

Adbug 创始人兼首席执行官

张迪先生是”连续创业者”,先后创办了adbug, adexchanger.cn(广告 信息流),QbitScience,和ZGsolution。张迪曾在中国科学院生命科学信息中心 担任软件研发工程师以及美国UGS软件公司担任研发工程师,他毕业于英国考 文垂大学计算机系,并从中欧商学院MBA辍学创业,组建了adbug现有团队。张 迪的爱好为单板滑雪,研究量子力学和天体物理。他在非洲肯尼亚创建了非营利性组织WifiZion,致力于提供免费的WIFI接入。

Martin is a typical “serial entrepreneur” .He founded adbug,q bitscience and zgsolution. Martin used to work for CAS’s(Chinese Academy of Science) Life Science information center as a Software R&D engineer .He also worked for UGS(Unigraphic Solution) as a Software engineer. He graduated from Coventry University in England with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and dropped out from the CEIBSMBA program to found adbug. Besides his work at adbug, Martin enjoys snowboarding, as well as the study of quantum physics and astronomical science. He started a non-profit organization named Wifizion in Africa dedicated to bring freewifi-access to local residents.


Adbug是中国市场上第一家专业的数字广告验证公司,也是目前业内唯一一家独立的第三方验证机构。公司致力于为客户提供包含品牌安全,广告可 见性和反作弊的全方位验证服务。Adbug的产品可帮助广告主保障品牌广告合 理有效触达真实用户,帮助媒体洞察流量库存质量以优化收入。Adbug还拥有中 国广告搜索引擎-Adbug实时广告搜索,是广告从业者每日必用的全能营销工具。

About Adbug

Adbug is China’s first professional digital advertisement verification company. As only independent third party verification firm in the market,Adbug is dedicated to provide comprehensive services to its clients, including brand safety, view ability and anti-fraud. Adbug’s products help brands deliver their messages to real people the way they were meant to, as well as providing insights of inventory for publishers to help them optimize planning. Adbug’s realtime ad search engine adbug.cn is an essential, everyday tool for advertising professionals in China.