林妤真(Annabel Lin)Google中国 销售副总裁

林妤真(Annabel Lin)

Google中国 销售副总裁

林妤真 (Annabel Lin),现任Google中国销售副总裁。林妤真拥有超过15年的数字营销经验,主要专注于数字媒体的发展和管理。林妤真的职业生涯始于数字品牌策略规划,随后担任过涵盖行销策略、业务管理、战略发展等领域的一系列职务,在担任Google中国销售副总裁之前,她在 Google 中国负责管理过多个业务团队,包括带领Google大客户部渠道及品牌团队,为国内知名的品牌客户及广告代理商提供全面的数字营销解决方案,让营收在2015年有接近三倍的年成长。也负责领导过 Google大中华区开发者的开拓以及既有开发者关系的建立和维护。通过Google的技术和广告变现解决方案,推动开发者的数字化变革;结合在大客户部渠道总经理的经验,建立Google与数字营销及移动生态系统(包含开发者及广告主)之间的良性联系。

Annabel Lin is the Director of Sales of Google China. Annabel has over 15 years of digital marketing experience, specializing in managing digital media business and operations. She started her career in digital brand strategy & planning, and developed into a series of roles that cover marketing strategy, business management, and strategic partnership development, and so on. Prior to her appointment as the Director of Sales in Google China, she led different teams within Google – she led the China agency team to provide comprehensive digital solutions to the top media agencies in China and delivered triple business growth in 2015. She also had experience in building strategic partnerships with key publishers and developers for monetization solution. Building on her previous experience with key advertisers, she continues to advocate building a healthy digital/data ecosystem in the market.


Google成立于1998年, 致力于通过创新的产品和技术为全球用户和企业服务。我们的使命是整合全球信息,使人人皆可访问并从中受益。从创立至今,Google已成长为在全球40多个国家和地区拥有70多个办公室的全球科技领导者。在中国,Google以创新的思维,前瞻的视野,不断帮助推动中国经济、文化、开发者和互联网行业的发展。


了解更多,请访问: https://www.google.com.hk/intl/zh-CN/about/

About Google China

Founded in 1998, Google focuses on providing a variety of services for people and businesses around the world. Our mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Since its inception, Google has grown to a global technology leader with more than 70 offices in more than 40 countries around the globe. In China, Google keeps contributing to China’s economy, culture, developer’s and internet industry with forward insight and innovative thinking.

In today’s globalization and digitalization process, Google helps Chinese customers achieve a win-win situation in their global and local business via solid action. Google also provides a healthy ecosystem for Chinese developers and supports them build successful businesses in every steps of innovations. Moreover, Google is a cultural contributor through supplying a platform to preserve and promote Chinese cultural and historic treasure to art-lovers globally. Google fosters moonshot thinkers by promoting innovation and entrepreneurship spirit within the China’s tech industry and strong support of programs that cultivate talented technology professionals.

郑香霖Steven Chang

Steven Chang 郑香霖



加盟腾讯前,郑香霖在亚太区包括香港、台湾和中国多地担任管理职务,并在广告媒介领域享有盛名。1995年他作为香港最年轻的媒体总监(28岁) 担任香港4A广告公司委员会主席,1996年作为实力传播中国创始人之一负责建立办公室、组建团队并且开始开发大量国际及本土大客户,覆盖快消、航空、金融以及IT等各行业知名品牌。他自2010年起任实力传播大中华区CEO,负责中国大陆、香港和台湾三地的业务,成为中国广告行业的重要领军人物。

郑香霖经常受邀在亚太区行业大会演讲,包括TED China, Campaign Media 360峰会, 尼尔森中国消费者360论坛, SNS 大会,摩根斯坦利中国峰会互联网专场等,曾多次被评为最佳演讲人。此外,他还经常在香港及中国主持瑞信互联网论坛并做演讲,兼任多个广告节包括新加坡媒体大奖评委会成员,中国ROI节评委会主席和2015 香港4A金帆奖主席。郑香霖也很乐于分享,多年来经常接受中国及国际行业媒体包括Ad Age和Campaign及财经类媒体“亚洲华尔街日报”及“中国日报”的采访。郑香霖这几年对于移动互联网的营销,创意及技术方面特别关注,也坚信这是互联网发展的一大趋势及中国互联网高速发展的一大特色。


自2004年起,郑香霖所获的广告界殊荣不胜枚举,具体包括:2014凤凰网原生营销研究院专家, 2013中国广告人物 , 2012-14成功营销中国创新营销100人,中国十大广告人物、年度十大网络营销领袖、年度传媒人物,百度特级认证特聘专家等。他带领实力传播赢得多项业内大奖:R3-CAA最佳媒介代理公司,最具投资回报媒介代理公司等,并带领公司位列2010年RECMA排名首位。

郑香霖拥有美国西北大学凯洛格商学院 – 香港科技大学联合颁发的EMBA学位。

Steven Chang


Vice President

As Corporate Vice President of Tencent, Steven is in charge of online media marketing solutions and advertising business of Online Media Group (OMG), with a special eye on the alignment of Tencent Video, Mobile, Portal and Social Advertising.

Before joining Tencent in 2014, Steven had acquired extensive experience in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China, where he was recognized as an important leader in advertising industry. In 1995, at the age of 28, he became the youngest media director in Hong Kong to be elected Chairman of the Committee for 4A Agencies. In 1996, as one of the founders of ZenithOptimedia, he played a key role in the company’s office and team setup and developed a wide array of international and local clients, including well-known brands in FMCG, Aviation, Finance, IT and other industries. In 2010, he was appointed CEO of ZenithOptimedia Greater China, responsible for company development in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Steven speaks regularly at industry conferences in the Asia region and has been selected best speaker many times at such prestigious events as TED China, Nieson Consumer 360, 360 Media Conference, SNS Conference, and the Internet Session of Morgan Stanley China Summit. In addition, he frequently hosts or speaks at the Credit Swiss Internet Sessions in Hong Kong and China, and is the judge for many ad festivals such as the Singapore Media Award, and has served as Chairman of the Judge Panel for the ROI Festival in China as well as Chairman of 2015 HK4As Kam Fan Award. Steven is also frequently interviewed by industry trade titles in China and internationally, including Ad Age and Campaign, and business titles such as the Asia Wall Street Journal and China Daily. Steven attaches importance to mobile marketing, creativity and technology in particular in recent years, and fully convinced that mobile Internet represents future trend and key characteristic of Internet development in China.

Steven is Adjunct Professor at universities in China and Hong Kong, including the Department of Marketing at Hong Kong Chinese University, and has been one of the few 4As Strategic Consultants of CCTV since 2009.

Steven has also garnered a number of advertising awards, including 2014 Marketing Influencer of ifeng.com, 2013 Ad Person, 2012-14 VMarketing China Top 100 Marketers, Top 10 Ad Persons of China, Top 10 Digital Marketers of China, Media Person of the Year, and 4As Premium Distinguished Expert of Baidu. Steven led ZenithOptimedia to become Best Agency of the Year from R3-CAA, Best Agency of the ROI Festival, and No. 1 in RECMA in 2010.

Steven holds an EMBA degree jointly issued by Kellogg-HKUST of Management, Northwestern University (ranked No.1 worldwide by the Financial Times five times) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

汪慧玲Arlene Ang

汪慧玲Arlene Ang​


大中华区副总裁 谷歌数字化营销解决方案




蔡易承Ethan Tsai

蔡易承 Ethan Tsai



蔡易承2010年联合创办精硕科技, 主要负责企业策略规划,扩建客户及合作伙伴群体,以及建立管理团队及服务标准。成功带领团队获得知名风险投资金沙江创业的融资。并在公司业务拓展方面以每年4-5倍的速度稳步增长。目前公司服务超过300家广告主,其中包括雅诗兰黛、麦当劳、一汽大众、宝洁、海尔、飞利浦和伊利。精硕科技已经发展成为国内最大的专业独立第三方全流程监测评估服务提供商。蔡易承1997年-2008年,曾在台湾、日本、韩国等地的医疗行业、金融行业、医药行业、互联网行业创业多次。随后,成功运作了商用不动产的互联网租用、买卖项目;BBS商业化运作项目;高端艺术品管理项目。专长商务模型设计、财务管理以及业务拓展。

Ethan co-founded AdMaster in 2010 and was responsible for corporate strategy, client and partnership development, management structure and service standard. Soon he led his team to acquire investment from GSR Venture. He is also improving AdMaster’s business by establishing long-term relationship with over 300 leading enterprises, such as Estée Lauder, McDonald’s, Volkswagen, P&G, Haier, Phillips and Yili, which helps AdMaster’s revenue grow by about 500% annually. Now AdMaster has become China’s largest independent 3rd party service provider for integrated ad monitoring and evaluation. From 1997 to 2008, started his own business in medical treatment, finance and internet in regions such as Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and South Korea with significant accomplishments. During his career, he accumulated rich experience in medical and beauty projects, commercial real-estate internet leasing and trade, BBS commercialization, high-end artwork management, and other market research projects. His specialties lie in business model design, financial management and business development.

陈建豪Tony Chen

陈建豪 Tony Chen






陈建豪被中国领先的财经媒体《第一财经周刊》评为2013年商业创新50人之一。作为 《中欧商业评论》的专栏撰稿人,他还致力于推广移动营销在中国的发展以及相关业内标准的制订。


在加入电通安吉斯集团之前,他供职于谷歌中国,担任中国区副总裁。陈建豪曾任职于戴尔中国直销总经理、eBay 大中华区市场部副总裁和雅虎中国运营副总裁。

陈建豪毕业于纽约大学,获传播学硕士学位。同时他还获得复旦大学 EMBA 高级工商管理硕士学位。

Tony Chen

CEO of iProspect China,

CEO of Digital Performance Brands North Asia

Chief Innovation Officer of DAN China

Tony is one of the most sought-after speakers on the topic of digital marketing in

China. In addition to delivering keynotes at nearly all major China digital events,

Tony has addressed international audiences at Cannes Lions and Spikes Asia.

Tony, who was named as one of the top 50 Business Innovators in 2013 by CBN

Weekly. He also authored a regular column for CEIBS Business Review

on digital marketing in China.

No stranger to innovation, Tony has 20 years of rich experience in digital innovation, media, commercial and operations on both client and agency sides. This invaluable knowledge will be leveraged in his role as Chief Innovation Officer of DAN China to drive innovation across the group as he works in conjunction with senior management to identify future opportunities in key areas such as data, content, O2O, e-commerce and consumer-centric technologies, etc.

Tony joins DAN from Google China where he was Chief Digital Evangelist in China. Before that, he was General Manager for Dell direct business in Greater China; Marketing VP for eBay China and VP of Operations for Yahoo! China.

Tony has a master’s degree in Communications from New York University and an

EMBA degree from Fudan University.

李桂芬KF Lee

李桂芬 KF Lee




