


更多内容请登录活动页面 MMA 无线营销论坛 2014 上海 & The Smarties™ 2014 中国无线营销大奖 “MMA 论坛系列”从2005年开始每年在纽约、伦敦、新加坡、洛杉矶、迈阿密、西班牙、印度、越南、巴西等地举办,是聚集全球无线广告精英和高层决策者的顶级盛会。作为“MMA 论坛系列”的一部分,由MMA中国营销创新联盟主办的“MMA中国无线营销论坛”在过去两年分别获得超过600及800位来宾的参与。MMA无线营销论坛中国系列,遴选最强大的演讲嘉宾阵容,精选最具价值的演讲内容,是中国无线营销行业最高品质的盛会。 The SmartiesTM品牌商标由全球著名的“MMA无线营销联盟”拥有,是世界上唯一一个表彰无线营销创新和发展的全球性奖项。自2005年开始,The SmartiesTM无线营销大奖评选活动每年在全世界各地方国家进行初选,经过北美洲、拉丁美洲、亚洲、欧洲、非洲区域性中选后,聚集美国纽约庆祝无线营销全球大奖的诞生。The SmartiesTM China中国无线营销大奖,是“MMA无线营销联盟”落地中国后举办的评奖活动,联盟希望通过此奖项将中国的优秀无线营销案例和制作介绍给全世界,已成功举办两届。 MMA China 2014 Forum and Smarties Awards Ceremony will be held on 14th Augest. 2014 in Shanghai. The events provide a unique opportunity for sponsors to target a highly focused audience – intent to learn more about mobile marketing and media. The sponsorship introduction and quotation see attached.”Over the past few years the MMA Forum has established itself as the premier event for marketers in Asia who want to fully embrace, utilize and execute marketing campaigns that truly allow them to meet and exceed their marketing objectives. As mobile devices continue to evolve with new and powerful technologies there are new and exciting opportunities for marketers to disrupt the traditional approaches to marketing and hence we have themed this year’s event as ‘Deconstructing Mobile.’With representation from across the mobile marketing landscape, including senior marketing executives of major brands, mobile specific and traditional agencies, operators, technology enablers and others, this event is the place to be understand best practices in mobile marketing, connecting and learning from experts and peers in the industry and hear first-hand future opportunities for marketing using the mobile media channel.” The Smarties China Awards program aims to recognize innovation, creativity and leadership in mobile marketing campaigns implemented in China.