Sizmek,前身为Eyeblaster和MediaMind ,是全球最大的独立第三方广告投放公司,与全球3,400家广告代理公司,超过17,000个广告主和22,000个网站出版商合作,在全球超过70个国家进行广告投放。
Sizmek,前身为Eyeblaster和MediaMind ,是全球最大的独立第三方广告投放公司,与全球3,600家广告代理公司,超过20,000个广告主和22,000个网站出版商合作,在全球超过70个国家进行广告投放。
作为一个开放的广告管理公司,Sizmek通过广告投放技术为中国的在线广告主,代理公司及媒体提供程序化解决方案,Peer39驱动的广告验证服务,动态创意优化解决方案及跨屏或多渠道数据及归因分析服务。Sizmek在2017年成功收购了Rocket Fuel,Rocket Fuel是一家在世界上拥有领先AI技术的DSP公司。
About Sizmek
Sizmek, formerly known as Eyeblaster and MediaMind, is the world’s largest independent third party ad server working with over 3,600 agencies, over 20,000 brand advertisers and 22,000 global web publishers, serving ads in 70 countries.
An Open Ad Management company, Sizmek gives online advertisers, agencies and publishers in China full end-to-end capabilities in the areas of programmatic solutions, verification powered by Peer39, dynamic creative optimizations, data & attribution services across multiple devices/channels and enabled via ad serving technology. Sizmek acquired Rocket Fuel successfully in 2017. Rocket Fuel is one of the leading DSP in the world using AI for improved performances.
With more than 10 years of China experience and a global network, marketers & partners have in the past and continue to benefit from best-in-class online advertising tools, technology and strategic guidance as Sizmek continues to evolve in an ever-changing China digital landscape.

Managing Director,Sizmek China
Kelvin is a veteran in the advertising business in China.
Kelvin has tremendous experiences managing advertising, media and TV/Film production business in China. He had worked for Leo Burnett, one of the leading global advertising agencies, for over 10 years and held the titles of Managing Directors for Hong Kong and Beijing before he left. He was also the CEO of Xintong Media of the HK New World group. He has a great track record of building business from scratch and developing both multinational and domestic customers.
As for the advertising technology industry, he worked for DoubleClick Media as Country Manager in the past and very recently as Managing Director for Criteo in China. He has developed a very deep insight in this innovative and exciting industry.
Kelvin earned his MBA degree in the University of Warwick, UK.