垂直资讯矩阵,既能涵盖权威新闻解读,也符合兴趣娱乐阅读,消费者不同层面的资讯需求都得到满足。另外,在万物皆媒的纬度上,腾讯打造了企鹅自媒体平台,能够任何一个群众可以成为媒体的一部分,腾讯还打造了资讯内容机器人“Dream Writer”,也让程序成为媒体的一员。基于这些纬度的进展,通过像奥运会这样重大热点赛事的全方位媒体报道,腾讯不仅创造了最佳用户体验,也为广告主创造了最好的商业价值,形成了一个“平台、用户、广告主”三赢的局面。

高桥智隆(Robo Garage创始人兼首席执行官)在日本素有“机器人教父”之称;他为大家描述了这样一幅生活场景,在不远的五年后,智能化的人形机器人会完全融入到人们的生活当中,并就智能机器人会为大家带来的影响进行了分享。大会上介绍的拥有机器人外形的智能手机RoboHon从技术创新到功能体验等令人眼前一亮。



作为全球场景营销领域的领导者,xAd在MMA论坛当天与AdMaster签署了一份战略合作协议,根据协议:双方将共同开发基于位置场景营销的数字广告营销闭环效果评估解决方案。该解决方案将会整合AdMaster广告监测和效果评估体系,并结合 xAd Blueprints 专利技术,帮助广告主针对移动广告投放和门店流量转化关系提供更加深入的数据分析。本次合作将成为国内首个打通移动广告营销与线下门店流量数据的创新里程碑。

移动载体在规模化方面怎么做大,或者把个性化的营销化,是广告主很关心的话题,主持人RKMani,凯络中国,国际客户董事总经理卡利迪董事总经理与丝芙兰副总裁Helen Zhou、阿里巴巴集团副总裁靖捷,筷子科技创始人及首席执行官陈万锋,谷歌大中华及韩国区数据洞察与解决方案总经理郭志明就个性化定义、推广案例如阿里奥利奥超级品牌日、个性化背后的数据及隐私开展了讨论。





移动互联网的品牌安全和流量质量,由来自Morketing的副主编冯淇主持,嘉宾分别是来自宝洁的媒介副总裁徐樱丹,RTB China主编范秋华以及Adexchanger 主编张迪,以及亿动首席产品官黄凯文。讨论认为品牌安全这个问题原因有几点,一个是广告主KPI的压力还有以及是媒体不够开放,怎么解决这个问题,一方面是自律,一方面是让广告主看到安全带来的利益,依靠行业规范,甚至采用市场化的手段解决这些问题。




2016年度MMA无线营销 (The Smarties™) 金银铜三奖揭晓

MMA无线营销论坛上海是“MMA 论坛系列”的一部分,是聚集全球无线广告精英和高层决策者的顶级盛会。


本次论坛隆重揭晓了2016年度MMA无线营销 (The Smarties™) 金银铜三大奖项。详情如下:

2015 MMA无线营销论坛



“MMA 论坛系列”从2005年 开始每年在纽约、伦敦、新加坡、洛杉矶、迈阿密、西班牙、印度、越南、巴西等地举办,是聚集全球无线广告精英和高层决策者的顶级盛会。作为“MMA 论坛系列”的一部分,由 MMA中国营销创新联盟主办的“MMA无线营销论坛上海2012”获得近600位来宾,“MMA 无线营销论坛北京2013”获得逾800位来宾。“MMA 无线营销论坛上海2014”超过700位来宾。MMA无线营销论坛中国系列,遴选最强大的演讲嘉宾阵容,精选最具价值的演讲内容,获得上千名观众的高度认可,是中国无线营销行业最高品质的盛会。

The Smarties ™ 品牌商标由“MMA无线营销联盟”拥有,是世界上唯一一个表彰无线营销创新和发展的全球性奖项。自2005年开始,The Smarties ™ 无线营销大奖评选活动每年在全世界各地方国家进行初选,经过北美洲、拉丁美洲、亚洲、欧洲、非洲区域性中选后,聚集美国纽约庆祝无线营销全球大奖的诞生。

The Smarties ™ China中国无线营销大奖,是“MMA无线营销联盟”落地中国后举办的评奖活动,联盟希望通过此奖项将中国的优秀无线营销案例和制作介绍给全世界,已成功举办三届。The Smarties ™ China中国无线营销大奖2015的颁奖典礼将在“MMA无线营销论坛 2015上海”当天同时举行。






中国程序化广告资讯网 RTBChina.com

Airwave 移动营销总经理

Greg Stuart

iProspect 北京


Sales VP



近卫 元博








Tom Daly









MMA Forum 2015 Shanghai and The Smarties ™ China 2015 will be held on 14 August 2015.The MMA Forum series has become the leading global platform for brands, agencies and publishers to share their experiences and success in mobile marketing. As a part of the MMA Forum series, MMA Forum in China has established itself as the premier event for marketers who want to fully embrace, utilize and execute marketing campaigns that truly allow them to meet and exceed their marketing objectives. Organized by MMA China, MMA Shanghai 2012 had 600 attendees and MMA Beijing 2013 over 800 attendees, 2014 over 700 attendees。

The Smarties ™ is the world’s only global mobile marketing awards program recognizing and celebrating outstanding achievement within the industry for innovation, creativity and leadership. Started in 2005, The Smarties ™ comes through North America, Latin America, Asia and Africa each year, and ends with a global awards gala in New Year. The Smarties ™ China is organized by MMA China, already had success in 2012, 2013 and 2014. MMA China wishes to recommend the excellent mobile marketing campaigns and productions in China to the global stage.


Tony Chen
China VP

Calvin Chan
Chief Operating Officer
AdMaster Inc.

David Chen
Managing Director
VivaKi China

David Porter
Media Director
Unilever North Asia

Andy Fan
Chief Editor

Alvin Foo
Head of Airwave
A digital SBU of OMG China

Greg Stuart
Mobile Marketing Association

Jose Campon
General Manager
iProspect Beijing

Bennett Hong
Chief Technology Officer

Jerry Huang
Vice President for marketing

Clement Huang
Chief Product Officer
Madhouse Inc.


KF Lee
Dentsu Aegis Network China

Steven Li
Media vertical, Nielsen China
E-tailer vertical, Nielsen China
Member of GCMT

Jane Lin-Baden
Isobar China Group

Joshua Maa
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Madhouse Inc.

Nishtha Mehta
Founder| Chief Instigator
CollabCentral Consulting Inc.

Managing Director of International Clients, Carat China
Managing Director, Clarity

Yi Shu
founder & CEO
Limei Technologies

Karen Tan
VP of Eco-marketing and Customer Operation Center

Tom Daly
Global Group Director Mobile
The Coca-Cola Company

Jim Wang

Tony Yuan
Senior Vice President

Liang ZENG
Vice President
Baidu Inc.

Martin Zhang
Founder & CEO
Founder & Chief Editor

He Zhang
co-founder & COO

Clarence Zheng
HDT Holdings Ltd.

Vivian Zhu
Director of Digital
Starcome Mediavest Group

2015年8月14日 • 上海明天广场JW万豪酒店

14 August 2015 • JW Marriott Shanghai Tomorrow Square


谷歌中国区 副总裁
MMA中国营销创新联盟 联合主席




陈建豪毕业于纽约大学,获传播学硕士学位。同时他还拥有复旦大学 EMBA 高级工商管理硕士学位。

Tony Chen

Chief Digital Evangelist Google China
Co-Chair MMA China

Tony Chen is the Chief Digital Evangelist of Google China LCS team. Tony leads, develops andmaintains Google’s relationships with domestic clients. His core responsibility is toelevate

digital transformation for domestic advertisers through the application of the latest

data/technology driven Google solutions.

Tony has extensive experience, knowledge and market insights gained from his 20year

careerin digital media. He currently serves as cochairman of MMA China, where he dedicates himself to the development of industry standards and best practice in mobile. Prior to joining Google, hewas Chief Digital Officer, GroupM China and Taiwan, General Manager for Dell consumer direct business in Greater China. Before that, Tony was the COO for RealNetworks China, Marketing VP for eBay China, and VP of Operations for Yahoo! China.

Tony has a master’s degree in Communications from New York University and an EMBA degree from Fudan University.



现任 AdMaster(精硕科技)首席运营官,负责管理公司高效运营、组织化发展及对外战略合作。同时,他还负责领导公司一系列数据应用解决方案的发展和革新。陈传洽于2012年加入 AdMaster,先后出任战略研究副总裁和北京公司总经理。此前,陈传洽曾就职于尼尔森美国和中国。

陈传洽投身营销数据领域研究十余年,是跨媒体创新研究领域的专家,他合著了行业内第一本跨屏专著 《跨媒体传播策略与研究》,并在2014和2015年入选Campaign杂志的“Digital A-List”中国数字营销专家榜单。陈传洽也经常出席如全球移动互联网大会(GMIC)等行业高端论坛进行发言,接受Campaign和中国日报等具影响力的媒体采访,以及受邀出任国内各知名奖项的专家评审,其中包括:艾菲奖、金鼠标、艾奇奖和MMA中国营销创新联盟无线营销大奖等。


Calvin Chan

Chief Operation Officer

As Chief Operating Officer, Calvin is responsible for AdMaster’s operational excellence, organizational development and strategic partnerships. Calvin holds responsibilities for the best delivery of wide-ranging solutions with his capability teams. Since joining AdMaster in 2012, he previously held the positions of General Manager of Beijing office, as well as Vice President, Strategy & Insights. Prior to that, Calvin worked in the US and China for the Nielsen Company.

In his over 10 years of marketing data solution experience, Calvin has set himself as the most innovative and dynamic cross-media expert and co-authors the book “Research on Cross-media Communication Strategy”. Calvin is enlisted by Campaign for the 2014 and 2015 “Digital A-List”, which recognizes top digital marketing experts in China. And he is a frequent speaker in high-level forums like Global Mobile International Conference (GMIC) and his opinions are always quoted by influential media including Campaign and China Daily, and regularly serves as jury member for industry awards, e.g. Effie Awards,Golden Mouse, ECI Awards and MMA Smarties Awards.

Calvin is appointed as Special Advisor for the Media Integration Research Center of the Communication University of China. He also chairs the Board of Advisors for AIESEC in Mainland China, a non-profit organization that promotes youth leadership and global internship programs. Calvin has a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and a master’s degree in Humanities, both from The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST).





2012年,陈骥先生领导并实施谷歌程序化广告交易市场在中国区本土化项目,成功发布国内第一个广告交易市场DoubleClick Ad Exchange,为程序化营销行业在中国取得突破性发展奠定了坚实的基础。

David Chen

Managing Director
VivaKi China

Mr. David J Chen has more than 10 years’ experience in digital marketing in Asia Pacific. He used to work in Sydney, Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing, and now is Managing Director of VivaKi China.

Prior to VivaKi, Mr. Chen spent 10 years at Google, responsible for Google’s Media & Platforms Solutions team in Great China. Joined Google in 2004, he was taking the roles of product manager, senior strategy consultants. Since 2008, he took charge of Google’s DoubleClick platforms and YouTube & AdMob monetization in Great China and has extensive experiences and insights for online advertising industry in Asia.

In 2012, Mr. Chen managed to launch DoubleClick Ad Exchange in China, which is the very first real time bidding market place and laid the foundation of China programmatic buying industry.










David Porter

Media Director
Unilever North Asia

David is responsible for one of the largest media budgets in the region, driving the company’s innovation in Communications Channel Planning with a strong focus on Unilever’s development as a major force in digital marketing. He chairs the World Federation of Advertisers’ MediaForum in China.

Unilever was joint holder of the MMA’s 2014 Chinese Mobile Marketer of the Yearaward and is their Global Mobile Marketer of the Year 2014. In March 2015 Unilever topped the WARC 100 ranking of the world’s best advertisers, measured by its success in the world’s top effectiveness and strategy competitions.

David was educated at Dulwich College, London and later at the Open University Business School, UK. He spent 25 years in UK agencies before a spending 7 years in Thailand and Singapore with Mindshare, managing the agency’s APAC relationship with Unilever.

He joined Unilever in 2010 to manage its media investments in North Africa & the Middle East, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine & Belarus.

David moved to Shanghai in 2013 with his wife and two children.




RTB China


Andy Fan

Chief Editor
RTB China

Andy Fan is the chief editor of RTBChina.com, a technology media focusing on the development of programmatic advertising industry in China, which reports trade news, investment events and technology development. He is also the editor of the widely used “China Programmatic Advertising Technology Landscape” chart. He has over 10 years of management experience in Internet technology companies in both general management and product development.






Alvin Foo

Head of Airwave
Omnicom Media Group China

Alvin currently leads Airwave China, a Mobile Media Special Business Unit within OMG. Alvin is currently driving and integrating mobile strategy for all clients.

Alvin is a senior internet and mobile media executive and entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in Asia Pacific with the last 8 years spent in China. Prior to OMG, he was the Head of Mobile for Google Greater China.

In the 13 years prior, Alvin had held various leadership roles with other technology & media companies including Nokia and also started his own technology company in 1997 and it was later listed under Fast 500 in APAC for 3 consecutive years by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.

Greg Stuart


Greg Stuart是MMA全球无线营销联盟的首席执行官, MMA是全球领先的媒体贸易集团专注于蓬勃发展的移动营销行业。在过去的四年里,Greg改造了这个协会,让它吸引了整个行业市场营销和商业领袖去紧紧推动移动营销的发展。通过扩大和发展MMA的核心资源, Greg已经把组织的收入增加了一倍多,监管着全球800家成员公司在12个国家开展业务,并且与全球领先的“移动先行”品牌一同执掌董事会。



除了是广受欢迎的演讲家和全国演讲协会的成员,Greg也是What Sticks的作者:“为什么大多数的广告失败了,怎样能保证你成功”被AdAge认为是“十本一定要看的书”中的第一名

行业主管部门给Greg作为新兴媒体的先驱工作而颁奖, 2006年,AdAge挑选Greg作为“烙下印迹的十个人”,另外他经常在主流出版刊物上,如Fast Company上贡献自己对于移动营销的观点。

Greg Stuart

Chief Executive Officer
MMA Global

Greg Stuart is the CEO of the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), the leading global media trade group focused on the burgeoning mobile marketing industry. Over the past four years, Greg has transformed the association, attracting marketing and business leaders across the industry to lock arms and advance the mobile marketing movement. By expanding and evolving the MMA’s core resources, Greg has more than doubled the organization’s revenue, oversees the 800 member companies globally with operations in 12 countries, and works alongside top “mobile-first” brands on the MMA Global Board.

The MMA’s position on mobile marketing, “nothing gets marketers closer to consumers than mobile,” is a testament as to why Greg, a proven business builder, is dedicated to developing mobile as the most powerful channel available to marketers.
While Greg is an expert on mobile marketing, his background expands to include both the traditional and digital arena. He was formerly the CEO of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), the trade group for interactive advertising and marketing. During his tenure, Greg grew the IAB’s revenue significantly, providing vision and direction to spur the industry to invest $17 billion in Internet advertising, a monumental leap from $6 billion when he first started with the IAB.

With nearly three decades spent in marketing, two of which focused on digital and emerging technology, Greg has worked across the media landscape including roles with Y&R, Sony Online Ventures, Cars.com, Flycast Ad Network that IPO’d in 1999 and advising the CEO’s of two dozen other venture-backed businesses, a group of which have now sold for over $2 billion.

In addition to being a sought after speaker and a member of the National Speakers Association, Greg is an author of What Sticks: Why Most Advertising Fails and How to Guarantee Yours Succeeds, which was recognized by AdAge as the as the No. 1 book of the “10 books you should have read”.

Industry authorities have awarded Greg for his work as a pioneer in emerging media. In 2006, AdAge selected Greg as part of the “10 Who Made Their Mark” and he is a regular contributor to leading publications such as Fast Company for his views on mobile marketing.




Henry Gu

GM of Wireless Marketing

•Joining Ctrip in 2008, Mr. Gu has gained rich marketing experience through several marketing positions.
•From 2008 to 2010, he was responsible for affiliate marketing with major airlines, banks and enterprises.
•From 2010 on, his work started to focus on marketing and promotion of Ctrip Application.
•In 2012, he joined the newly founded wireless business unit and took charge of the online channel cooperation of Ctrip application.
•In 2014, he joined the Ctrip marketing department and took charge of the overall online and offline promotion activities of Ctrip application and H5 website.



何塞在数字化营销领域有十多年的丰富经验。他的职业生涯开始于谷歌,曾负责管理西班牙和拉美的Google Adwords团队,并带领完成欧洲、中东和非洲的谷歌图书项目。



Jose Campon

General Manager
iProspect Beijing

Jose Campon has over 10 years experience in Digital Performance, beginning his career at Google, where he led the Google AdWords team for Spain and Latin America, and Google Books for EMEA。

He has also over 7 years China experience, leading iProspect for several years in Hong Kong and now in Beijing. He is experienced in a wide range of industries, including FMCG, Hospitality, Fashion, Luxury and Automotive. His client experience encompasses the likes of Procter & Gamble, Disneyland, Shangri-La Hotels, Canon, Ralph Lauren or BMW.

Jose focused on driving performance to his clients and strives to bring innovations in digital performance marketing, so that his China clients stay ahead of their competitors and continuously outperform them.



洪倍(Bennett Hong)现任 AdMaster(精硕科技)首席技术官,他在 2006 年与闫曌共同创立 AdMaster,带领公司研发团队完善产品架构、钻研核心技术、挖掘数据价值。

洪倍独创了 AdMaster Dual Cookie 用户标识技术,专注于高并发异构数据实时流式计算的研究,拥有丰富的分布式数据挖掘集群的架构设计经验。他带领 AdMaster 研发团队,架构了中国领先,涵盖广告监播、社交聆听、电商渠道及移动应用等多种数据源的营销大数据采集和处理集群。洪倍作为 AdMaster 的代表,为中国广告协会、MMA 移动营销协会等多项行业技术标准制定作出杰出的贡献,引领数字营销产业健康有序的发展。


Bennett Hong

Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer

Bennett is the Chief Technology Officer at AdMaster. In 2006, Bennett along with Vincent Yan founded AdMaster. He is now responsible for leading AdMaster’s R&D team in improving the company’s product line, researching the latest technologies and finding new and innovative ways to extract value from big data.

Bennett developed AdMaster’s dual-cookie user tracking technology, has studied real-time data stream computing and has a wealth of experience designing data mining cluster architecture. He led AdMaster’s R&D team in developing China’s leading digital marketing cluster, which collects and processes data from multiple sources such as online advertising, social media, e-commerce channels and mobile apps. As AdMaster’s representative to the China Advertising Association, the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA and other industry forums, Bennett has made significant contributions to the development of industry standards and protocols.

Bennett has a bachelor’s degree in computer science and engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

侯雪微 Vivian Hou


2008年度IBM 股票奖励人才计划得主。
2007年度IBM 全球Winner销售俱乐部,公司奖励澳洲度假。



  • 2014-现在, 大众点评,市场营销副总裁,负责大众点评品牌传播,公关传播,外部品牌方推广业务。
  • 2010-2014, 欧普照明 首席市场官,负责品牌管理,产品管理,零售运营,渠道市场,用户体验设计。
  • 2002-2010, 宝洁公司,历任助理品牌经理,品牌经理,市场副总监,管理过的品牌包括海飞丝,潘婷,飘柔,沙宣,伊卡璐,威娜,佳洁士,欧乐b,舒肤佳,玉兰油,卡玫尔。

Jerry Huang

Vice President for marketing

  • 2014-NOW, Dianping.com, Vice President for marketing, in charge of brand building, public relationship and external brand co-op business.
  • 2010-2014, Opple Lighting, Chief Marketing Officer, in charge of brand strategy, product management, trade marketing, retail operation and consumer experience design.
  • 2002-2010, P&G, from Assistant Brand Manager to Brand Manager, then to Associated Marketing Director, managing the brand portfolio including H&S, Pantene, Rejoice/Pert, VS, Clairol, Wella, Crest, Oral-B, Safeguard, Olay, Camay.




加入亿动广告传媒(Madhouse)之前,黄凯文先生任职美国雅虎(Yahoo)公司程序化购买平台产品总监,带领他的团队成功研发了雅虎最新的跨渠道DSP以及受众数据平台(aka Ad Manager Plus)。



黄凯文先生毕业于加州理工大学,拥有学士学位并获得校长荣誉(President’s Honor)。

Clement Huang

Chief Product Officer
Madhouse Inc.

Clement Huang is Chief Product Officer at Madhouse Inc., a leading mobile advertising platform and service company with steady growth both in China and India.

Prior to Madhouse, Clement worked at Yahoo USA, where he led the product team of ads and data platform and was responsible for building and managing the product team to create Yahoo’s new Programmatic Buying Platform.

Before Yahoo, Clement was the product leader of global ad platform at GREE, the world’s second largest mobile social gaming network.

Meanwhile, he has been consulting for Silicon Valley China Entrepreneurship Forum (SVCEF) since 2005, giving startup mentorship on product strategies to new business owners in the US.

Clement graduated from California Polytechnic State University in 1997 with President’s Honor.

近卫 元博




基于在数字互动领域的丰富经验,于2015年率先在业界提出Store Engagement理念,认为在互联网日益发达的如今,将线下环境与移动平台相结合,既能丰富消费者在店内的体验度,又无形增加了品牌价值。

毕业于日本庆应义塾大学,于中国MMA讲座、Mworld讲座、日经Business Digital讲座等发表多次演讲。

Hiro Konoe

Chief Executive Officer

Hiro Konoe, who joined in D2C Inc. in 2006, has more than 14 years in digital marketing and cross media marketing area. During he was in charge of planning for Dentsu digital department in mobile marketing for 8 years in Japan, he successfully served big companies including Toyota, 7-11, American Express. At the meantime, Hiro was active at cross media marketing, cooperating with several media companies opening up products for mobile media area.

In August 2011, Hiro came to China being CEO of D2C-CHINA (subsidiary of D2C Inc.) start to support marketing campaigns in China. With the continuous experience of adapting Chinese marketing environment, Hiro has paid high focus on deep engagement and experience in events and campaigns for customers to promote better topic spreading on SNS, which is now the business concept of D2C-CHINA.

Based on extensive experience in digital interaction marketing, Hiro led in raising his idea about ‘Store Engagement’. He thinks, with the high development of the Internet, if we combine the real stores with creative interactions with internet platform, we can raise brand value while enriching customers experience in store.

Hiro graduated from Keio University, having hold several speeches for MMA CHINA, Mworld, Nikkei Business Digital etc.



•MMA China前任联合主席,现任董事。被《成功营销》杂志6次评为“中国营销100大人物”。2013年戛纳国际创意节任互动类评委。

Alvin Chiang

CEO and Founder
Bowhead Technology

•Founded Bowhead Technology in early 2015
•Former CMO of Renren , involved in company IPO raising USD 1.3 billion in 2011. Former Alibaba Group VP and former NetEase VP.
• A 16-year Internet veteran with commercial experiences, including internet portals, e-commerce, advertising platforms, social networking, and mobile internet. •Former co-chair and current director of MMA China. Named as “Top 100 Influential Marketing People” by Marketing China Magazine for 6 years. A Cyber Lions juror, for 2013 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.
•Once an angel investor in China, US, and Israel. A frequent startup mentor. Co-founder of Ali-bang, an active ex-Alibaba alumni organization.



Annabel Lin

General Manager of Agency Business
Google China


电通安吉斯集团中国区 董事长
MMA中国营销创新联盟 联合主席




KF Lee

Chairwoman Dentsu Aegis Network China
Co-Chair MMA China

KF Lee has approximately 30 years’ experience in the advertising and media communication field, with broad expertise in helping clients with brand communication as well as media investment strategies and solutions.

KF joined Carat Taiwan in 2000 and later on took the role of CEO of Aegis Media Taiwan. In 2006, KF was promoted to CEO Aegis Media Greater China, in charge Mainland China and Taiwan. Under her leadership, 5 Aegis global brands, including Carat, Vizeum, isobar, Posterscope and iProspect have strong presence in both markets. Carat ranked number 1 in Taiwan and number 3 in China. Isobar is the most awarded digital creative and marketing agency in this region. Through aggressive M&A programs, Aegis Media has built its digital scale to the number one position in Mainland China and Taiwan. Since January 2014, KF has taken the role of Chairwoman Dentsu Aegis Network China working across the two businesses. Her ambition is to continue to build innovative service capabilities for clients in the media convergence world.

KF was awarded the “2010 Star Performer Award” by Aegis Media for her outstanding business performance. KF also received “The Best Manager of the Year – Media Agency” for 3 consecutive years in 2005, 2006 and 2007. In 2007, KF was awarded “The Best Manager of Media Agency” by Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs.




  • 尼尔森中国媒体事业部
  • 尼尔森中国电子商务研究事业部
  • 尼尔森大中华区管理层成员

Steven Li

Vice President of Media Division
Nielsen China

About 20 years marketing and sales experience with Intel, Microsoft, Adobe and SINA.COM.



林真负责安索帕中国集团市场的经营战略与运营管理,包括4家网络奖项常胜代理机构与旗下的900名员工。安索帕中国集团自2011年起连续3年蝉联Campaign Asia年度最佳数字广告代理商,且连续5年被《中国广告》评选为年度最佳数字广告代理商。安索帕同时也是中国市场赢得最多奖项的数字代理商。

她拥有超过16年网络科技和数字营销行业经验,服务过的客户包括:宝洁、百胜、 亿滋、卡夫、华为、宝马、飞利浦、壳牌、可口可乐、索尼爱立信、玛氏和强生。

她于美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院取得MBA学位, 并于英国伦敦大学取得现代艺术史硕士学位。


  • 2015法国戛纳国际创意广告节“健康狮子”演讲嘉宾
  • 2015 ROI金投赏创意奖终审评委
  • 2015 Campaign 杂志 Digital A List 候选人
  • 2014 Campaign 杂志 Digital A List 候选人
  • 2014 ROI 金投赏创意奖终审评委
  • 2013上海媒介360营销传播奖战略奖终审评委
  • 2012法国戛纳国际创意广告节创意实效奖评委
  • 2012新加坡创意广告节创意实效奖评委
  • 2011亚太区数字媒体大奖评委

Jane Lin-Baden

Chief Executive Officer
Isobar China Group

Jane oversees Isobar China Group which includes 4 award winning agencies and more than 900 people in China market. Isobar China Group has won Digital Agency of The Year by Campaign Asia consecutively for 3 years since 2011 and Agency of the Year by Ad China consecutively for 5 years. It is also the most awarded digital agency in the China market.

Jane has over 16 years industry experience in technology and digital marketing, and client engagement experience including P&G, Yum, Mondelez, Kraft, Huawei, BMW, Philips, Shell, Coca Cola, Sony Ericsson, Mars and Johnson and Johnson etc.

She holds a MBA degree from The Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania USA and MA of History of Contemporary Art, University of London UK.

Industry and Award Credential:

  • 2015 Speaker of Cannes Lions Health, Cannes France
  • 2015 ROI Jury, Shanghai China
  • 2015 Campaign Magazine Digital A List
  • 2014 Campaign Magazine Digital A List
  • 2014 ROI Jury, Shanghai China
  • 2013 Jury of Media360 Award, Shanghai China
  • 2012 Jury of Cannes Lions Creative Effectiveness Award, Cannes France
  • 2012 Jury of Spikes Asia Creative Effectiveness Award, Singapore
  • 2011 Jury of Asia Media Award, Beijing China


MMA中国 广告标准及测量委员会秘书长
亿动广告传媒 创始人兼首席执行官






Joshua Maa

Mobile Ad Standard & Measurement Committee Chair MMA China
Founder & Chief Executive Officer Madhouse Inc.

Joshua Maa is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Madhouse Inc., a leading mobile advertising platform and service company with steady growth both in China and India.

Joshua Maa is the Board Member of MMA APAC (Mobile Marketing Association, Asia Pacific Region). He is also the Co-founder and Board Member of MMA China, and the Chairman of Mobile Ad Standards & Measurement Guidelines Committee.

Before founding Madhouse, Joshua Maa was EVP at TOM Online, where he managed the Wireless Business & Operations and International Business Development teams, and helped Tom become the largest Wireless Value-Added Service Provider by revenue in China in 2005.

Before TOM Online, Joshua was the Founding CEO of Rock Mobile Corporation, Greater China’s leading Mobile Music Entertainment Service Provider.

Joshua has over 21 years of managerial experience in Greater China’s New Media, entertainment, and Consumer Marketing industries.

Nishtha Mehta

CollabCentral Consulting Inc.
Founder| Chief Instigator

Nishtha Mehta is a 10 year China digital and Mobile marketing expert runs CollabCentral Consulting Inc. Curious, passionate, new media creative and technology evangelist, she’s commited to propel the adoption of Mobility, tech & innovation and talent skills by accelerating collaborations between brand owners, partners, tech companies and start up community. Experience across 2 of the largest APAC markets – India (3 yrs) & China (10 yrs).

An active mentor and volunteer for the startup community Chinaccelerator (No. 1 start-up accelerator of the east) and Startup Next (powered by Google), on the advisory board of ad:tech China & iMedia Summit China; keynote speaker at numerous industry forums like the MMA, iMedia agency & brand summits, ad:tech; trainer; workshop facilitator and have received award recognitions from AME, Effies, MMA – Mobile Marketing Association.

At MMA China 2014, she was central to the team wins of Mobile Marketing Company of the year 2014 for PHD & Mobile Advertiser of the year for Unilever China and other numerous wins at MMA APAC & MMA Global) in her role as Consulting Partner and head of Mobile Capability for PHD China between 2013 – early 2015.

Of the past 4 years in the independent executive consultancy, her clients have been from the Fortune 500 companies in the likes of Unilever, Estee Lauder, Wyeth Nutrition (Nestlé group); start-ups, digital & social specialist agencies and agency networks in the likes of WPP| Ogilvy, Publicis Groupe| Starcom, Leo Burnett and Omnicom Media Group| PHD Media. With CollabCentral she’s now focused on delivering new arenas of gamified talent training & innovation acceleration programs that’s based on ‘learn-by-doing’ approach, for both local market, as well as, regional and global HQ. eg:

  1. CollabCentral Mix:er – Workplace Hackathon Program with start ups & tech community, that accelerates pilots & innovation pipeline
  2. CollabCentral Mobile:Chargers – Getting brands Mobile charged, from strategy, partnerships to effectiveness, across Mobile video, mCommerce, O2O, integration

Prior to starting with the consulting stint, she worked at Ogilvy between 2003-2011 – India & China in various client & digital leadership roles servicing clients like adidas digital, British Petroleum, Unilever.




凯络中国 国际客户董事总经理
卡利迪 董事总经理





Managing Director of International Clients Carat China
Managing Director Clarity

With over 14 years of experience garnered across 4A Agencies in APAC, 8 of which have been spent in China, Mani continues to build a reputation for driving change and innovation. He has successfully managed clients from diverse categories including adidas, Mondelez, Burberry, FrieslandCampina, Lego, P&G, Johnson & Johnson, PepsiCo, GSK and Volkswagen.

In March 2013 Mani was invited to join the Dentsu Aegis Network as a strategic lead to drive trading efficacy. Recognized for his ability to contextualize deep local consumer understanding within the framework of an increasingly globalized market, he was promoted to Managing Director of International Clients for Carat China in Jan 2014.

In addition to a rapid expansion of the International client portfolio which has seen revenue grow by 46% within 12 months, Mani has taken on the additional responsibility of heading up Clarity, the network’s specialist Luxury Agency and is taking it from strength to strength.

Rohit Dadwal





Rohit Dadwal

Managing Director
Mobile Marketing Association Asia Pacific Limited

RohitDadwal is the Managing Director of the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) Asia Pacific Limited. A highly visible industry advocate with over 18 years of experience in the internet, digital and mobile spheres, Rohit has been instrumental in the MMA’s growth in the region, forging relationships with industry leaders and key stakeholders.

Prior to taking charge of MMA’s APAC activities, Rohit spent 9 years working with Microsoft as the Director of Platform and Mobile Services. In the past, Rohit has also worked with Bharti-British Telecom ISP services – India and with IPSII, an affiliate of VSNL, the largest internet service provider in India.

An enthusiastic evangelist of mobile marketing, Rohit sits on the board of the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) and is an Advisor for the Internet and Mobile Marketing Association of the Philippines (IMMAP) and IDBYTE.






Yi Shu

Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Limei Technologies

Yi Shu, founder and CEO of Limei Technologies, is responsible for company strategy and operations.

Since founding the company in 2010, Mr. Shu has led the team to achieve tremendous success in business operations, product management, and capital operations, making the company one of the largest mobile advertising solution providers in China.

Under Mr. Shu’s leadership, Limei Technologies has won numerous awards including “Best Client Service Awards for China’s Mobile Advertising Companies” by Internet Weekly and “Top 30 Companies of Mobile Internet” by Forbes.

Mr. Shu has been named Fortune China’s List of Top 40 Entrepreneurs Under 40 and Forbes China’s List of Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30, for three consecutive years.

Shireesh Joshi


加入高德瑞治之前,Shireesh曾在Bharti Airtel有限公司担任CMO,为印度的电信领头人实行市场和销售创新计划。于此之前,Shireesh在中国,台湾和新加坡花了十年尝试过很多不同的职业。作为一个已经推动了全球和印度各种品牌在亚洲市场和市场地位方面获得收入和利润的成功的新兴市场专家,Shireesh在组织中曾凭借对成功的见解,创新、策略和设计赢得了国际奖项。他同时拥有班加罗尔分校的市场营销MBA学位和印度理工学院坎普尔分校的电子技术学士学位。









Karen Tan

VP of Eco-marketing and Customer Operation Center

In 2012, Karen joined Letv.com, the world’s first video website that went public. She served as Vp for Letv Eco-marketing and Customer Operation Center. Since joining, she has been discovering talent and training sales professionals and building top notch sales teams. With her effort, sales has been driven up by a large Margin at Letv. Graduated from China Drama Academy, and being an art-lover, Karen was a professional Chinese opera actress. Surprisingly, she turned into one of the best Internet sales professional.

From 2001 and 2004, she worked at “Computer World”, which is a magazine launched jointly by IDG and MIIT. Within two years, she transformed herself from a opera actress to a sales champion.

From 2004 to 2011, Karen joined sohu.com as channel director for domestic Chinese market. Spending seven years of her career at sohu.com, she has won the trust of her clients with passion, sincerity and teamwork. She was also sales champion of sohu.com. Now, karen has found her real stage–Letv eco-system.

Tom Daly




由此产生的成果为他和他所代表的公司赢得了认可:AdAge“数字媒体大师”(1997),移动娱乐“移动内容领域前50名最重要的人”(2008),OMMA“互动营销全明星”(2009),商业内幕“移动广告前30名最富有创意的人”(2013),亚特兰大商会“亚特兰大流动星”(2014),“如此50”(# 3名单上最具影响力的买家,卖家&营销人员”),“年度移动营销人员”(2012和2014)和最近,应召加入到移动营销人员的“移动名人堂”。



Tom Daly

Group Director-Global Connection

Tom has been with The Coca-Cola Company for nearly ten years. During that time, he has collaborated with internal and external teams across the globe to deliver many of the company’s highest profile online initiatives. He currently focuses his attention on the company’s worldwide strategy for mobile marketing.

Daly’s approach has been inspired and shaped by experiences in the advertising industry and as well as client-side experience with notable and diverse brands such as UPS and ING.

The resulting work has earned recognition for him and the company’s he has represented: AdAge “Digital Media Master”(1997), Mobile Entertainment “Top 50 Most important people in Mobile Content” (2008), OMMA “Interactive Marketing All-Star” (2009), Business Insider “Top 30 Most Creative People in Mobile Advertising” (2013), Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce “Atlanta Mobility Star” (2014), “The Adweek 50″ (#3 on the list of the most influential buyers, sellers & marketers”), “Mobile Marketer of the Year” (2012 and 2014) and most recently, inductee into Mobile Marketer’s “Mobile Hall of Fame”.

He is very active in industry trade groups such Mobile Marketing Association (Global Board) as well as civic organizations(Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce’s Mobility Taskforce) and works to advocate responsible, informed, and effective use of technology to grow businesses through marketing and advertising.

Tom lives in Atlanta with his wife and four children who have endured his extensive international travel and inspired occasional tweets as @TravelingParent.




  • 毕业于加州大学伯克利分校Haas商学院(University of California-Berkeley, Haas School of Business)
  • 取得悉尼大学MBA(MBA,The University of Sydney)


  • SAP中国研究院荣誉院士,被天津职业大学授予“工学结合突出贡献奖”荣誉。除此之外,王智民还担任北京大学光华管理学院企业信息战略与创新研究中心副主任兼专家委员、天津医科大学眼视光学院客座教授等职务。
  • 广受学术界欢迎,被北京大学、复旦大学、南京大学等全国各大知名高校邀请做定期专题讲座,更被上海交通大学聘请为其海外教育学院高级讲师。
  • 作为商业3.0的领跑者,王智民的身影也频频出没于各大高峰论坛,和商界大鳄们交流互联网思维,跨界探讨商业3.0话题。2014年3月21日,王智民受邀参加由中国连锁经营协会主办的“中国连锁业O2O大会暨第十一届中国零售业信息化&电商峰会”,与小米、京东、1号店、团车网等互联网企业和跨界企业高管齐聚一堂,王智民带来主题为“用O2O做营销和营销3.0”的演讲,为上汽电商战略带来新思路。10月17日,受邀出席由联商网主办的主题为“联合?造势——为实体零售站台”的联商风云会,做了主题为《迎接商业3.0》的演讲。10月23日,受邀参加主题为“抢占新风口”的第十四届中国药店高峰论坛,分享旗下宝岛眼镜的转型经验。


  • 2012年底成立星创视界(NOVA VISION),实现平台统一管理和资源共享,从单一零售通路正式跨入多品牌经营,除整合包括宝岛眼镜、米兰米蓝(MILANNO)等品牌,并成立星创眼科,设立星创视界视光产业研究院(NOIRI)。秉承 “Better Vision,Better Life(更好视界,更好生活)”的企业宗旨,真正成为一家提供从预防医学、验配零售到诊断治疗一站式服务的综合性企业。
  • 2013年,星创视界荣膺亚洲品牌协会颁发的“亚洲品牌500强”荣誉称号。
  • 2014年,凭借传统企业接轨互联网进程中的创新运营与管理,星创视界荣获中国管理模式杰出奖理事会颁发的“2014年中国管理模式杰出奖-卓越运营奖”。
  • 2015年,蝉联亚洲品牌协会颁发的相关奖项,星创视界荣获“亚洲品牌十大最具发展力企业”称号,董事长王智民荣获“中国(行业)品牌十大创新人物”称号。同年,星创视界获得由极客公园和蓝色光标传播集团授予的“2014中国互联网创新产品年度右脑竞争力奖”。





中国数字化营销与服务产业联盟 秘书长
上海市数字营销专业委员会 秘书长





Wei Wang

China Country Manager

Wei is currently the China Country Manager of AppsFlyer. He enjoys working closely with clients on technology, product and business, especially on translating the feedback from clients into product innovations. In the past, he worked for Nokia Research Center and Adwo as Senior Researcher and Director of Overseas Business, respectively. He holds a PhD from UC Davis in Computer Science.

Vincent Yan

Founder & CEO

Vincent is the Chief Executive Officer of AdMaster. He founded AdMaster together with Bennett Hong in 2006. Under his leadership, AdMaster has become China’s leading marketing data solution provider. By using cutting-edge technology and by harnessing the power of big data, AdMaster helps companies succeed in the digital marketplace.

As a pioneer of digital marketing in China and an important contributor to the development of big data marketing solutions, Vincent strongly believes that data is the key to success in brand marketing and business development. Thanks to his in-depth knowledge of corporate needs and market trends, Vincent has led AdMaster to provide technology solutions for over 80 percent of leading global and local brands. As a result of AdMaster’s stellar growth, Vincent is considered an expert in big data integration within the marketing industry.

Before founding AdMaster, Vincent worked at Mars & Co and Procter & Gamble. He holds a double bachelor’s degree in chemistry and economics from Peking University.








Tony Yuan

Senior Vice President

Tony Yuan is one of the first generation of Chinese online marketing professionals and has more than 18 years of digital communication, and 4A’s agency experience.

His advertising experience started from 1995, he served in Ogilvy, Mindshare, Mindshare m-digital, Universal McCann, wwwins/isobar. Clients he has served include IBM, Northwest Airlines, CTCC, Goodyear, Volkswagen, Audi China, MasterCard International, Intel, Microsoft.

Tony joined hdtMEDIA as Vice President in 2006 and was promoted as Senior Vice President in 2012.

His achievements include: 1999 “Asia Pacific Network Creative Award” , 2003 Sina “Judge of the First China Internet Advertising Award” and 2012 iResearch “Outstanding Contribution to Online Advertising”.


百度 副总裁
百度糯米 总经理




Liang ZENG

Vice President Baidu Inc.
General Manager Baidu Nuomi

Mr. Liang Zeng serves as Vice President of Baidu Inc., and CEO of Baidu Nuomi, a leading O2O service platform owned by Baidu. His mission is to enable Baidu to connect the people and the services in the mobile Internet age. In his tenure with Baidu before, he oversaw key account sales, search engine marketing and Baidu Marketing Research Institute.

As an IT and Internet industry executive, Mr. Zeng has a successful track record in leading diverse team to grow business in multiple countries. Before joining Baidu, Liang worked for Microsoft as a member of the Greater China Region (GCR) Senior Leadership Team and was responsible for driving the sales, marketing and services of government, education and healthcare industry for China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Liang received both his MBA and his MS in Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. In addition, he holds another MS in Engineering degree from Tsinghua University in Beijing.


Adexchanger 主编
AdbugTech 创始人兼首席执行官



Martin Zhang

Founder & Chief Editor Adexchanger
Founder & Chief Executive Officer AdbugTech

Adbug is the only ads search engine and BrandSafety service provider in China.

Before adbug, Martin work for Sizmek as publisher manager of China and TribalDDB as project manager. He also founded award winning digital production house ZGsolution. He spent his software engineer career in UGS and China Acedamy of Science.

Martin holds Computer Science Bachelor degree from Coventry Univerisity. He also drop out the CEIBS MBA course to start his own company.






He Zhang

co-founder & COO

Mr. Zhang has 12 years experience in Internet and wireless industries with roles in operation, business development, and management.

Mr. Zhang co-founded Domob in 2010 with his EMBA classmates Yujie Qi, Jiageng Bian, and Pengyun Wang aiming to build the leading mobile advertising technology service platform to connect advertisers and App developers. Domob has now become the No.1 mobile advertising platform in China.

Prior to Domob, Mr. Zhang was the President of Joy.cn, overseeing the company’s business operation. Before Joy.cn, he was the sales VP of Linktone and helped with Linktone’s IPO in 2004 (Nasdaq: LTON). He has also held position with Sohu.com in the wireless department.

Mr. Zhang received EMBA from China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and is a frequent speaker on wireless industry.








Clarence Zheng

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Clarence Zheng, one of the founders of hdtMEDIA, has over 10 years sales and marketing experience in MNCs and SOE.

He was appointed in 2000 as Vice President in Operation and Business management and promoted to CEO of hdtMEDIA in 2002.

He holds a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and International Politics from Fudan University, Shanghai.

Vivian Zhu was appointed Managing Director of Digital, Data and Analytics for Starcome Mediavest Group China in April 2013 and has since focused on leading and driving the digital innovation and growth for SMG Clients including P&G, Coke, ABI, Richemonte and Mead Johnson just to name a few. She is also part of the key team in winning the BMW media business for Starcom Mediavest Group most recently.

Under her leadership, SMG digital has gone through a major transformation toward embracing technology, innovation and data. She has orchestrated the partnership with Tencent, Madhouse and China Accelerator to bring technology, mobile solutions and innovation deeper into the overall media planning.



2013年四月加入星传媒体集团中国任董事总经理,负责整个区域互动营销及数据解析业务,带领团队提升星传媒体集团持续增长的互动营销业务,巩固团队能力,丰富互动营销和数据解析业务产品创新,助力客户实现业务增长。她服务的客户包括宝洁,可口可乐, 百威英博,历峰集团,和美赞臣等.她的团队也在最近星传媒体赢得宝马中国媒介业务中成绩卓越.

她坚信科技创新和对数据的应用将是推动客户对广告媒体投资回报增长的新动力. 在她的推动下,星传数码业务和数据分析业务在`高速增长的同时也经历了进一步优化. 星传媒体达成了业内第一家与腾讯的战略合作关系; 她也促成了星传与亿动传媒和中国加速的合作关系; 把技术,移动和创新思维深入联接到媒体策划过程中, 将客户投资回报最大化.

她深信移动时代,品牌需要也有可能与消费者建立深层的亲密感. 蜕变,, 创新和对消费者的实时和深入的洞察是制胜的关键.

作为资深的互动营销专家和领导者,她拥有超过16年电子商务、娱乐、金融服务、酒店、信息技术、医药及零售行业经验。朱京华女士曾经服务的客户还包括Travelocity、贝宝(Paypal)、Glit、微软,迪斯尼、花旗银行、喜达屋酒店、英特尔、辉瑞制药、拉夫劳伦(Ralph Lauren)、J Crew以及维多利亚的秘密等在内的多个品牌,深入了解消费者洞察及创新,通过精准的分析衡量,为客户成功制定跨渠道市场策略,最终为消费者提供最优体验。

在加入星传媒体集团中国之前,朱京华女士服务于阳狮旗下互动广告公司睿域营销旧金山和纽约办公室,担任策略和消费者洞察副总裁。在此之前,她还曾服务于麦肯光明(MRM Worldwide)和伟门公司(Wunderman)纽约办公室。

出生于中国北京,长期在北京,纽约,旧金山工作生活,现常驻上海,拥有美国罗切斯特大学(Simon School of Univ. of Rochester)MBA工商管理硕士学位。

Vivian Zhu

Managing Director of Digital, Data and Analytics
Starcom Mediavest Group China

Vivian Zhu has been driven thought leadership and innovative solutions in the areas of digital strategy, consumer insights, and advanced media analytics for the past 16 years for global clients in various verticals, working in leadership positions in New York and San Francisco across various agency networks prior to moving to Shanghai and joining Starcom.

She believes mobile is a behavior, not just a channel and in the age of mobile first, brands need to learn to establish new intimacy with consumer by behaving in the most relevant way.

She is an avid advocate for using data to customize and personalize human experience in a multi channel and fragmented media realities of today’s world. She also believes in leveraging the latest technology innovations to drive the tracking, analysis and delivering of the industry-first experiences. She believes data and insights fuels innovation and creativity and digital media best manifest the convergence of data, technology and creativity.

She has extended experience in high tech, entertainment, luxury goods, gaming, retail, FMCG, auto, and financial service.

She holds an MBA degree from Simon Business School of University of Rochester.

论坛首席合作伙伴 Principal Partner



hdtMEDIA是中国最大、最早、最好的Ad Network数字媒体广告投放平台。作为中国互联网广告营销行业的领航者,十年来携手中国所有门户网站、搜索引擎网站及90%以上的优质垂直媒体资源,跨越互联网、手机移动互联网、数字电视等所有数字领域的媒体平台建立最优质的技术架构。hdtMEDIA的数字媒体广告投放平台产品包括iCast(Rich Media Ad Network)、iFocus(Online Ad Network)、iMocha(手机in APP广告)和MoCast(基于iPad平台的富媒体广告)。在内容定向、频次控制等技术的支持下,有效覆盖目标人群,客户的投资回报率得到显著提升。

hdtDXP互动通数字广告交易平台,是互动通控股集团近年来自主研发的广告交易开放平台,该平台融合了广告交易平台 (Ad Exchange) 、需求端平台 (Demand-side Platform, 简称DSP)、供应端平台 (Supply-side Platform,简称SSP) 以及数据管理平台 (Data Management Platform, 简称DMP),集合了最先进的广告技术和理念,可实现多渠道和基于人群购买的实时竞价功能,达到广告投放的高回报(ROI)、高效率和高透明度,从而为广告主、代理商和媒体提供一种崭新的互联网广告客户体验及服务。


hdtMEDIA is a digital advertising network under the HDT Holdings Group®. Founded in 1999, hdtMEDIA is China’s most established digital ad network and also the pioneer of iCast™ Rich Media Ad Network, iFocus™ Online Ad Network and hdtMobile Mobile Ad Network. Over the past decade, hdtMEDIA has developed extensive cooperation with all the major horizontal portals, search engine sites and over 90% of the vertical portals in China—covering Internet, mobile wireless, digital TV, online video and SNS groups—to provide superior technological services for the advertising industry.

论坛全程合作伙伴 Gold Partner


作为日本电通集团的一部分,电通安吉斯集团是数字时代第一个真正的全球性传播网络。凭借旗下八大全球性传播品牌 – 凯络、电通、电通传媒、安布思沛、安索帕、mcgarrybowen、博视得和伟视捷,以及其他来自于多市场运作的专业品牌,包括安纳特(Amnet)、Amplifi、Data2Decisions、Mitchell Communications(公关)、psLIVE以及 360i ,电通安吉斯集团致力于为客户提供最高水准的品牌、媒体和数字化传播服务,实现创新品牌成功之道的愿景。电通安吉斯集团总部位于伦敦,业务遍及全球110个国家和地区,拥有超过23,000名专业人才,为客户提供一系列独具创新的产品与服务。

Dentsu Aegis Network

As part of Dentsu Inc., Dentsu Aegis Network is the first truly global communications network for the digital age. Through its eight global network brands – Carat, Dentsu, Dentsu media, iProspect, Isobar, mcgarrybowen, Posterscope and Vizeum – and supported by its specialist/multi-market brands including Amnet, Amplifi, Data2Decisions, Mitchell Communications (PR), psLIVE and 360i – Dentsu Aegis Network is Innovating the Way Brands Are Built for its clients through its best-in-class expertise and capabilities in brand, media and digital communications services. Offering a distinctive and innovative range of products and services, Dentsu Aegis Network is headquartered in London and operates in 110 countries worldwide with over 23,000 dedicated specialists.

论坛合作伙伴 Silver Partner




Beijing Limei Technology

Beijing Limei Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Limei Technology), a Chinese leading mobile marketing solution provider, is committed to building the largest mobile advertising platform in China. With extensive experience in basic infrastructure and algorithms of mobile ads technology, Limei Technology keeps sustainable innovation in mobile ads delivering, effect monitoring and technology of data mining through target clients so as to achieve a transition from ‘Media targeting’ to ‘ Audience targeting’ and enhance the coverage and effectiveness of mobile advertising. Since its foundation in 2010, Limei Technology, a competitive leader in mobile Internet advertising market, mainly based on ADN and Limei DSP products, has become one of the fastest-growing mobile Internet advertising companies in China.

It’s worth mentioning that Limei Technology has acquired more than $20 million VC investments from IDG, KPCB and many other well-known overseas investment institutions. There are Limei Technology branch offices in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Chengdu. A huge number of professional mobile Internet technology development companies gain direct investment from Limei Technology.






We were founded in September 2010, and we committed ourselves to be the most leading mobile advertising network in China.?Domob integrated excellent application and advertising resources in the field of mobile advertising marketing, and built the advertising service platform between advertisers and publishers. We made it easy for publishers to monetize their mobile traffic based on our advantage on mass data processing and the business model suitable for publishers, and enabled advertisers to target the most suitable customers when promoting their products or brands on mobile advertising networks. Here in Domob Mobile Advertising Network, we provided a fair, reasonable and efficient resource allocation platform, and we are working on bringing the best value to publishers and advertisers.?We have senior experts in the field, and a research and development team with famous senior engineers, all of which give us particular technology advantage in running an advertising system. With years of experience in Internet advertising and ample ad resources, we wish to bring to this industry our special value. We believe Mobile Internet will be much cooler with the existence of advertising!

VIP午宴合作伙伴 VIP Lunch Partner


AdMaster是中国领先的独立第三方数字营销全流程数字广告监测服务和技术解决方案供应商。AdMaster 成立于 2006 年,设有上海、北京、广州 3 家公司。AdMaster 将多年对中国网络营销的理解和实践经验注入产品的研发和创新,为广告主提供包括媒体审计、优化咨询、受众分析、微博和社交媒体评估、舆情监测、在线调研等全方位的效果评估解决方案。目前,AdMaster 已经为快消、IT 、汽车、电商等多个行业内的近 300 家国内外知名品牌客户并获得业界的广泛认可和赞誉。


AdMaster is the largest independent 3rd party digital ad tracking service provider in China. Our service consists of internet, mobile, social media ad tracking, data analysis, optimization consulting and research solutions. AdMaster was founded in 2006 and has offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. AdMaster provides an integrated solution and technology platform for digital marketers. AdMaster leverages innovative technologies and rich industry experience, as well as actionable insights to help advertisers maximize their digital ROI.

现场展位 Exhibit Table Partner




Founded in 2002, iResearch is a leading organization focusing on in-depth research in China’s internet industry, including online media, e-commerce, online games, mobile internet and wireless value-added services, etc. With more than 200 experts, iResearch is dedicated to providing high quality products and services to increase our clients’ understanding of China’s internet industry and, therefore, enhancing their profitability and competitiveness.As one of the pioneers in this field, iResearch has achieved great success by providing precise analysis support, consulting services and customized solutions to more than 700 clients in past 9 years, including new media, agencies, investors and manufacturers. In addition to the research teams located in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, iResearch also launched branches in Tokyo and San Francisco in order to enhance our services to global clients. We truly believe our products and services will help you take advantage of the opportunities in China’s booming internet industry.

无线营销合作伙伴 Mobile Partner






About Madhouse Inc.

Founded 2006 in Shanghai, Madhouse is China’s First Mobile Ad Platform Company to operate both a mobile Ad network & a mobile DSP. Madhouse’s Smartmad is China’s most intelligent mobile web & in-app Ad network. Its other product Optimad simplifies the mobile demand-side process by helping advertisers maximize returns on their mobile spend. The company has more than 240 employees in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. In 2012, Madhouse started operations in India at Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore.

Millward Brown

Millward Brown 是全球领先的调研机构之一,专业从事广告效果、战略沟通、媒介与品牌资产方面的调查研究。

Millward Brown通过提供综合全面的、以调研为基础的定性和定量解决方案帮助客户构建强有力的品牌。公司下设的全球性专业业务机构包括Millward Brown Digital(数字化营销效果及智能化方面的领先机构)、Firefly Millward Brown(全球性的定性研究公司)、Neuroscience Practice(利用神经科学来强化传统研究技巧)以及Millward Brown Vermeer(专注于帮助客户优化品牌和市场投资的战略咨询公司)。

Millward Brown在超过55个国家和地区开展业务,隶属于WPP旗下的Kantar数据投资管理集团。

了解更多信息,请访问 www.millwardbrown.com


酷划是韩国CashSlide的独家授权方,是全球最大的手机锁屏返现应用。目前拥有超过5000万注册用户,活跃用户超过千万。酷划同时也是中国最大的锁屏广告投放平台,是第六届金鼠标网络营销大赛评选的“最佳移动营销应用平台”。酷划通过精准定向技术 ,将广告推送到目标用户的手机锁屏上,开创了移动互联网新的广告模式。


Coohua is an affiliate of Cashslide, which is the first mobile advertisement platform globally to display full-screen advertisement on the mobile device’s lock-screen. As the leading mobile advertisement platform in China, Coohua accumulated over 50 million users with 10 million active users. Based on strong foothold in Chinese market, Coohua was awarded “Best Mobile Marketing Application Platform” at The 6th Golden Mouse Network Marketing Competition. Coohua has innovated the methods of mobile advertisement by providing diverse array of targeting options with high accuracy.



MMA 无线营销论坛赞助项目


  1. 在官方活动网站展示赞助商logo及公司简介(100字内)
  2. 在MMA中国官方微信和微博发布赞助商logo及公司简介(100字内)
  3. 在活动现场引导标识上展示赞助商logo
  4. 在活动指南上展示赞助商logo
  5. 在活动现场口播赞助商名称
  6. 在活动后报告/邮件中展示赞助商logo


¥220,000 MMA Member Price

  1. 一位高层加入本次活动的顾问团
  2. 一位高层在主会场舞台发表论坛开场致辞,时间为5分钟(致辞人和内容需由MMA确认)
  3. 一位高层参与组织一场圆桌讨论,可担任讨论嘉宾或主持人(嘉宾人选和讨论主题需由MMA确认)
  4. 论坛主舞台背景板上展示logo (排在首位)
  5. 在会场入口放置1个易拉宝(物料由赞助商提供)
  6. 在会场外桌面展示区放置宣传资料或赠品(物料由赞助商提供)
  7. 在活动资料袋内放置甲方的宣传页或赠品(物料由赞助商提供)
  8. 赠送11张论坛门票
  9. 赠送15张门票给赞助商邀请的品牌广告主(需由MMA确认),给予赞助商邀请的其他参会者7.5折门票优惠
  10. 在MMA Asia Pacific Year Book 2015中赠送给赞助商一页广告
  11. 以及标准赞助权益


¥180,000 MMA Member Price

  1. 一位高层加入本次活动的顾问团
  2. 一位高层参与组织一场圆桌讨论,可担任讨论嘉宾(嘉宾人选和讨论主题需由MMA确认)
  3. 在活动指南上的议程中,在参与的panel边上展示logo
  4. 论坛主舞台背景板上展示logo
  5. 在会场入口放置1个易拉宝(物料由赞助商提供)
  6. 在会场外桌面展示区放置宣传资料或赠品(物料由赞助商提供)
  7. 在活动资料袋内放置甲方的宣传页或赠品(物料由赞助商提供)
  8. 赠送9张论坛门票
  9. 赠送10张门票给赞助商邀请的品牌广告主(需由MMA确认),给予赞助商邀请的其他参会者8折门票优惠
  10. 在MMA Asia Pacific Year Book 2015中赠送给赞助商一页广告
  11. 以及标准赞助权益


¥150,000 MMA Member Price

  1. 一位高层可担任圆桌讨论嘉宾或主持人(嘉宾人选和讨论主题需由MMA确认)
  2. 一次茶歇赞助(上午或下午)
  3. 论坛主舞台背景板上展示logo
  4. 在会场入口放置1个易拉宝(物料由赞助商提供)
  5. 在会场外桌面展示区放置宣传资料或赠品(物料由赞助商提供)
  6. 在活动资料袋内放置甲方的宣传页或赠品(物料由赞助商提供)
  7. 赠送8张论坛门票
  8. 赠送5张门票给赞助商邀请的品牌广告主(需由MMA确认),给予赞助商邀请的其他参会者8.5折门票优惠
  9. 在MMA Asia Pacific Year Book 2015中赠送给赞助商半页广告
  10. 以及标准赞助权益


¥120,000 MMA Member Price

  1. 一位高层可担任圆桌讨论嘉宾(嘉宾人选和讨论主题需由MMA确认)
  2. 论坛主舞台背景板上展示logo
  3. 在会场外桌面展示区放置宣传资料或赠品(物料由赞助商提供)
  4. 在活动资料袋内放置甲方的宣传页或赠品(物料由赞助商提供)
  5. 赠送6张论坛门票
  6. 以及标准赞助权益


¥66,000 MMA Member Price

  1. —在线注册页面和论坛现场签到背景板上展示赞助商logo
  2. 在活动资料袋内放置甲方的宣传页或赠品(物料由赞助商提供)
  3. 可指定在签到处的其他赞助形式,比如放置宣传资料/易拉宝等(需由MMA确认)
  4. 赠送3张论坛门票
  5. 以及标准赞助权益


¥66,000 MMA Member Price

  1. 可在午宴区域放置带有赞助商logo的桌上用品、企业标牌或其他广告品(物料由赞助商提供,需由MMA确认)
  2. 在午宴餐券上展示赞助商logo
  3. 可在午宴区域通道处或入口处放置易拉宝(物料由赞助商提供)
  4. 可指定在午宴区域内的赞助形式(由MMA确认)
  5. 赠送3张论坛门票
  6. 以及标准赞助权益


¥45,000 MMA Member Price

  1. 可在茶歇区域放置带有赞助商logo的杯子、纸巾,企业标牌或其他广告品(物料由赞助商提供,需由MMA确认)
  2. 茶歇区体现品牌赞助标志
  3. 赠送2张论坛门票
  4. 以及标准赞助权益

WI-FI 赞助(仅1席)

¥75,000 MMA Member Price

  1. 在发送给参会者的邮件中告知网络登录信息并放置赞助商logo(由MMA编写并发送)
  2. 在活动指南中放置网络登录信息和赞助商logo
  3. 可指定其他网络赞助形式(由MMA确认)
  4. 赠送4张论坛门票
  5. 以及标准赞助权益


¥45,000 MMA Member Price

  1. 赞助商可定制移动充电站(由赞助商设计制作,需由MMA确认)
  2. 赠送2张论坛门票
  3. 以及标准赞助权益


¥80,000 MMA Member price

  1. 在挂绳上展示赞助商logo
  2. 在胸牌背面展示赞助商logo
  3. 赠送4张论坛门票
  4. 以及标准赞助权益


¥25,000 MMA Member price

  1. 赞助商宣传页或赠品 (仅限一份)放置在参会者座椅上(早上开场前或午后开场前)
  2. 赠送1张论坛门票
  3. 以及标准赞助权益


¥80,000 MMA Member price

  1. 赞助商定制参会者的椅背(由赞助商设计和制作,需由MMA确认)
  2. 赠送4张论坛门票
  3. 以及标准赞助权益


¥15,000 MMA Member price

  1. 赞助商宣传页或赠品放入会议资料袋中
  2. 赠送1张论坛门票
  3. 以及标准赞助权益


¥30,000 MMA Member price

  1. 赞助商提供参会者使用的笔和记录本
  2. 赠送2张论坛门票
  3. 以及标准赞助权益

现场展位(6 to 8席)

¥30,000 MMA Member price

  1. 在紧邻会场区域提供给赞助商1张标准展示桌和2把椅子,赞助商可自行装饰
  2. 赠送2张论坛门票
  3. 以及标准赞助权益


¥100,000 MMA Member price

  1. 一位高层在颁奖礼上发表3分钟致辞(发言嘉宾由MMA确认)
  2. 一位高层颁发一个奖项(所颁奖项由MMA确定)
  3. 舞台背景板上展示赞助商logo
  4. 可提供终审会场
  5. 在终审会场,可提供企业宣传页、赠品等
  6. 可赞助终审评委晚宴
  7. 在会场入口放置1 个易拉宝(物料由赞助商提供)
  8. 在活动资料袋内放置甲方的宣传页或赠品(物料由赞助商提供)
  9. 赠送5张论坛门票
  10. 以及标准赞助权益


¥80,000 MMA Member price

  1. 一位高层颁发一个奖项(所颁奖项由MMA确定)
  2. 舞台背景板上展示赞助商logo
  3. 参与组织颁奖礼表演(与MMA合作)
  4. 在会场入口放置1个易拉宝(物料由赞助商提供)
  5. 在活动资料袋内放置甲方的宣传页或赠品(物料由赞助商提供)
  6. 赠送4张论坛门票
  7. 以及标准赞助权益


Amanda Guan (86)13918135478 amanda.guan@mmaglobal.com
Cathy Cao (86)13601795187 cathycao@madhouse-inc.com




  1. Company logo on official event website with 100 word company description
  2. Company logo with 100 word company description post in MMA China WeChat and Weibo
  3. Company logo on appropriate onsite signage
  4. Company logo in Forum Guide
  5. Verbal acknowledgement of partnership by MMA Forum
  6. Logo inclusion in post event emails



¥220,000 MMA Member Price

Be at the forefront with this principal partnership:

  1. A company executive sits on the event Advisory Board to help guide the conference agenda
  2. A company executive delivers a 3-5 minute co-scripted introduction on the main stage at the start of day one of the conference (written with and approved by the MMA)
  3. Collaboration with the MMA on a panel session with a company executive participating as a panelist/moderator – MMA has final approval on speakers and topic
  4. On stage logo placement
  5. One Roll up (prepared & provided by the partner) located outside of show entrance
  6. Tabletop display area, located outside of show entrance
  7. Full-page collateral piece or giveaway (prepared & provided by the partner) in event conference tote
  8. Eleven (11) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  9. Discount code, 25%, to invite partners to event, 15 tickets for MMA approved brand partners
  10. One Full Page Advertisement in MMA Asia Pacific Year Book 2015
  11. Plus Standard Partnership Benefits


¥180,000 MMA Member Price

Be at the forefront with this presenting partnership:

  1. A company executive sits on the event Advisory Board to help guide the conference agenda
  2. Collaboration with the MMA on a panel session with a company executive participating as a panelist – MMA has final approval on speakers and topic
  3. Partner logo to be printed next to panel on agenda in the event guide
  4. On stage logo placement
  5. One Roll up (prepared & provided by the partner) located outside of show entrance
  6. Tabletop display area, located outside of show entrance
  7. Full-page collateral piece or giveaway (prepared and provided by the partner) in event conference tote
  8. Nine (9) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  9. Discount code, 20%, to invite partners to event, 10 tickets for MMA approved brand partners
  10. One Full Page Advertisement in MMA Asia Pacific Year Book 2015
  11. Plus Standard Partnership Benefits


¥150,000 MMA Member Price

  1. A company executive participates as a panellist on a panel session – MMA has final approval on speakers
  2. One Tea Break partnership (morning/afternoon)
  3. On stage logo placement
  4. One Roll up (prepared & provided by the partner) located outside of show entrance
  5. Tabletop display area, located outside of show entrance
  6. — Full-page collateral piece or giveaway (prepared and provided by Partner) in conference tote
  7. — Eight (8) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  8. — Discount code, 15%, to invite partners to event, 5 tickets for MMA approved brand partners
  9. — Half Page Advertisement in MMA Asia Pacific Year Book 2015
  10. — Plus Standard Partnership Benefits


¥120,000 MMA Member Price

  1. A company executive participates as a panellist on a panel session – MMA has final approval on speakers
  2. On stage logo placement
  3. Tabletop display area, located outside of show entrance
  4. Full-page collateral piece (prepared and provided by partnering company) in conference tote
  5. Five (6) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  6. Plus Standard Partnership Benefits


¥66,000 MMA Member Price

  1. Company logo prominently displayed on onsite registration signage and online registration page
  2. Full-page collateral piece or giveaway (prepared and provided by partnering company) in conference tote
  3. Supporting Partner designation (approved by the MMA)
  4. Three (3) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  5. Plus Standard Partnership Benefits



¥66,000 MMA Member Price

  1. Opportunity to provide logo-imprinted cups, napkins, signage and/or additional branding (collateral provided by partner; approved by the MMA)
  2. One literature or collateral piece placed during lunch
  3. Logo printed on the lunch ticket
  4. Supporting Partner designation (approved by the MMA)
  5. Three (3) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  6. Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

TEA BREAK PARTNER (1 Morning & 1 Afternoon)

¥45,000 MMA Member Price

  1. Opportunity to provide logo-imprinted cups, napkins, signage and/or additional branding (collateral provided by partner; approved by the MMA)
  2. Company branded signage for the breaks
  3. Two (2) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  4. Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

WI-FI PARTNER (only 1)

¥75,000 MMA Member Price

  1. E-mail to event attendees with Internet access instructions for the day partnered with prominently placed partner logo (message created & sent by MMA)
  2. Access instructions in program guide for Internet use with partner logo (created by MMA)
  3. Supporting Partner designation (approved by the MMA)
  4. Four (4) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  5. Plus Standard Partnership Benefits


¥45,000 MMA Member Price

  1. Branded mobile device charging station on site(created by partner; approved by the MMA)
  2. Two (2) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  3. Plus Standard Partnership Benefits


¥80,000 MMA Member price

  1. Company branded lanyards for all attendees
  2. Company design prominently displayed on back of attendee name badge
  3. Four (4) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  4. Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

SEATS ADVERTISING (1 Morning & 1 Afternoon)

¥80,000 MMA Member price

  1. Brand the seat-covers for all attendees (provided by partner)
  2. Four (4) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  3. Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

PEN AND PAD (only1)

¥30,000 MMA Member price

  1. Pens and notepads with company logo (provided by partner) to be distributed to all attendees
  2. Two (2) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  3. Plus Standard Partnership Benefits


¥25,000 /each, MMA Member price

  1. Company collateral or a giveaway placed on seats during general session (in morning or after lunch)
  2. One (1) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  3. Plus Standard Partnership Benefits


¥15,000 MMA Member price

  1. Company collateral or a giveaway included in conference tote
  2. One (1) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  3. Plus Standard Partnership Benefits


¥30,000 MMA Member price

  1. Standard draped one table and two chairs provided for your display
  2. Two (2) complimentary MMA Forum event registrations
  3. Plus Standard Partnership Benefits

The “SMARTIES ™” is the world’s only global mobile marketing awards program recognizing and celebrating outstanding achievement within the industry for innovation, creativity and leadership. An all-star panel of judges comprised of international marketers and agency leaders judges the submissions.


¥100,000 MMA Member price

  1. A company executive delivers a 3 minute introduction on the Smarties China ceremony (approved by the MMA)
  2. 1 Award Presenter – award TBD (approved by the MMA)
  3. On stage logo placement
  4. Opportunity to provide the final judging room
  5. On the judging sites logo placement, and opportunity to place full page collateral pieces or giveaway (provided by sponsoring company) in the final judging room
  6. Judging dinner sponsorship
  7. One roll up (prepared and provided by sponsoring company) located outside of event show entrance
  8. Full-page collateral piece or giveaway (prepared and provided by sponsoring company) in event conference tote
  9. Five (5) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  10. Plus Standard Sponsorship Benefits


¥80,000 MMA Member price

  1. 1 Award Presenter – award TBD (approved by the MMA)
  2. On stage logo placement
  3. Collaboration with the MMA on the shows
  4. One roll up (prepared and provided by the partner) located outside of event show entrance
  5. Full-page collateral piece or giveaway (prepared and provided by the partner) in event conference tote
  6. Four (4) complimentary MMAF event registrations
  7. Plus Standard Sponsorship Benefits

Contact info

Amanda Guan (86)13918135478 amanda.guan@mmaglobal.com
Cathy Cao (86)13601795187 cathycao@madhouse-inc.com






陈建豪毕业于纽约大学,获传播学硕士学位。同时他还拥有复旦大学 EMBA 高级工商管理硕士学位。

Tony Chen

China VP

Tony Chen is the Chief Digital Evangelist of Google China LCS team. Tony leads, develops andmaintains Google’s relationships with domestic clients. His core responsibility is toelevate

digital transformation for domestic advertisers through the application of the latest

data/technology driven Google solutions.

Tony has extensive experience, knowledge and market insights gained from his 20year

careerin digital media. He currently serves as cochairman of MMA China, where he dedicates himself to the development of industry standards and best practice in mobile. Prior to joining Google, hewas Chief Digital Officer, GroupM China and Taiwan, General Manager for Dell consumer direct business in Greater China. Before that, Tony was the COO for RealNetworks China, Marketing VP for eBay China, and VP of Operations for Yahoo! China.

Tony has a master’s degree in Communications from New York University and an EMBA degree from Fudan University.

李桂芬 KF Lee


李桂芬在广告和媒体传播领域从业近30 年,在协助客户开展品牌沟通、制定媒体投资战略及解决方案方面拥有卓越而广泛的经验。 2000 年加入凯络台湾,2006 年,她升任安吉斯媒体大中华区首席执行官,负责中国大陆与台湾市场的经营发展。在她的领导之下,安吉斯媒体旗下5 大全球品牌在两大市场均表现优异。通过一系列战略性兼并和收购项目,安吉斯媒体的数字营销规模已居中国大陆和台湾地区之首。李桂芬凭借其杰出的表现于2010 年荣获安吉斯媒体颁发的“2010 星表现奖”, 于2005 年至2007 年连续三年获得”台湾最佳媒体代理商经理人”头衔。李桂芬是中国营销创新联盟的联合创始人之一。

KF Lee

Dentsu Aegis Network China

KF Lee has approximately 30 years’ experience in the advertising and media communication field, with broad expertise in helping clients with brand communication as well as media investment strategies and solutions. KF joined Carat Taiwan in 2000. In 2006, KF was promoted to CEO Aegis Media Greater China, in charge Mainland China and Taiwan. Under her leadership, 5 Aegis global brands have strong presence in both markets. Through aggressive M&A programs, Aegis Media has built its digital scale to the number one position in Mainland China and Taiwan. KF was awarded the “2010 Star Performer Award” by Aegis Media for her outstanding business performance. KF also received “The Best Manager of the Year – Media Agency” for 3 consecutive years in 2005, 2006 and 2007. KF is also the co-founder of Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) China.

马良骏Joshua Maa



Joshua Maa

Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Madhouse Inc.

Joshua Maa is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Madhouse Inc., China’s largest and most intelligent mobile ad network, with offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and 3 cities in India. Joshua Maa is the Founding Member and Board Director of MMA APAC (Mobile Marketing Association, Asia Pacific Region), and the Co-Chair of Global Mobile Advertising Committee. He is also the Co-founder and Board Member of MMA China, and the Head of Mobile Advertising Guideline Committee. Before founding Madhouse, Joshua Maa was EVP at TOM Online, where he managed the Wireless Business & Operations and International Business Development teams, and helped Tom become the largest Wireless Value-Added Service Provider by revenue in China in 2005. Before TOM Online, Joshua was the Founding CEO of Rock Mobile Corporation, Greater China’s leading Mobile Music Entertainment Service Provider. Joshua has over 20 years of managerial experience in Greater China’s New Media, entertainment, and Consumer Marketing industries.

杨娟Jessie Yang


杨娟主要负责领导和拓展Inmobi在中国的业务。她不仅拥有丰富的商业运营经验和被证明的卓越领导能力,而且还在移动互联网生态系统建设方面具备深厚的背景。加盟InMobi之前,Jessie曾任Tom集团商务拓展总经理和运营副总裁,主要负责移动互联网业务拓展和新媒体业务。在加入Tom集团之前,她是天骏传媒集团(Sky Flying Media Group)的首席运营官,负责公司的整体业务。她曾在麦肯锡咨询公司 (McKinsey &Company;) 担任要职,为中国及亚太区电信、媒体和技术行业的客户提供经营策略、市场营销及销售、运营完善等方面的咨询服务。Jessie拥有麻省理工大学斯隆商学院(MIT Sloan School of Management)工商管理硕士学位。

Jessie Yang

General Manager

Jessie is the General Manager of InMobi China with overall responsibilities to lead and scale up InMobi’s business in China. She brings extensive experience in mobile ecosystem with proven track record in general management and business operations in China. Prior to InMobi, Jessie was the GM of Business Development and VP of Operations of TOM Group in charge of mobile internet business development and new media business. Before TOM Group, she was COO of Sky Flying Media Group in charge of overall business. She also was worked at McKinsey & Company as Senior Engagement Manager covering TMT sector. Jessie holds a MBA degree from MIT Sloan School of Management.

张垒Craig Zhang

中国首席执行官 CEO

10年的移动行业从业经验,从从对行业的深度了解、对媒体的资源把控、到对效果的严格控制,张垒带领其团队,为包括百胜,大众、奔驰、米其林, 联通等在内的众多合作伙伴提供着高效、创新的专业服务,并一直致力于打造行业标准作出积极的努力和贡献。

Craig Zhang


Craig has wealth of experience of more than 10 years helping brands make the most out of mobile. Oversees the operations for Joule in Beijing and Shanghai and has ultimate responsibility for the satisfaction and success of every client in the geography.

邓广梼Michael Tang



在中国大陆、香港及澳洲从事传播专业三十年。曾于香港广告业工作十年,时任CitiAd广告公司后由澳洲Mojo/MDA收购并调派往澳洲悉尼总部工作十年,之后重返校园完成MBA学位。1999年在上海接管“形象工厂”(Image Factory),一年后由WPP集团并购,随后担任集团公司的北京智威汤逊广告公司(JWT)董事总经理,两年后负责IPG集团的灵狮广告公司(Lowe Worldwide)中国区董事总经理,其后出任互动通控股集团总裁,中国领先的数字网络广告平台。

Michael Tang

HDT Holdings Ltd.

President of hdtMEDIA Michael Tang has been serving in the communications industry for over 30 years and has experience working in mainland China, Hong Kong and Australia. He spent 10 years at CitiAd Hong Kong followed by 10 years at Mojo/MDA Australia Headquarters after it merged with CitiAd. Thereafter Michael Tang returned to school where he completed an MBA. In 1999 he took over Image Factory in Shanghai, which was bought by WPP one year after. Then he became Managing Director of JWT Beijing, and 2 years later became Managing Director of Lowe Worldwide China Area under IPG. In 2004 Michael Tang joined HDT Holdings Ltd. as President. He is currently a research scholar of Modern Advertising at Peking University where he guest lectures and works as a research scholar with the CMM Research Institute.

邹蕾Zou Lei



Zou Lei

iResearch Consulting Group

Zou Lei, having rich experience in market research and business development, has kept cooperation with major companies in the Internet industry. Zou began her career of studying online marketing in 2001. She commercialized online advertising measurement service and provided services for publishers and advertising agencies. At the end of 2002, she joined iResearch Consulting Group. With deep understanding and rich experience in all types of services of the Internet industry, she has participated in many typical case executions of different sectors such as online game, online marketing, e-commerce, and publisher measurement. During a decade, she provided professional services for many well-known companies in the Internet industry.

蔡易承Ethan Tsai


蔡易承2010年联合创办精硕科技, 主要负责企业策略规划,扩建客户及合作伙伴群体,以及建立管理团队及服务标准。成功带领团队获得知名风险投资金沙江创业的融资。并在公司业务拓展方面以每年4-5倍的速度稳步增长。目前公司服务超过300家广告主,其中包括雅诗兰黛、麦当劳、一汽大众、宝洁、海尔、飞利浦和伊利。精硕科技已经发展成为国内最大的专业独立第三方全流程监测评估服务提供商。蔡易承1997年-2008年,曾在台湾、日本、韩国等地的医疗行业、金融行业、医药行业、互联网行业创业多次。随后,成功运作了商用不动产的互联网租用、买卖项目;BBS商业化运作项目;高端艺术品管理项目。专长商务模型设计、财务管理以及业务拓展。

Ethan Tsai

Co-founder and COO

Ethan co-founded AdMaster in 2010 and was responsible for corporate strategy, client and partnership development, management structure and service standard. Soon he led his team to acquire investment from GSR Venture. He is also improving AdMaster’s business by establishing long-term relationship with over 300 leading enterprises, such as Estée Lauder, McDonald’s, Volkswagen, P&G, Haier, Phillips and Yili, which helps AdMaster’s revenue grow by about 500% annually. Now AdMaster has become China’s largest independent 3rd party service provider for integrated ad monitoring and evaluation. From 1997 to 2008, started his own business in medical treatment, finance and internet in regions such as Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and South Korea with significant accomplishments. During his career, he accumulated rich experience in medical and beauty projects, commercial real-estate internet leasing and trade, BBS commercialization, high-end artwork management, and other market research projects. His specialties lie in business model design, financial management and business development.

江志强Alvin Chiang


江志强先生于2008年至2013年加盟人人公司(NYSE: RENN),担任首席营销官一职,并代表人人公司,于2012年-201年当选MMA中国区无线营销联盟联合主席。在人人公司期间,江先生负责全国互联网与手机的广告销售业务,以及旗下网站的整体企业品牌宣传、市场推广商务合作等。江先生在互联网领域经历丰富,曾先后于雅虎奇摩、网易、阿里巴巴集团等公司担任要职,在广告销售、营销策划、电子商务等领域锐意创新,业绩出众。近年来,他积极倡导网络营销服务的整合,不时从全媒体视角提出引领市场趋势的新思路,多样化的创新营销模式推陈出新。由于在网络营销领域的影响力,2013年6月,江先生获邀担任2013戛纳创意节互动类别评委。江先生1992年毕业于台湾交通大学,获管理科学系学士学位。

Alvin Chiang

Alvin Chiang joined the Renren Inc. (NYSE: RENN) in November 2008 as Chief Marketing Officer responsible for advertising revenue, marketing, PR, and business development. A seasoned executive with over 14 years of internet and advertising experiences, Alvin has held senior positions at Yahoo! Taiwan, NetEase and the Alibaba Group before joining Renren, a real-name based social network and widely viewed as an equivalent of Facebook in China. His career features entering forefronts of internet portal, e-commerce, advertising platform, social networking, and making break-through results in monetization and marketing. At Renren.com, his innovative acts include rebranding the site in the pursue of China’s social networking eco-system in 2009; an exclusive partnership with Popcap to launch the first global social game of Plants-Versus-Zombie game in 2011; and a co-branded credit card issued by the China Merchant Bank in 2012, one globally pioneering card featuring LBS benefits.

Active on behalf of the online marketing category and viewed as a creative thinker throughout his career in the greater China region, in June 2013, Alvin is invited to be a member of Cyber Lions jury in Cannes Lions Festival. He was proudly elected by advertising industry veterans in 2012 and became the co-chair of MMA China.




自2006年加入优酷后,董亚卫历任优酷华东总经理、销售副总裁、高级销售副总裁。2012年8月优酷土豆合并完成后,董亚卫被任命为优酷土豆集团高级销售副总裁。2013年4月,董亚卫升任集团首席营销官,并担任集团营销业务委员会主席, 负责集团的营销和业务策略。


Yawei Dong

Chief Marketing Officer
Youku Tudou Inc.

Mr. Dong joined Youku in 2006 and has since served as Director of Business Development, General Manager of Eastern China, and Vice President of Sales. In 2013, he was promoted to Chief Marketing Officer, overseeing Youku Tudou’s national direct and agency sales teams and sales-related planning and support operations.

Prior to joining Youku, he spent four years at Sohu.com. In addition to more than 10 years of Internet industry experience and a specialty in Internet video marketing, he holds an MBA from Zhejiang University.




Guangdong Yu

Guangdong Yu has been senior vice president in 360 Co.,LTD since March 2014 and is primarily responsible for our Internet products and product and service commercialization. He was vice president from 2011 to 2013, focusing on the development of Internet products, included search products, and commercialization, especially the DianJing advertisement platform and network, and the innovative “content as ads” integrated marketing system are built around the gigantic internet user traffic, simultaneously the sales team and the supporting team are formulated. Mr. Yu served as the head of our website navigation department ,the department was founded in 2009. The earthquake hit the website navigation industry with our initiative and changes in 2010. The formulation of website navigation platform made us the No.1 leader of the industry in 2012. The innovation continued by introducing personalized recommendations in 2013. Mr. Yu was the founder of Sales Center of the Company and served as the general manager from 2006 to 2009. Prior to joining us, Mr. Yu was a sales director at TOM.com from 2003 to 2006. From 2001 to 2003, Mr. Yu worked at the market department of LG Electronics Inc. Mr. Yu received his bachelor’s degree in international finance from Beijing College of Finance in 2001.





Liang ZENG

Vice President
Baidu Inc.

Mr. Liang Zeng serves as Vice President of Baidu Inc. and oversees key account sales, search engine marketing and Baidu Marketing Research Institute. He is an IT and Internet industry executive with a successful track record in leading diverse team to grow business in multiple countries.

Before joining Baidu, Liang worked for Microsoft as a member of the Greater China Region (GCR) Senior Leadership Team and was responsible for driving the sales, marketing and services of government, education and healthcare industry for China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Before Microsoft, Liang worked in Kingdee International Software Group, where he held different executive positions, including Sr. VP of Sales and Marketing, Chief Marketing Officer, President of Kingdee Asia Pacific. Liang started his IT career at MicroStrategy (a NASDAQ-listed business intelligence software vendor) in its US headquarter.

Liang received both his MBA and his MS in Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. In addition, he holds another MS in Engineering degree from Tsinghua University in Beijing.


JW Marriot Hotel Shanghai at Tomorrow Square,NO.399 Nanjingxi Rd, Huangpu District, Shanghai













2015 MMA无线营销大奖在沪揭晓

(2015年8月14日,上海)——2015年度MMA无线营销大奖 (The Smarties™) 的终审结果今日在上海揭晓,共评选出金奖12枚,银奖9枚,铜奖11枚,公司大奖3枚和特别奖1枚。



作为世界上唯一一个表彰无线营销创新和发展的全球性奖项,MMA无线营销大奖 (The Smarties™)涵盖全球奖项和区域奖项,旨在表彰致力于移动营销事业并取得优秀成绩的广告主,广告代理公司,媒体主以及移动营销服务和技术供应商,进一步推动移动营销事业的持续向前和健康发展。

The Smarties™2015 中国无线营销大奖获奖名单
排名 案例名称 申报单位 广告主
类别A :营销策略-品牌影响力
金奖 安踏跑步生日 新网迈 安踏体育用品
银奖 KFC – World Cup 肯德基-世界杯 传立媒体 百胜中国
铜奖 大众汽车“E见就来电”试乘试驾活动 竞立媒体 大众汽车中国
金奖 飘柔“真爱时刻”大比拼 亿动广告传媒 宝洁
银奖 叫上趣多多,一起甩无聊 安索帕&腾讯 卡夫
铜奖 百事“动起来,就现在” 腾讯 百事
杜蕾斯美术馆 环时互动 利洁时
类别C :营销策略-客户关系管理(CRM)
金奖 2015康师傅优悦 点点滴滴优水悦人心活动 意淩安索帕&腾讯 康师傅
银奖 被社交传播激活的社会公益-PETA#用买卖制止买卖# VML TEEIN PETA
铜奖 从缺
类别E :媒体策略-跨媒体整合
金奖 可口可乐乔雅咖啡列车摇出惊喜篇 Cheil鹏泰 可口可乐中国
银奖 L’Oreal Men Expert – Cool Running 欧莱雅男士天天酷跑 传立媒体 欧莱雅
Nike Light of Speed 传立媒体 耐克
铜奖 Visa#去我不一样的旅行# OMD visa
金奖 康师傅绿茶开学季移动传播项目 多盟 康师傅
平安一账通&微信游戏跨界整合营销 新网迈 中国平安
银奖 从缺
铜奖 从缺
金奖 从缺
银奖 从缺
铜奖 Nike N+TC World’s Largest Selfie 传立媒体 耐克
三星NOTE4“寒冷的冬天,写出浓浓的暖意” 腾讯 三星
特别奖 杜蕾斯美术馆 环时互动 利洁时
金奖 长荣航空-空中台湾 意淩安索帕 长荣航空
能交流的条形码——绿箭微信扫码领流量送表情合作 腾讯 箭牌中国
银奖 从缺
铜奖 必胜宅急送-DIY我的任性比萨 意淩安索帕 百胜中国
金奖 联合利华【扫码行动,重造产品使命】 VML TEEIN 联合利华
银奖 全中国一起摇 奇虎360 奇虎360
铜奖 阿里大数据助力美素佳儿——打破“真实的谎言”,实现“真人”购买 阿里妈妈&欧安派 富仕兰食品贸易(上海)
金奖 Nike Air Quality Index 耐克空气污染指数 传立媒体 耐克
欧克利 – 一“镜”之隔 阿里妈妈 欧克利
银奖 从缺
铜奖 Nike Women一步之摇,只为更赞 腾讯 耐克
金奖 从缺
银奖 一汽丰田RAV4 &淘宝电商O2O案例 电众数码 一汽丰田
多芬“致闺蜜”数字营销整合案例 PHD 联合利华
铜奖 从缺
金奖 麦当劳樱花甜筒跑酷之旅 百度 麦当劳中国
银奖 麦当劳新麻麻黑甜筒上市数字互动营销战役 新网迈 麦当劳中国
铜奖 MINI携手Uber玩转成都 凯络 MINI
优衣库搭出色O2O2O整合营销 欧安派 优衣库
最佳广告主 康师傅、耐克
最佳营销公司 传立媒体



(2015年8月14日,上海)——由MMA中国区无线营销联盟与亿动广告传媒(Madhouse)联合主办的 MMA无线营销论坛2015 (The MMA Forum 2015 Shanghai)今日在上海盛大召开,吸引了来中国移动营销行业的专业人士600余人。


MMA全球无线营销联盟首席执行官Greg Stuart在大会上首次揭秘MMA最新研究报告——Smart Mobile Cross Marketing Effectiveness(简称SMoX.me)。这份报告不仅采集了在跨媒体营销中移动媒体的真实效果,还分析了如何在不增加预算的情况下优化跨媒体的广告投放策略来提高投资回报率。


作为SMoX.me中国区的参与者,可口可乐全球移动事业总监Tom Daly也发表了主题演讲并与Greg对话,第一次对外公布了可口可乐的跨移动媒体营销绩效报告的数据和成果,用数据佐证了移动在营销活动所起到的“催化剂”作用。


联合利华北亚区媒介总监David Porter,星创视界(宝岛眼镜)董事长间首席执行官王智民,大众点评市场营销副总裁黄驰,乐视网生态营销及客户运营中心营销副总裁谭婧颖等也出席了大会并发表演讲和参与讨论。此外,还有来自不同行业的40多家广告主也参与了本次大会。

MMA无线营销论坛上海是“MMA 论坛系列”的一部分,是聚集全球无线广告精英和高层决策者的顶级盛会。本次论坛内容关注移动营销的未来,手机如何被有效应用于市场营销,分享经验,聚焦中国,关注海外。顶尖的营销开拓者们在现场讲述他们是如何把移动营销引入其庞大的营销策略;如何从广告主预算中分得更多移动营销经费;向移动广告监测和效果衡量标准化迈进;跨媒体营销中的移动绩效;商业与传媒在移动浪潮中的同步转型;分享国内外成功案例等。


MMA中国区无线营销联盟是全球性非营利组织“移动营销协会”(Mobile Marketing Association, MMA)的中国分支机构。MMA中国营销创新联盟致力于推广中国移动营销行业的发展:制定适应中国市场的移动广告标准;培养并促进品牌商,代理商,移动媒体及电信运营商对移动营销的认知和相互合作;携手第三方的调研机构建立第三方广告效果监测,为移动营销产业创造公证、有效的评估工具;不定期发布关于中国市场的移动营销白皮书和调研报告;组织和举办针对移动营销的高峰论坛,介绍国外移动市场的最新资讯、技术及营销发展动态;对在中国移动营销领域表现突出的广告活动和其代理商和广告主进行表彰。


Amanda Guan
MMA中国营销创新联盟 会员& 项目经理

手机: +86 13918135478

邮件: amanda.guan@mmaglobal.com

MMAF 2015 is held in Shanghai with the launch of SMoX China report

(August 14, 2015, Shanghai)—–The MMA Forum 2015 Shanghai, which is co-organized by Madhouse, was successfully held in Shanghai, attracting more than 600 experts and professionals in mobile marketing industry.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Co-Chairs of MMA China, KF Lee (Chairwoman, Dentsu Aegis Network China) and Tony Chen (Chief Digital Evangelist, Google China) welcomed all the attendees and reviewed the achievements of MMA China in the past year.

Greg Stuart, CEO of MMA Global, released the official SMoX.me (Smart Mobile Cross Marketing Effectiveness) research findings at the forum. This report delivers real data on mobile’s impact in the marketing mix as well as how people can optimize cross media resulting in a higher ROI without increasing campaign budget.

As the report’s participant and sponsor in China market, Tom Daly, Group Director-Global Connection, Coca-Cola, delivered a keynote speech and had a dialogue with Stuart, sharing the company’s Chinese New Year campaign data and mobile performance with the attendees for the first time.

Joshua Maa (Founder and CEO of Madhouse), Mobile Advertising Standards & Measurement Committee Chair of MMA China, announced at the forum that MMA standards had adapted by China National Information Standardization Committee.

David Porter, Media Director, Unilever North Asia, Jim Wang, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, NOVA VISION (Baodao Optical), Jerry Huang, Vice President of Marketing, Dianping.com and Karen Tan, Vice President of Eco-marketing and Customer Operation Center, Letv also attended the forum.

MMA Forum Shanghai, as a part of the “MMA Events”, is the top event aggregation of global mobile advertising elite and top decision makers. The forum focused on the future of mobile marketing, how mobile phones can be used effectively in marketing, experience sharing, focused on China and overseas. The top marketing pioneers presented how they put the mobile marketing into its huge marketing strategies; how to share more mobile marketing budgets from advertisers’ budgets; move forward to advertising monitoring and measurement standardization; evaluate the performance of cross media marketing; transform in the business and media world; shared successful cases of China and overseas.

About MMA China

The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) is the premier global non-profit trade association established to lead the growth of mobile marketing and its associated technologies. MMA China was launched in April 2011 to serve for the fast growing mobile marketing industry in China. By working closely with service carriers, application developers, brands, agencies and other important partners, the MMA China aims to build a sustainable ecosystem for the mobile marketing industry in China and to be the leading association for nation-wide consultation on key industry issues including measurement and metrics, mobile advertising guidelines, codes of conduct and consumer best practices.

Media Contact:

Amanda Guan

Membership & Projects Manager MMA China

+86 13918135478




(2015年8月14日,上海和纽约)—— 全球无线营销联盟MMA(Mobile Marketing Association)今日在MMA中国无线营销论坛上发布最新的SMoX报告(Smart Mobile Cross Marketing Effectiveness)。本次,MMA通过与可口可乐合作,根据其在中国农历新年的跨媒体营销活动,分析得出结论:在不改变广告预算的情况下,只需调整移动的份额即可以大幅提高营销效果。报告数据显示,最理想的移动份额(占所有预算而非数字部分的预算)应该在8%-15%之间。

在与Marketing Evolution和Millward Brown Digital的共同合作下,SMoX报告旨分析移动对比其他所有媒体所能带给广告主在经济效益上的差异。这也是第一次,有一份确实有效的报告能从数据上向广告主展示移动在跨媒体营销中所起到的效力。本次报告的结论与之前MMA在美国与AT&T, Coca-Cola, MasterCard 和Walmart合作结果一样。另外,MMA还在美国,中国,英国,土耳其和巴西进行了其他的相关研究。

“可口可乐一直致力于发展全球最具创新意识和最有效的市场营销活动,因此我们必须完全的理解和掌控移动营销所能给予我们未来发展的能力,”可口可乐全球移动事业总监Tom Daly表示。



  • 移动对于ROI的贡献接近TV的两倍,其对于销售的驱动效力是其他渠道平均数据的两倍。
  • 移动投入占总预算的8%时,能够带动7%的利润,而当这个占比到达15%时,则能带动16%的利润增长。
  • 移动视频广告的效果要优于TV和其他数字视频(3倍左右)。这个数字比美国市场的数据还要高得多。
  • 移动的展示广告能够有效提高购买意向,而移动社交则能同时提高受众参与度和购买意向。


“虽然消费者行为和广告主在移动端的投入之间所存在的失衡,已经成为一个显而易见的问题。但如今有了一份真实的,不容辩驳的报道来让广告主不得不正视这个问题,”MMA全球无线营销联盟的CEO Greg Stuart表示。


中国的报告也进一步佐证了SMoX在美国地区所得出的结论,即移动能效力能够贯穿消费者购买的整个筛漏。 另外,SMoX报告也向广告主显示了,如何将移动端的广告执行做到最佳。

MMA亚太区董事总经理Rohit Dadwal表示,“通过确凿有效的数据,SMoX与可口可乐联合推出的报告体现了移动在跨媒体营销中的效力和移动在中国市场的发展潜力。这和我们在美国市场所得出的结论一致,而且效果更佳突出。”



SMoX建立了一个跨媒体间,将移动和其他渠道效果进行对比的数字模型。这个算法已经通过了Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) 的审核确认。


MMA中国区无线营销联盟是全球性非营利组织“移动营销协会”(Mobile Marketing Association, MMA)的中国分支机构。MMA中国营销创新联盟致力于推广中国移动营销行业的发展:制定适应中国市场的移动广告标准;培养并促进品牌商,代理商,移动媒体及电信运营商对移动营销的认知和相互合作;携手第三方的调研机构建立第三方广告效果监测,为移动营销产业创造公证、有效的评估工具;不定期发布关于中国市场的移动营销白皮书和调研报告;组织和举办针对移动营销的高峰论坛,介绍国外移动市场的最新资讯、技术及营销发展动态;对在中国移动营销领域表现突出的广告活动和其代理商和广告主进行表彰。


Amanda Guan
MMA中国营销创新联盟 会员& 项目经理

手机: +86 13918135478

邮件: amanda.guan@mmaglobal.com

The MMA Unveils Latest Results From Multi-Year, Global Cross Marketing Effectiveness Research (SMoX), Conducted with The Coca-Cola Company in China

Study proves mobile is the most efficient driver of sales in the marketing mix

Shanghai and New York – August 14, 2015 – The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) announced the results of the latest Smart Mobile Cross Marketing Effectiveness (SMoX) study, a scientific examination conducted for The Coca-Cola Company in China earlier this year. Results released today at the MMA Shanghai Forum confirm that marketers would significantly improve their overall campaign performance without increasing budget, by simply raising mobile spend. According to the study, the optimal spend for mobile (based on total campaign spend, not just digital) is between 8-15%.

Conducted in combination with Marketing Evolution and Millward Brown Digital, SMoX assesses the economic value of mobile compared to traditional marketing channels and provides brand marketers, for the very first time, empirical evidence on the impact of mobile in the marketing mix. The results from this latest study are consistent with results from other recently released studies in the U.S. with AT&T, Coca-Cola, MasterCard and Walmart. Additional studies are being conducted in U.S, China, UK, Turkey and Brazil.

“Because we strive to develop the world’s most innovative and effective marketing, we knew we had to fully understand and leverage mobile’s ability to drive the future growth of our business,” said Tom Daly, Group Director, Global Connections, at The Coca-Cola Company. “Based on the results for China, as well as the study we conducted in the U.S., we have begun to see a number of truths about mobile that provide a clear path forward, especially around marketing effectiveness. We now have the facts we needed.”

A Closer Look at the Coca-Cola Results:

  • Mobile offered nearly double the ROI over TV and was twice as efficient in driving sales compared to the campaign on average
  • Mobile at 8% of total budget drives 7% of the profit and mobile at 15% drives 16%
  • Mobile video emerged as significantly more effective compared to both TV and digital video (around 3X). This was a greater increase than even than the strong trends seen for mobile video in the U.S. studies.
  • Mobile display drove purchase intent, while mobile social drove both purchase intent and engagement

In conclusion, SMoX showed that the optimized mobile spend level is 15%, impacting sales even further and producing a double-digit profit increase.

“The market has acknowledged that there is a deep chasm between consumer behavior and what brands are currently spending on mobile, but now there is real, indisputable proof on the value of mobile to a brand’s business goals,” said Greg Stuart, CEO of the MMA. “We applaud Coke for their leadership and commitment to figuring out the true ROI of their marketing spend and aligning to consumers’ dramatic move to mobile for content, community and commerce.”

The results from China reinforce the findings of the other U.S. SMoX studies—that mobile is a key driver of business results across the entire purchasing funnel. Additionally the SMoX study highlights that mobile when executed with best practices impacts performance even further.

“With empirical data, the SMoX study with Coca Cola in China demonstrates the impact of mobile on a business and its competitive opportunity in this region, similar to what we have learnt in the United States – but with even better results,” said Rohit Dadwal, Managing Director of the MMA in Asia Pacific. “It is a great data set for marketers to reassess and optimize their spending with the most impactful allocations in their marketing mix, while leveraging mobile with double digit spend. As an industry it is time we learnt the effectiveness of the channel to aid marketers with their ambitions, and kept pace with consumers to understand the power of mobile.”

SMoX Study Methodology

SMoX applies Marketing Evolution’s unique cross-media attribution modeling approach, leveraging new techniques to provide a granular read on mobile and other media. Marketing Evolution’s methodology has been independently reviewed by the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF).

About the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA)

The MMA is the world’s leading global non-profit trade mobile marketing association comprised of more than 800 member companies, from nearly fifty countries around the world. Our members hail from every faction of the mobile marketing ecosystem including brand marketers, agencies, mobile technology platforms, media companies, operators and others. The MMA’s mission is to accelerate the transformation and innovation of marketing through mobile, driving business growth with closer and stronger consumer engagement. Anchoring the MMA’s mission are four core pillars; to cultivate inspiration by driving the innovation for the Chief Marketing Officer; to build the mobile marketing capabilities for the marketing organizations through fostering know-how and confidence; to champion the effectiveness and impact of mobile through research providing tangible ROI measurement; and advocacy. Additionally MMA industry-wide committees work collaboratively to develop and advocate global best practices and lead standards development.

Mobile Marketing is broadly defined as including advertising, apps, messaging, mCommerce and CRM on all mobile devices including smart phones and tablets. Members include, American Express, AdChina, Colgate – Palmolive, Dunkin’ Brands, Facebook, Google, Group M, Hewlett Packard, Hilton Worldwide, Kellogg Co., L’Oréal, MasterCard, McDonalds, Microsoft, Mondelez International, Inc., Pandora Media, Procter & Gamble, R/GA, The Coca-Cola Company, The Weather Company, Unilever, Visa, Vodafone, Walmart, xAd, Zenith Optimedia and many more. The MMA’s global headquarters are located in New York with regional operations in Europe/Middle East/Africa (EMEA), Latin American (LATAM) and Asia Pacific (APAC). For more information about the MMA please visit www.mmaglobal.com.