The Trade Desk
萃弈 (The Trade Desk™) 是一家为买方提供全渠道程序化 (Programmatic) 广告购买服务的广告技术公司。
萃弈 (The Trade Desk™) 是一家为买方提供全渠道程序化 (Programmatic) 广告购买服务的广告技术公司。广告买家可通过萃弈 (The Trade Desk™) 的云端平台,建立、管理和优化数字广告活动,涵盖多种广告形式,以及不同终端。
企业合作伙伴也能够通过应用程序页面 (Application Programming Interface, API) 开发定制化功能。
萃弈 (The Trade Desk™) 于2009年创立,2016年于美国纳斯达克股票交易所上市 (NASDAQ: TTD),总部位于美国加州,并在北美、欧洲和亚太区设有办公室。
目前,萃弈 (The Trade Desk™) 与中国领先的媒体平台建立合作伙伴关系,为全球品牌营销商提供接触中国受众的最佳方法。
The Trade Desk™ is a technology company that empowers buyers of advertising. Through its self-service, cloud-based platform, ad buyers can create, manage, and optimize digital advertising campaigns across ad formats and devices.
Integrations with major data and inventory partners ensure maximum reach and decisioning capabilities, and enterprise APIs enable custom development on top of the platform.
The Trade Desk (NASDAQ: TTD) was founded in 2009 and launched its IPO in the NASDAQ stock market in 2016. Headquartered in Ventura, CA, The Trade Desk has offices across North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.
The Trade Desk has signed partnerships with key Chinese media parties, offering global brand marketer access to Chinese audience.

温道明(Lawrence Wan)
现任The Trade Desk 中国区总经理,负责The Trade Desk 在中国市场的业务拓展、战略制定、客户关系及行业合作。
Lawrence是数字媒体及营销领域的领袖人物,拥有超过20年的行业经验和丰富的领导经历,长期致力于持续推动数字媒体转型创新。在加入 The Trade Desk 前,他曾担任IPG盟博(IPG Mediabrands)旗下UM优盟(Universal McCann)中国区首席执行官。他亦曾任电通国际(Dentsu International)中国区英特尔团队董事总经理兼整合方案与增长负责人、电通安吉斯集团(Dentsu Aegis Network)旗下安纳特(AMNET)和安布思沛(iProspect)中国区董事总经理。