



上海源慧信息Esmartwave是一家聚焦“新零售、新渠道、新电商”, 为品牌客户提供全链路一站式数字化营销技术解决方案的创新型企业。

公司主营业务起步于2014年,生意发展迅速,六年时间增长超两百倍,远超行业平均水平。2017年挂牌新三板并在2019年完成A/B轮融资。 现已成长为快消新零售领域的龙头企业,服务全球及国内知名的快消和互联网品牌超过五十家,每年服务超过5亿消费者,与阿里/腾讯/京东/亚马逊等互联网行业巨头建立了稳固的战略合作伙伴关系。

公司主营业务包括品牌线下营销场景的数字化实现、品牌营销中台、品牌私域流量(含电商)运营等一系列全渠道全场景创新数字化营销新解决方案和技术服务。商业及技术核心团队均来自世界五百强快消品牌和知名互联网企业, 对品牌客户的痛点有非常清晰的洞察。公司总部坐标上海, 北京广州均设有分公司,员工总数超两百人, 其中技术人员超过百人。期待我们的创新服务能够为整个快消行业带来更多的价值。

Company profile:

Esmartwave is an innovative enterprise to provide one-stop marketing digitalization solutions and technical services, focusing on “new retail, new channel, new commerce“.

Main business of the company started in 2014, and its business has developed rapidly with >200 times vs. 1st year in last six years, far exceeding the average in the industry. It was listed NEEQ in 2017 and finished B round VC investment in 2019. Now, Esmartwave has been growing up as a leading company in FMCG new retail, serving >top 50 well-known brands. Via our service and technology, we reach >500 million consumers each year, and build strong strategic partnership with Internet giants such as Ali / Tencent / JD/ Amazon.

Our main business includes O2O digitization, data hub management, brand-owned traffic operation, data-driven precision marketing etc. Both business and technical teams are all from Top FMGM companies and famous Internet companies, with full experience and understanding on brands.

The Headquarter is located in Shanghai and we have branch offices in Beijing and Guangzhou. The total number of employees is more than 200, and technical team is more than 100 persons. We expect our innovative service can create more value for the whole industry.