



北京数字精准广告有限公司(简称数字精准),是国内首家基于精准地理位置数据库的智能营销平台,专注于移动广告、效果营销和大数据服务。自有的 “精准投”AI智能广告投放平台,采用AI智能投放算法,智能匹配广告预算,参与最有效出价,大幅提升广告投放效果,让每一分广告预算都更有价值。



Beijing Digital Plus Advertising Co.,Ltd.

Beijing Digital Plus Advertising Company (Digital Plus), is the first Ai-intelligent marketing platform which is based on accurate geographic location database in China, professionally focuses on mobile advertising, effective marketing and big data services. Digital Advertising Platform (DAP), the intelligent and accurate advertising platform, adopting the smart advertising algorithm, intelligently matches the advertising budget, participates the most effective bidding, improves the effectiveness of advertising, gets more valuable from advertising investments.

Relying on the technological analysis tool which effectively solves the problem of anti-cheating in paid promotion, Digital Plus could improve marketing effectiveness, restore the value of advertisement.

The companies’ business scopes more than 10 industries such as education, financials, office industry, real estate and home industry, online travel, etc. We built the largest big data for mobile devices’location in China which could promote big scene marketing to near-field marketing, make ads closer to target customers, let advertisers explore more business value. By June 2018, DAP has covered more than 800 million deduplicated mobile devices, and the coverage of Android devices is over 95%.








Congan Yang


  • Graduated from Department of Automation, Tsinghua University.
  • Focus on the Internet for 20 years, focus on the Programmed advertising and Mobile Internet for the last 8 years.
  • Keen market sense, Rich company management experience.
  • Founded “Beijing Digital Plus Advertising Co.,Ltd.”; Individual contribution.
  • Won the Special honor of “Haiying talent”in 2017.











游仁宏 Ethan Yu


美国 USC MBA,有多年从事消费品、零售、餐饮等行业客户关系管理的相关经验,并且曾担任德克士首席数字官,对于数字行销,策略洞察,以及会员,客户管理对于运营的价值有深刻而独到的见解。






GrowingIO 作为基于用户行为的新一代数据分析产品。首推国内领先的“分析工具+运营咨询+持续增长”数据服务体系,帮助企业构建数据运营闭环。依托于快速部署无埋点技术,实时采集全量行为数据,通过搭建完整的数据监控体系,高效管控核心业务指标,用数据驱动企业业务增长。

GrowingIO 专注于互联网、金融、新零售等行业,帮助企业挖掘更多商业价值。成立以来,服务超7000家企业级客户,获得人人贷、滴滴、陌陌、58赶集、链家、春秋航空、Camera360、华住、如家、北森、销售易等数千家客户的青睐。GrowingIO 用数据,驱动企业增长。

张溪梦 Simon Zhang

GrowingIO 创始人&CEO

Data Science Central 评选其为「世界前十位前沿数据科学家」,国家千人计划专家,畅销图书《首席增长官》作者。曾任 LinkedIn 美国商业分析部高级总监,为 LinkedIn 从零打造百人商务分析和数据科学团队。2015年5月创办基于用户行为的全球领先的数据分析产品 GrowingIO,旨在利用丰富的数据分析经验,帮助企业用数据驱动增长。










喻亮星,北京勾正数据科技有限公司 ,董事长/CEO。中国人民大学MBA,耕耘智能产业、大数据行业多年,具备近20年数据经验,为工信部外部专家、智慧家庭产业专家、中国电子视像行业协会专家委员会委员、2016年北京品牌十大创新人物。









王智民 Jim Wang

星创视界(中国)集团有限公司 董事长兼CEO

王智民(Jim Wang)董事长,于2012年成立星创视界集团,目前拥有线下1200家门店,为全国最大的眼镜零售商。通过整合线上线下产业链,星创视界旨在为消费者提供更好的视觉健康服务,在不断地变革与升级中蜕变为新零售时代的先锋。此外,王董事长还受邀担任上海交通大学海外教育学院连锁品牌战略研究所副所长、SAP中国研究院荣誉院士、天津医科大客座教授等,为产业研究领域做出了诸多贡献。


广州欢网科技有限责任公司,简称欢网科技,成立于 2009 年12月,是由宽带资本、腾讯、TCL集团以及长虹集团投资的、面向智能世界和全网互动产业的高科技公司,全球领先的智能大屏运营及营销服务商。



广州欢网科技有限责任公司,简称欢网科技,成立于 2009 年12月,是由宽带资本、腾讯、TCL集团以及长虹集团投资的、面向智能世界和全网互动产业的高科技公司,全球领先的智能大屏运营及营销服务商,也是目前中国境内最大的智能电视服务商。


Guangzhou Huan Technology Co., Ltd. , short for Huan TV, is established at Dec. 2009 and invested by CBC,Tencent,TCL and Changhong. It is the biggest smart tv media provider of China, the world-leading smart screen operator and marketing service provider.

At the end of May 2018, in the market of smart tv and OTT, Huan platform cooperation has connected more than 59 million smart devices, with more than 44 million activated users and nearly 18 million DAUs. Huan has announced a partnership with Tencent video to help telecom operators and now deploys in 18 provinces.


广州欢网科技有限责任公司 CEO

宽带资本和云海创投 投资合伙人

十方基金 创始合伙人

吴盛刚(Shenggang Wu)是欢网科技董事兼联席CEO,欢网是由TCL集团、长虹集团、宽带资本等投资,面向智能电视和全网互动产业的高科技公司,是目前中国境内最大的互联网智能电视服务商,智能电视一体化解决方案专家。与此同时,本人还担任宽带资本和云海创投的投资合伙人,十方基金的创始合伙人,宽带资本、云海投资和十方基金作为国内通信、互联网、媒体及高科技领域内最具影响力的投资机构之一,借助自身深厚的行业背景及丰富的联系渠道,为投资组合内的每一家公司提供价值提升的多重机遇,从而逐渐在通信及媒体行业投资领域内确立了自身的领导地位。






Beijing Fancy information Technology Ltd, a full-domain marketing technology service provider that connects media and brands, has four major businesses including brand programmatic marketing, exclusive cooperation with quality media, media commercialization, and private domain marketing. Through AI technology and its own big data platform, combined with the exploration of market pain points, it provides full-domain marketing solutions for brand owners, media, agencies, and other ecological players in the marketing chain, helping customers achieve sustainable growth. Up to now, it has served over 1,000 well-known domestic and foreign enterprise customers in the automotive, FMCG, cosmetics, e-commerce, 3C digital, and big health industries.




Wang Yingbo


Wang Yingbo graduated from South China University of Technology, has more than 20 years of sales and management experience in the marketing industry. He is good at insighting customers’ needs and creating new sales models based on product resources to create more value for customers. He has worked in Focus Media, PinYou Interactive and other enterprises. He has served well-known domestic and foreign enterprises such as P&G, Mead Johnson, GAC Honda, Mizone, Uni-President, Kung Fu, Sanjiu Pharmaceutical, CITIC-Prudential Life Insurance and major 4A and local agencies.






About Juhaokan

Juhaokan Technology CO., LTD. is a subsidiary corporation of Hisense Group which established in April 2008. The company mainly focus on explore hi-tech and internet area, undertake research and operation on intelligent terminal cloud platform and intelligent application technology. Providing internet access and services to smart TV, smart phone, set-up box, air-condition, refrigerator, washing machine etc. As of April 2018, it has served more than 27 million smart TV users.





亿道(PerforMad)是一站式ROI 优化平台,以广告主利益优先,通过领先的移动端追踪归因和优化技术,帮助App开发者最大化提升ROI


亿道(PerforMad)是一站式ROI 优化平台,以广告主利益优先,通过领先的移动端追踪归因和优化技术,帮助App开发者最大化提升ROI。拥有FacebookGoogle的一级代理资质,并整合80多家海外优质渠道,实现一站式跨渠道优化。多年全球移动应用推广经验,成功出海1000+App,海外投放国家超过225个,每月管理的海外投放预算超3000万美金。      

About PerforMad

PerforMad is One-Stop platform for ROI optimization.

Based on the Advertisers’ interest, we use advanced technologies of conversion attribution and cross-channel optimization to maximize the ROI for App developers.  

We are qualified as a first-class agency of Facebook, Google and are integrated with more than 80 overseas channels for one-stop cross-channel optimization. 

Having years of experience in global mobile application promotion and with access to mobile inventory across 225+ countries, we have helped promoting more than 1000 Apps successfully. The monthly budget of project management is over 30 million dollars. 



阮长俊(Charlie Ruan)先生于2007年4月加入亿动广告传媒(Madhouse Inc.),负责业务拓展的相关工作。他对移动营销的市场拓展有敏锐的洞察力。在其带领下,公司移动广告品牌广告业务逐年翻番,始终占据国内移动营销品牌广告业务市场份额领头地位。2012年,他成功将公司的业务结构由单纯的国内品牌广告拓展至海外效果类推广,实现了连年销售业绩100%以上的增长,助力公司的国际化发展。
阮长俊(Charlie Ruan)先生拥有法国CEFAM商学院MBA学位,英国牛津布鲁克斯大学计算机硕士学位以及交通大学国际贸易学士学位。

Charlie Ruan


Mr. Charlie Ruan is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Madhouse Inc., the leading mobile ad platform company worldwide. He joined Madhouse in April 2007 and was responsible for business development. He has acute insight in the mobile marketing industry and under his leadership Madhouse’s revenue in terms of brand advertisers has achieved double-digit growth year-on-year, with the highest share in the domestic market. In 2012, he successfully expanded the business structure from solely serving brand advertisers to promoting app developers in overseas markets, helping to achieve 100% annual business growth and develop the company’s internationalization strategy.
Mr. Charlie Ruan completed his MBA Foundation Course from CEFAM in France and got his Master degree of MSc in Computing Course from Oxford Brookes University in UK after he graduated from Jiao Tong University with a Bachelor degree in International Business.

DotC United Group

DotC United Group 简称DUG



DotC United Group 是一家通过创建和构造互联网平台来应对全球化挑战和简化出海过程的技术型公司。依托多年累积的本地化、数据驱动解决方案和多样化渠道经验,DotC United Group能够通过结构化和系统化的规划和执行,简化CTW(中国式出海)的进程,通过聚焦全球化过程中客户(企业和用户)的痛点,提供有竞争力的、差异化的产品和解决方案,为客户创造价值,实现多赢。









Avazu是全球最大的移动广告平台之一,同时也是程序化广告的先行者。Avazu为广告商提供一站式效果营销解决方案(按效果付费), 也为开发者和发布商提供完善的变现产品。Avazu广告平台每天处理200亿次以上展示曝光,并且有能力通过自有的预测引擎来计算每秒100万次以上展示曝光(QPS) 的价值。旗下包括Avazu APX、Avazu aNative、Avazu DSP和Avazu Media Buying四大业务。




DotC United Group is a technology company which creates and architects internet platforms to tackle globalization challenges and simplify complexities in the globalization process. Utilizing years of experience in localization, data-driven solutions, and diversified distribution channels, DotC United Group services can simplify CTW (China to the World) process through structured and systematic planning and execution. We provide competitive and differentiated products and solutions by focusing on the pain points of the clients (companies and users) during globalization, and create values for clients to achieve a multi-win.

Our products include:

User Ecosystem

DotC APPS Matrix

Unique Audience & Unprecedented Reach

Affiliated to DotC United Group, Dotc APPS Matrix has a proprietary user base of overhundreds of millions of installs, and aims to better user experience via the simplest design.

Big Data & Programmatic Advertising

Avazu Advertising Platform

Programmatic Ad Solutions for Advertisers & Developers

Avazu is one of the leading mobile advertising platforms globally and an early adaptor of programmatic advertising technologies. Avazu provides advertisers a one-stop performance solution, and offers publishers and developers a full range of custom-made monetization products. Avazu’s ad platform has a coverage of over 20 billion ad impressions everyday, and is capable to process more than 1 million ad requests every second (QPS) with its proprietary prediction engines. Avazu owns Avazu APX, Avazu aNative, Avazu DSP and Avazu Media Buying.

BI Platform

Data Security and Business Intelligence

BI platform aims to extract, analyze and predict large sets of big data to make each ad spend dollar more efficient. It manages, tracks and prevents potential data security issues by technology.


DotC United Group 创始人& CEO

石一是科技创业公司DotC United Group的创始人& CEO。目前旗下产品包括用户生态(DotC 应用矩阵)、广告大数据(覆盖全球的程序化广告解决方案的广告平台Avazu,数据安全与商业智能数据BI平台)。2014年,石一创立全球手游发行平台Teebik,专注海外移动游戏发行及运营,为国内外优质手游研发商提供专业化的运营平台及定制级的发行服务。2015年,石一将Avazu广告业务出售给A股上市公司天神娱乐(002354),Avazu广告业务仍继续由石一本人管理。2017年,石一将Avazu私有化,投资注入DotC United Group。同时,DotC United Group入选2017年全球独角兽企业行列。石一本人已经三次荣登福布斯亚洲和中国30位30岁以下创业者榜单,《财富》2016 “中国40位40岁以下商界精英榜”,以及《胡润》2017 “30X30创业领袖”。

Yi Shi

DotC United Group.

Founder & CEO

Yi Shi is the founder & CEO of technology company DotC United Group. The company is a spin-off of Avazu Holding (which is still owned by Shi) and owns now User Ecosystem(DotC APPS Matrix)、Big Data & Programmatic Advertising(mobile advertising platform Avazu,  business intelligence platform).In 2014, Shi founded Teebik which focuses on global mobile game publishing and operating, providing professional operation platform and customized publishing services to high quality mobile game developers at home and abroad. In 2015, Shi sold Avazu’s advertising assets to Shenzhen-listed gaming company Zeus Entertainment (002354) to realize a reverse merger IPO onto China’s A-Share, and he continued to oversee Avazu’s advertising operations. In 2017, he privatized Avazu from A-Share and injected all its assets into DotC United Group. As the same time,DotC United Group was recognized as “unicorn”.Shi is recognized 3 times by Forbes as one of China’s and Asia’s top 30 under 30 entrepreneurs, made to 2016 Fortune China 40 Under 40, and Hurun 30 Under 30 for China 2017.




AdTiming是全球优质的智能移动营销平台,推出新一代移动广告变现聚合平台,汇聚全球最优势的营销资源,为国内外企业以及开发者提供高效的移动端营销解决方案及专业服务,版主企业最大化移动广告变现收益,抓住营销时机。目前AdTiming合作伙伴已超500家。 AdTiming现已覆盖200多个国家和地区,通过分析海量媒体、人群、创意数据,自建20,000+用户标签数据库,精准定向用户,发现移动广告最佳展示时机,实现多元跨终端精准投放。通过移动营销、大数据解决方案、技术服务等推动中国企业国际化进程,打造全球范围的移动营销产业链。

AdTiming is the world’s excellent intelligent mobile marketing platform, providing excellent solutions to worldwide mobile developers and brands. We provide the best intelligent mobile marketing solutions in the age of Big Data, and help more Chinese companies go global with our strength in mobile marketing, big data solutions and technical services. AdTiming has traffic from over 200 countries and regions and build more than 20,000 audience tags, helping advertisers find the best of ad timing and precisely target audience through analyzing tons of traffic sources, audiences and creatives. For publishers and developers, with our light and stable SDK powered by our DMP, you can enjoy a better eCPM and fill rate at ease.




Leo Yang

AdTiming CEO

Graduated from the Communication University Of China Leo has been in the Internet industry since 2007, and has experienced the development waves of Internet video, Internet education and mobilization. With over a decade’s experience, Leo has unique understanding on the Internet education, knowledge monetization, commercial products and advertising industry. Leo has been the Assistant President and Partner of EMAR Mobile from 2011 to 2017, leading the business of Internet online video, knowledge monetization, ad networks, DSP among many other products. “YIQIFA”, one of the project he led, has developed into a well-known performance marketing product in Chinese e-commerce circle. Leo joined AdTiming as CEO in 2017, and he’s responsible for the overall operation of the company.






Coca-Cola (Shanghai) Beverage Ltd.

The Coca-Cola Company is the world’s largest beverage company, refreshing consumers with more than 500 sparkling and still brands. Along with Coca-Cola®, recognized as the world’s most valuable brand, the Company’s portfolio includes 12 other billion dollar brands. We are the No. 1 provider of sparkling beverages, juices and juice drinks and ready-to-drink teas and coffees. Through the world’s largest beverage distribution system, consumers in more than 200 countries enjoy the Company’s beverages at a rate of 1.6 billion servings a day. In China, we’ve established 39 Bottling plants since back to China in Year 1979 and so far China is the 3rd largest market in Coca-Cola global system.




Michelle Yang

Director of Media and iMarketing

As a media veteran, Michelle Yang started her career in media since Y1994 with D, Y&R advertising agency. She then spent 7 years in different 4A agencies, responsible for media planning and buying. In Y2001, she joined Coca-Cola(China) Beverage ltd, now she is head of media and iMarketing, in charge of traditional and new media.






InMobi平台帮助品牌和效果广告主以及App开发者与用户在生活圈的不同阶段进行互动,将每一个移动时刻都转化为提升互动与收益的机会。2016年2月,美国著名三大财经商业杂志之一《Fast Company》发布的“2016全球50家最创新公司”排行榜中,InMobi与Facebook、Apple、GE等公司同期入选,名列第15位。如今,InMobi能够触达全球超过15亿的独立移动设备,并且正在重新定义移动互联生态圈的商业模式。

想了解更多信息,请访问 http://china.inmobi.com/

About InMobi China

InMobi is a global mobile advertising platform that specializes in maximizing the ROI for mobile marketers. A mobile-first and mobile-only platform, InMobi has been pioneering the next generation of ad experiences, including video advertising, on the back of deep learning based optimization engines.

InMobi platforms help brands, performance marketers and app publishers engage mobile users across different stages of their lifecycle, converting each mobile moment into an opportunity to drive engagement and revenue. Recognized by Fast Company as one of The Most Innovative Companies in 2016, InMobi reaches over 1.5 billion unique mobile devices worldwide, and is redefining business models for the mobile ecosystem. For more information, visit http://china.inmobi.com/




杨娟在TMT行业拥有丰富的营销、销售和运营经验。在2012年5月加入InMobi之前,她曾先后担任天骏传媒集团(Sky Flying Media Group)首席运营官和TOM集团执行副总裁、业务开发部总经理,分别负责公司整体业务、移动互联网和新媒体业务的开发。此外,她曾在麦肯锡咨询公司(McKinsey & Company)担任要职,为中国及亚太区电信、媒体和技术行业的客户提供经营策略、市场营销及销售、运营完善等方面的服务。

杨娟拥有麻省理工大学斯隆商学院(MIT Sloan School of Management)工商管理硕士学位。

Jessie YANG

General Manager, InMobi Greater China

Jessie is the General Manager of InMobi Greater China with overall responsibilities to lead and scale up InMobi’s business in China including Taiwan and Hong Kong. She brings extensive experience in mobile ecosystem with proven track record in general management and business operations in China.

Prior to InMobi, Jessie was the GM of Business Development and VP of Operations of TOM Group in charge of mobile internet business development and new media business. Before TOM Group, she was COO of Sky Flying Media Group in charge of overall business. She also was worked at McKinsey & Company as Senior Engagement Manager covering TMT sector.

Jessie holds a MBA degree from MIT Sloan School of Management.

凯帝珂 Kinetic











About Kinetic

Kinetic, the world’s leading expert in engaging people on the move,

brings the new context to life through our connected solutions

Our vision:
To bring forward the future of contextual communication for brands.

Our mission:
Use intelligence, technology and creativity to create unique content for brands to communicate with valuable audiences on the move through effective platform.

何浩铭 (莫非)

凯帝珂中国       产品智能事业部总经理






他所领导的产品智能事业部包含了数据管理、市场研究、知识管理、PR & Marketing 及新产品开发,为凯帝珂客户及市场商业伙伴们提供最前沿、创新的营销研究和产品化的营销解决方案。他所带领的团队服务过电信、互联网、汽车、奢侈品、快消、美妆、服装及工业品类等多种国内外客户,并广受客户肯定。

Murphy Ho

General Manager, Product Intelligence, Kinetic China

TOP 10 OOH Strategists of China, 2017

Certificated NLP master trainer

Project Management Professional certification, PMI

ICF Professional Certificated Coach

With more than 20 years experiences on business strategy and market research, Murphy focuses on realizing the marketing strategies and innovative technology application under OOH circumstances.

The Product Intelligence team he led, including data management, market research, knowledge management, PR & Marketing and new product development, provides the most advancing marketing and productizing solutions for clients and business partners. He and his team are well acknowledged by domestic / international clients from telecom, internet, AUTO, luxuries, FMCG, cosmetics, clothing, industrials industries.





传立媒体是一家全球性的媒介代理公司,媒体承揽量超过$345亿美金。传立在全球有超过7000名员工,在北美、拉丁美洲、欧洲、中东、非洲和亚太地区的86个国家设有116处办公室。基于速度、团队协作和颠覆常规,传立致力于为客户品牌及企业打造有竞争力的优势营销。传立是群邑的成员。群邑是WPP旗下世界领先的媒介投资管理机构,WPP 集团是全球领先的传播服务集团。

欲了解更多信息,请访问:www.mindshareworld.com 或关注传立公众号:Mindshare_China


Mindshare is a global media agency network with billings in excess of US$31.4 billion. The network consists of more than 7,000 employees, in 116 offices across 86 countries spread throughout North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East, Africa andAsia Pacific. Each office is dedicated to forging competitive marketing advantage for businesses and their brands based on the values of speed, teamwork and provocation. Mindshare is part of GroupM, which oversees the media investment management sector for WPP, the world’s leading communications services group.

For more information, please visit: www.mindshareworld.com and follow us on WeChat: Mindshare_China



作为一个拥有全面知识和经验的团队负责人兼策略师,王开元在营销,数字媒体,传统媒体,创意内容,技术,社交和效果类媒体方面具有丰富的经验。 他是传立中国年轻的领导者,对中国数字环境和媒介趋势拥有极强的洞察力。



Carey Wang

Managing DIrector, Mindshare China

Carey Wang is an all-around team leader and strategist, delivering expertise in marketing, media, creative content, technology, social and performance. Working at Mindshare China, Carey leads some of the world’s top brands with rich insights into China’s digital landscape and trends. Carey’s clients include Yum! China, Nike, General Mills, Alibaba, OPPO, and more. Carey is responsible for developing and implementing annual plans, as well as integrating communication campaigns from ideation to execution. He has also led his clients’ digital transformation journey across online video, mobile, performance, social, eCommerce, and gaming.





联合利华(Unilever China)是世界上最大的日用消费品公司之一。我们的14个品类的400个品牌畅销全球170多个国家和地区,产品覆盖食品、家庭护理及个人护理产品。每天有20亿人在世界各地使用联合利华的产品。联合利华在华累计投资约10亿美元,并引进了100多项先进的专利技术。旗下品牌奥妙、中华、力士、旁氏、清扬、夏士莲、凌仕、立顿、家乐以及和路雪等,已成为广受喜爱的品牌。联合利华大中华区总部位于上海,并在上海成立了其全球六大研发中心之一的联合利华全球研发中心(上海)。联合利华中国直接雇佣了大约5,000多名中国员工,间接提供了20,000个就业机会。

About Unilever

Unilever is one of the world’s biggest consumer product companies. With 400 brands spanning 14 categories of home, personal care and foods products in over 170 countries, no other company touches so many people’s lives in so many different ways. On any given day, two billion people use our products. From feeding your family to keeping your home clean and fresh, our brands are part of everyday life. The breadth of Unilever’s involvement in China has added up to US$1 billion in investment, and the introduction of over 100 advanced technologies. Our brand portfolio, including OMO, Zhonghua, Lux, Pond’s, Clear, Hazeline, Lynx, Lipton, Knorr and Wall’s, is much loved and trusted by Chinese consumers. Now, Unilever has set up in Shanghai its Greater China headquarters and Unilever R&D Center Shanghai, one of its six global research centers.



刘盛雪女士于香港中文大学毕业后加入联合利华香港公司。 她在联合利华工作的这些年里,分别任职于销售,市场以及行政管理等部门。2003年,她被任命为联合利华香港分公司总经理。2008开始她同时负责中国台湾及香港的业务。2009年7月,刘盛雪女士被任命为食品品牌建设副总裁,负责中国大陆地区的食品及冰淇淋业务。最近,她被任命为电子商务及数字营销副总裁,负责北亚地区的相关业务。

Dorcas LAU

Vice President, Digital Marketing & E-commerce

Dorcas started her career in Unilever after graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Throughout her years in Unilever, she has held various positions in Customer Development, Marketing and General Management. In 2003, she was appointed as Managing Director for Unilever Hong Kong and, in 2008, she expanded her role to cover the Taiwan business as well. In July 2009, Dorcas moved to Mainland China to take up the role of Marketing Vice President for the Foods and Ice-cream business in China. Recently, she is appointed as the Vice President Digital Marketing and eCommerce for the North Asia region.






About Nielsen

Nielsen Holdings plc (NYSE: NLSN) is a global measurement and data analytics company that provides the most complete and trusted view available of consumers and markets worldwide. Our approach marries proprietary Nielsen data with other data sources to help clients around the world understand what’s happening now, what’s happening next, and how to best act on this knowledge. For more than 90 years Nielsen has provided data and analytics based on scientific rigor and innovation, continually developing new ways to answer the most important questions facing the media, advertising, retail and fast-moving consumer goods industries. An S&P 500 company, Nielsen has operations in over 100 countries, covering more than 90% of the world’s population. For more information, visit www.nielsen.com.

Justin Sargent


领导尼尔森中国的 业务运营和发展。

拥有超过二十年的全球市场和跨国公司管理经验,尤其在 为媒体和零售行业的客户提供有效的营销战略和执行方面 有着深刻而独特的见解。期间他跨领域担任了多种高层领 导职务,在所担任的—系列领导职位和专注于客户关系的 角色中,Justin都展现出卓越的领导力和超凡的客户管理 领导力。

在担任尼尔森中国区总裁职位之前,Justin曾任尼尔森太 平洋市场的首席执行官一职,在此期间成功带领团队实现 业务高速增长,并将尼尔森全球最大的合作伙伴之一雀巢 赢回尼尔森,此外,他还历任尼尔森印度的总经理、尼尔 森英国和爱尔兰的集团董事总经理、以及尼尔森悉尼零售 执行总监等职位。

Justin Sargent is the President of Nielsen China.

Having joined Nielsen in 1993, Justin has over two decades of global experience, working in various analytics and management roles across key markets.

Justin took the reins of the Nielsen Pacific business early in 2016, after relocating from Geneva where for two and a half years he was the Global Client Business Partner for one of Nielsen’s biggest global clients, Nestlé. Prior to this Justin led the Nielsen business in key roles such as Managing Director of Nielsen India, Group Managing Director of Nielsen UK and Ireland, and Retail Executive Director in Sydney.

Justin has tremendous experience advising many of the world’s leading companies on sales and marketing strategy and execution, across both media audience measurement and retail industry measurement.,






About GroupM

GroupM is the leading global media investment management company serving as the parent to WPP media agencies including Mindshare, MEC, MediaCom and Maxus, as well as the programmatic digital media platform, Xaxis, each global operations in their own right with leading market positions. GroupM’s primary purpose is to maximize the performance of WPP’s media agencies by operating as leader and collaborator in trading, content creation, sports, digital, finance, and proprietary tool development. GroupM’s focus is to deliver unrivaled marketplace advantage to its clients, stakeholders and people, and is increasingly working closely for the benefit of clients with WPP’s data investment management group, Kantar. Together GroupM and Kantar account for almost 50% of WPP’s group revenues of nearly US $19 billion.

徐俊 (Patrick Xu)



徐俊先生于2014年始任群邑中国首席执行官,负责群邑集团及旗下媒介代理公司在中国的运营、业务拓展及战略发展。 2017年5月,他获擢升兼任WPP中国首席执行官,集中统筹WPP在中国各品牌间的横向协作,确保集团更有效整合业务资源、推动合作伙伴关系的建立、满足员工需求,从而为本土及全球客户提供更优质的服务。





阳狮媒体 Publicis Media

阳狮媒体(Publicis Media)是阳狮集团旗下的四个业务模块之一。


阳狮媒体(Publicis Media)是阳狮集团旗下的四个业务模块之一。阳狮媒体拥有星传媒体(Starcom)、实力媒体(Zenith)、乐必扬(DigitasLBi)、精锐媒体(Spark Foundry)、突破传播(Blue 449)和Performics 六个全球品牌,连同数字营销优先、数据驱动的专家团队一起,为客户提供卓越价值并助其实现业务革新。通过遍布全球100多个国家和地区的23,500多名员工,阳狮媒体致力于帮助客户坐享现代媒体所带来的商机。

About Publicis Media

Publicis Media is one of the four solutions hubs of Publicis Groupe ([Euronext Paris FR0000130577, CAC 40], alongside Publicis Communications, Publicis.Sapient and Publicis Healthcare. Led by Steve King, CEO, Publicis Media is comprised of Starcom, Zenith, DigitasLBi, Spark Foundry, Blue 449 and Performics, powered by digital-first, data-driven global practices that together deliver client value and business transformation. Publicis Media is committed to helping its clients navigate the modern media landscape and is present in more than 100 countries with over 23,500 employees worldwide.





CEO of Publicis Media Greater China

Bertilla was appointed CEO for Publicis Media Greater China in 2016, setting the strategic direction for the agency focused around the convergence of data, technology and creativity. This approach has led to a number of game-changing wins to include Alibaba, DiDi Chuxing and VISA, as well as industry-first global strategic partnerships with both Tencent and Alibaba.


亿动广告传媒(Madhouse Inc.)是目前全球最大的独立移动广告平台公司。公司于2006年成立,一直专注于移动端广告的程序化解决方案,帮助客户优化移动营销的投入和扩大海外市场。 Founded in 2006, Madhouse Inc. is now the largest independent mobile ad platform company worldwide. Focused exclusively on mobile programma


亿动广告传媒(Madhouse Inc.)于2006年成立,一直专注于移动端广告的程序化解决方案,帮助客户优化移动营销的投入和扩大海外市场。

About Madhouse Inc.

Founded in 2006, Madhouse Inc. is a independent mobile ad platform company. Focused exclusively on mobile programmatic, the company aims to optimize mobile marketing investment for the clients. It not only helps brand advertisers to engage target audience, build brand awareness, enhance purchase intention and increase customer loyalty in China, but also provides solutions for mobile app marketers to acquire quality users globally. Madhouse has more than 260 employees and three offices across China.



马良骏(Joshua Maa)先生是亿动广告传媒(Madhouse Inc.)的创始人兼董事会主席。亿动广告传媒(Madhouse Inc.)是中国移动广告行业的领跑者。

马良骏(Joshua Maa)先生同时还是中国营销创新联盟(MMA China)的联合创始人、董事会成员和旗下移动广告标准与测量委员会主席,负责制定和发布移动广告标准,并促进在业界的推广和应用。

在创办亿动广告传媒(Madhouse Inc.)前,马良骏(Joshua Maa)先生曾任Tom Online 执行副总裁,主管无线业务运营及国际业务发展,成功地将Tom在线成长为中国营收最高的无线增值服务提供商。

在加入Tom在线之前,马良骏(Joshua Maa)先生创办了大中华区领先的无线音乐娱乐服务提供商滚石移动并出任创始CEO。

Joshua Maa

Founder and Chairman

Joshua Maa is the Founder and Chairman of Madhouse Inc., the mobile ad platform company since 2006. He is also the co-founder and board member of MMA China, and the Chairman of Mobile Ad Standards & Measurement Guideline Committee. He is dedicated to draft and establish mobile ad standards and guidelines and help to promote them in practice for all the participants in China market.
Before founding Madhouse, Joshua Maa was EVP at TOM Online, where he managed the Wireless Business & Operations and International Business Development teams, and helped Tom become the largest Wireless Value-Added Service Provider by revenue in China in 2005.
Before TOM Online, Joshua was the Founding CEO of Rock Mobile Corporation, Greater China’s leading Mobile Music Entertainment Service Provider.